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IF you could create a new Black Templar Primaris unit - how would they look like? What rules should they have?


My favourite would be a Primaris Intercessor Crusadersquad with same Options like a Intercessor Squad except an additional Option for a powerweapon/powerfist/thunderhammer.


And Primaris Company veterans with stormshields and powerweapons/Fists/hammer. For BT the the sword brethren keyword.

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My suggestion: Arm the Primaris Black Templars with two-handed versions of the Custodes' sentinel blades, chambered for bolt rifle ammunition. That should let the Templars devastate enemies in close combat (two-handed weapons granting Strength x2) AND at range.


A possible alternate weapon would be "bright hammers"- thunder hammers with integral las-talons, the las-talon barrel serving as the hammer's haft. In my opinion, the las-talon (halving a lascannon's range in order to double its rate-of-fire) is pointless as a vehicle-mounted weapon, as vehicles should easily bear a twin lascannon; but it may be worthwhile as an infantry weapon. The "bright hammer" would be a one-handed weapon, allowing its wielder to carry a storm shield in his free hand. Again, this is meant to allow the Primaris Black Templar to devastate enemies in close combat AND at range.

Edited by Bjorn Firewalker
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this is very difficult. in many ways, the Primaris represent GW's decision to move away from the idea of "gothic space knight" and into "proper supersoldier"* with emphasis on shooting. a great example of this is the inceptor squad, replacing assault squads but being VERY much a shooty option.


*(note that ever since Guilliman's return, despite the hardships/cosmic events, the Imperium as a whole is presented  MUCH less grimdark that older days... and this has to do with their "fresh new toys/progress in the imperium!" idea)


so the idea of Primaris with multiple cc weapons... just doesn't sound like something GW would do. what i would like is a Primaris Emperor's Champion of course.


another idea for a Black Templars specific unit that would be fun AND not stray from GW's ideas: Steed-Pattern Repulsor. special Repulsor with reduced Firepower (total weapons: Heavy Onslaught gattling cannon, twin lascannon, 3 x fragstorm grenade launchers, so several reductions) BUT it can transport not 10 but 12 models, allowing for a cc beast character to accompany a normal troops allotment of primaris.

Edited by MarshalMittermeier
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another idea for a Black Templars specific unit that would be fun AND not stray from GW's ideas: Steed-Pattern Repulsor. special Repulsor with reduced Firepower (total weapons: Heavy Onslaught gattling cannon, twin lascannon, 3 x fragstorm grenade launchers, so several reductions) BUT it can transport not 10 but 12 models, allowing for a cc beast character to accompany a normal troops allotment of primaris.

How about reorienting the Repulsor so the main turret is moved towards the stern (necessitating the stern door's removal), while an assault ramp is at the bow (necessitating the bow-mounted twin heavy bolters' removal)? That way, the Repulsor's passengers can charge forth from the front, the way they would from a Land Raider.


Others have also proposed a "Repulsor Crusader," i.e., those mounting hurricane bolters. A "hurricane bolt rifle," chambered for bolt rifle ammunition (greater range and armor-piercing capability), may be worth taking the time to write custom profiles for, and sacrificing the Repulsor's side doors (and the weapons mounted above them) to make room for the "hurricane bolt rifles."

Edited by Bjorn Firewalker
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Primaris Crusader squads that can toss  1-2 hell blasters or 1-2 additional additional close combat weapons (  power sword , power fist , chainsword , thunder hammer )  can still be the target of veteran intercessors so they can get that sweet extra attack. 

A Knightly Gravis Unit with Greatswords and  Stormshields  so T5 3++  Greatswords are -4   
Unit size is 3 
Innate Deep Strike on these guys 

Repulsor Crusader  however you wanna do it 

Primaris Emperors Champion. 

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another idea for a Black Templars specific unit that would be fun AND not stray from GW's ideas: Steed-Pattern Repulsor. special Repulsor with reduced Firepower (total weapons: Heavy Onslaught gattling cannon, twin lascannon, 3 x fragstorm grenade launchers, so several reductions) BUT it can transport not 10 but 12 models, allowing for a cc beast character to accompany a normal troops allotment of primaris.

How about reorienting the Repulsor so the main turret is moved towards the stern (necessitating the stern door's removal), while an assault ramp is at the bow (necessitating the bow-mounted twin heavy bolters' removal)? That way, the Repulsor's passengers can charge forth from the front, the way they would from a Land Raider.


Others have also proposed a "Repulsor Crusader," i.e., those mounting hurricane bolters. A "hurricane bolt rifle," chambered for bolt rifle ammunition (greater range and armor-piercing capability) may be worth taking the time to write custom profiles for, and sacrificing the Repulsor's side doors (and the weapons mounted above them) to make room for the "hurrican bolt rifles."


