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the big "IF"

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Medj... maybe if you removed the stick you might be able to pull a half baked idea from your rear my dude. I mean really, all you've done is tell people that their ideas don't fit your vision, or aren't appropriate. Come on now. 

maybe. For myself Black Templars always used to be the 40k-Marines mirror of the Bretonnia in WHF.

I know that they have been still Astartes all the time.


Everything what I want to say is just my opinion and I am not the guy who say that your look on our beloved chapter is wrong. If you read it so then sorry - that was not my attention.

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Just calling them a mirror of Bretonnians is a really reductive comparison, you could say the same of Imperial Knights, and at least there the colour schemes are closer. Not that I find it a helpful starting point in any event. Bretonnians are based on a mythical form of medieval knight, a la Camelot and all that jazz. Black Templars are more grounded in reality.


For me, a Primaris unit in the future is unlikely to be chapter specific. GW don't currently seem to be making anything which is dedicated to any particular chapter outside characters. (Look at that "Space Wolf" box set that just came out!)


What I hope for is some form of breacher squad. Shields, some form of melee weapon, and maybe a kick ass pistol locked into the shield. Throw on some upgrade kit bling and it will rock.

Edited by Brother Adelard
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