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Dark Imperium set for IF?

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hey everybody.

so, a little question: If i wanted to create an Imperial Fist army, would the dark imperium box set be good?


here's some context: i have a pretty large but very old black templars army, many of the models unpainted but many in bad condition(10-15 years ). so i was thinking, what if i made an Imperial Fist army and slowly work towards Primaris-ing them .

from my old force, i have in perfect-but-unpainted condition one ironclad dreadnought with hurricane bolters/heavy flamerchain, some assault terminators, one tactical squad with plasmagun, three marines with powerswords, and one bolter/powersword metal character.


so if i got the dark imperium box set, i could actualy have at least a battalion+extras worth of imperial fists ready, question is, are the models any good for imperial fists on the tabletop? for example, the intercessors have bolt rifles, not the other options, and the inceptors have no plasma. never used them, so i defer to you guys.

Edited by MarshalMittermeier
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It's a good box because bolter Inceptors are pretty nice for Fists, the Hellblasters are meh, but you can run em as the heavy one for the Doctrine bonus, I guess.  The Gravis Captain is very good and you can make him damn near invincible with the right warlord trait and relic combo

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Alongside what others have been saying inceptors with the assault Bolters are actually really good, especially if you max out the squad size.


Our basic chapter tactic for exploding 6’s are extra hits will mulch hordes and Primaris marines. Very effective!

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