Crusader Repulsor with 4++ and 2 extra hurricane bolters. 12 as capacity.

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A toughness  8 vehicle with a 4++  and a ton of anti horde firepower is going to come in very heavy on points  and probably still get zeroed off the board in a single turn considering its only gonna have but so many wounds , certainly less than  a knight. 

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Pipe dream:

Definitely a repulsor crusader, a twin assault cannon, twin multi meltas and 12-13 capacity for slight reduction in points over the regular repulsor.


Somewhat plausible:

Primaris crusader squads, can include 1 hellblaster or 1 intercessor with cc weapon, upscaled scouts for primaris neophytes.


What we will most likely get:

Primaris emperor's Champion, but he will be available to everyone else as a regular champion.


Honestly just giving reivers -1 ap on their combat knives would be enough for me, they don't need to make a whole new unit so much as specialize units for certain chapters

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Sword brethren. A veteran unit that wears tacticus armor, has access to power swords, chainswords, other power weapons, in conjunction with all types of bolt rifles or pistols. Comes with a kit with capes, tabards the works.


That's what I want anyway.

and stormshields !!! Real Knights

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I already have a name, statline, ability, and custom weapons planned out:


Primaris Gladiators, Gladiator Sergeant


Standard Tacticus Primaris armor statline- T4, S4, M6'', 2 wounds, main difference is 3 attacks base. 


Loadout 1 (because it has to be a dual kit right?): 

Plasma Gladius + Combat Shield- 

Plasma Gladius Base stats: S6, AP -3, D1

Overcharge stats: S7, AP -3, D2 user takes a mortal wound on a hit roll of 1


Loadout 2:

Plasma Glaive 

Plasma Glaive Base Stats: S7, AP-4, D1

Overcharge stats: S8, AP-4, D2 user takes a mortal wound on a hit roll of 1


Ability: Gravpulsor pack

Unit has a single use propulsion system built into their generator packs. This allows the unit to charge an enemy up to 18'' away, and roll 3d6 for that charge once per game. 

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I already have a name, statline, ability, and custom weapons planned out:


Primaris Gladiators, Gladiator Sergeant


Standard Tacticus Primaris armor statline- T4, S4, M6'', 2 wounds, main difference is 3 attacks base.

Good ideas!

Loadout 1 (because it has to be a dual kit right?):

Plasma Gladius + Combat Shield-

Plasma Gladius Base stats: S6, AP -3, D1

You mean "S +2," i.e., it's a melee weapon that adds 2 to the user's Strength characteristic?

Overcharge stats: S7, AP -3, D2 user takes a mortal wound on a hit roll of 1


Loadout 2:

Plasma Glaive

Plasma Glaive Base Stats: S7, AP-4, D1

Overcharge stats: S8, AP-4, D2 user takes a mortal wound on a hit roll of 1

Can these plasma weapons be used at range, like the lightsaber pistol in Star Wars Rebels? Or are they limited to Close Combat only? If the latter, you should also equip the Gladiators with ranged weapons, so they may provide their own suppressive fire against enemies too cowardly to cross swords with a Templar.

Ability: Gravpulsor pack

Unit has a single use propulsion system built into their generator packs. This allows the unit to charge an enemy up to 18'' away, and roll 3d6 for that charge once per game.

This is a very Templar-ish addition. Sigismund surely approves.
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IF you could create a new Black Templar Primaris unit - how would they look like? What rules should they have?


My favourite would be a Primaris Intercessor Crusadersquad with same Options like a Intercessor Squad except an additional Option for a powerweapon/powerfist/thunderhammer.


And Primaris Company veterans with stormshields and powerweapons/Fists/hammer. For BT the the sword brethren keyword.

I forgot to say that this Primaris Intercessor Crusadersquad could have chainswords and heavy Boltpistols instead of the normal Boltweapon.

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I'd be happy with literally just Victrix Honour Guard with the keywords swapped around, haha. Primaris models with swords and shields and the bodyguard rule. Why is this an Ultramarine-only thing?

This will quickly give us models that are usable in-game.

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In terms of models, I'd love a Sword Brethren unit all armed with two-handed weapons, like Thunder Hammers, Relic Blades and Eviscerators. (maybe throw in some Heavy Bolt Pistols for the AP and a Combat Shield each for the Invulnerable Save) I think there's potential for some great poses, and they'd make an awesome bodyguard for a character. 


