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the most characteristic "knightly" unit


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I suppose it depends. I'd say our EC model is the most knightly unmodified sculpt. I'd also say our crusader squads are the most knightly in terms of rules and fluff.


The opposite..? Good question. Maybe our tech priests.

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Most knightly is easily Terminators. Ideally Assault Terminators with Stormshields.

Vanguard Veterans with Stormshield and a melee weapon of your choice work too I guess. Bikes unfortunately not so much since they are more ranged skirmisher which isn't a role for knights.



Least knightly is obviously something sneaky like Scouts or Reivers or such.

Edited by Panzer
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As far as Primaris, go for the Wake the Dead Lieutenant - he's basically got the Emperor's Champion pose. You can make a good knightly unit by giving Reivers unpowered broadswords of some kind and playing them up more like the unsneaky assault units they should be - like my chainsword Reivers for my Wolves, but with English broadswords instead. Like other people have said, the melee Elites options are good for this. As far as opposite, Eliminators, Infiltrators, Incursors and Suppressors come to mind.

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Bikes unfortunately not so much since they are more ranged skirmisher which isn't a role for knights.

-laughs in Cavalier-


Oh wait, this is for Codex Marines, whoops. Dark Angels are the only ones with actual Knights as they should be. Which is heavy cavalry, which is the purview of the Ravenwing Black Knights.


But yeah, any of the melee units are quite Knightly. I could also see Reivers being knightly with the right theming, yes.


As far as Primaris, go for the Wake the Dead Lieutenant - he's basically got the Emperor's Champion pose. You can make a good knightly unit by giving Reivers unpowered broadswords of some kind and playing them up more like the unsneaky assault units they should be - like my chainsword Reivers for my Wolves, but with English broadswords instead. Like other people have said, the melee Elites options are good for this. As far as opposite, Eliminators, Infiltrators, Incursors and Suppressors come to mind.

Honestly in agreement. The Wake the Dead Lieutenant is probably my favorite Primaris Lieutenant they've made, and that's including Zachariah. His pose is just brilliant.


Edited by Gederas
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