In terms of rules, I'd like to see units dedicated to siege warfare (the up close and personal kind) and witch-hunting. To that end an Assault-y Inceptor variant would be cool. I'd also like to see something like Aggressors in Gravis armour, but with the anti-tank and anti-infantry roles of their weapons swapped, so they'd be packing Meltaguns and Grav Guns, with Lighting Claws for infantry, and perhaps a special rule giving bonuses in Assault instead of shooting. Intercessors with Bolt Assault Rifles and Siege Mantlets to help them survive a hailstorm of fire from entrenched enemies would be great. Another idea I had was a vehicle upgrade that would buff Advance rolls, like allowing re-rolls if the unit started their movement phase within a certain range of the vehicle, so that the vehicles would increase the mobility of units outside of themselves too. A Gravis Chaplain with a Null Rod integrated into their Crozius Arcanum for bonus damage against Psykers would be nice and thematic.


As much fun as it is to wishlist ultra-choppy melee deathstars, I think Primaris already dish plenty out in Assault, and the odd Power Sword on a sergeant, in a well-rounded list, should be all we need to feel Templar-ish on the table. Nowadays "our thing" seems to be getting into Assault reliably and controlling when this happens so that it's on our terms, and I would ideally like to see new units that synergise with that, rather than trying to make something that's hyper-killy when it gets there, since you'll rarely need more than one or two such units in a game, and Primaris armies are already quite elite anyway. 

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I already have a name, statline, ability, and custom weapons planned out:


Primaris Gladiators, Gladiator Sergeant


Standard Tacticus Primaris armor statline- T4, S4, M6'', 2 wounds, main difference is 3 attacks base.

Good ideas!

Loadout 1 (because it has to be a dual kit right?):

Plasma Gladius + Combat Shield-

Plasma Gladius Base stats: S6, AP -3, D1

You mean "S +2," i.e., it's a melee weapon that adds 2 to the user's Strength characteristic?

Overcharge stats: S7, AP -3, D2 user takes a mortal wound on a hit roll of 1


Loadout 2:

Plasma Glaive

Plasma Glaive Base Stats: S7, AP-4, D1

Overcharge stats: S8, AP-4, D2 user takes a mortal wound on a hit roll of 1

Can these plasma weapons be used at range, like the lightsaber pistol in Star Wars Rebels? Or are they limited to Close Combat only? If the latter, you should also equip the Gladiators with ranged weapons, so they may provide their own suppressive fire against enemies too cowardly to cross swords with a Templar.

Ability: Gravpulsor pack

Unit has a single use propulsion system built into their generator packs. This allows the unit to charge an enemy up to 18'' away, and roll 3d6 for that charge once per game.

This is a very Templar-ish addition. Sigismund surely approves.



Thank you! 


These are melee only weapons, melee only units. They do technically have grenades as a ranged weapon, but I mainly see these guys as a unit to blitz out of a repulsor or impulsor. Similarly to how crusaders and terminators blitz out of land raiders. Only these guys have those single use grav packs to shoot them forward. Covering fire can come from the transport or other units. 


Also, thank you as well Medj, I knew you would be happy with nothing less than a swift kick in the rear XD hahaha. 

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Guest Triszin

IF you could create a new Black Templar Primaris unit - how would they look like? What rules should they have?


My favourite would be a Primaris Intercessor Crusadersquad with same Options like a Intercessor Squad except an additional Option for a powerweapon/powerfist/thunderhammer.


And Primaris Company veterans with stormshields and powerweapons/Fists/hammer. For BT the the sword brethren keyword.


Tacticus armor

Great Chainsword

- STR +3 ap-4 D2, +1 additional attack in the fight phase when you fight with this weapon., +1 atk on the charge.

Repulsor Shield

- +1 T, + on a charge roll of 5+ do 1 mortal wound.

Edited by Triszin
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IF you could create a new Black Templar Primaris unit - how would they look like? What rules should they have?


My favourite would be a Primaris Intercessor Crusadersquad with same Options like a Intercessor Squad except an additional Option for a powerweapon/powerfist/thunderhammer.


And Primaris Company veterans with stormshields and powerweapons/Fists/hammer. For BT the the sword brethren keyword.


Tacticus armor

Great Chainsword

- STR +3 ap-4 D2, +1 additional attack in the fight phase when you fight with this weapon., +1 atk on the charge.

Repulsor Shield

- +1 T, + on a charge roll of 5+ do 1 mortal wound.


for me that sounds more like the guys from Fenris^^

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Guest Triszin

its essentially the great frost axe from wulfen, but given a repulsor shield in conjunction.

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While I would love to see Deathwing specialiced Primaris, a Primaris Sanguin Guard and of course a special Primaris unit for your Fenris Marines this is about a Black Templar Knight`ish Primaris unit

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Medj... maybe if you removed the stick you might be able to pull a half baked idea from your rear my dude. I mean really, all you've done is tell people that their ideas don't fit your vision, or aren't appropriate. Come on now. 

Edited by SydonianDragoon404
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