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The Unofficial LPC-BA Outpost (event support)


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sml_gallery_62972_10568_1098.jpg Introduction

Given the current state of things irl this year's E Tenebrae Lux VIII event - the B&C's premier painting event of which we are former winners - has been postponed and whether or not it goes ahead will be reviewed towards the end of August. In it's stead, the LPC event - another of which we are former winners - has been thawed from stasis, revived, and re-branded as the Lock-down Painting Challenge, with the announcement found here.

The event thread is here

This thread is for the build up period and for support of those pledged the to BA Faction during the event.

sml_gallery_62972_10568_1098.jpg Information

The following has been copied from the event thread:

WHAT: The Challenge is simple, complete one model in three months. The model must be fully painted and based to your own standard. Feel free to pledge and complete more, but once you have completed the Challenge's single model, it is secure and cannot be lost. Your starting model may be assembled, and may have a maximum of a single base colour applied.

WHEN: The event will run May 15th through August 15th 2020.

WHERE: The Event will be run from the WIP Forum in The Forge, and will have one central thread for all Forums to declare their Vows and Completions.

HOW: Make your vow in the format (or any creative variant) provided below.


"I, {Insert name here}, vow to complete {at least 1 model of your choice here} for the Glory of the {Insert your Forum of Choice} on or by the 15th of August 2020, or bare the Badge of Shame until year's end"

You will also need to provide a minimum of a starting picture with your Vow post, and a completion picture with your Completion post.

*IMPORTANT* The Forum / Faction you choose DOES NOT limit which model/s you can paint. You may paint any model you wish and allocate your Pearl to whichever Forum / Faction you wish.

sml_gallery_62972_10568_1098.jpg Rewards

Completing the Challenge will earn one pearl for your Forum. Unlike the ETL where points play a big role in the Event, points have no role here, the only thing that counts here is Participants and Completions.

There are three Tiers of Completion Gold, Silver, and Bronze. Gold will be awarded for completing the Challenge on of before the 15th of June, Silver for the 15th of July, and Bronze for anytime before the last day of the Event. These tiers will only affect the Completion Badge you earn, and not the outcome of the event.

The Forums and Factions will be divided along the same lines of the ETL, with the addition of the Other Games Faction

sml_gallery_62972_10568_1098.jpg A few words from our sponsor...

  • This thread is for us and in no way official. So please (cross)post all your stuff here and show off your WIPs! All official stuff will have links
  • Will be updating the OP as we go along
  • With the events being similar to a point, your starting point should be the same as an ETL entry (so undercoated). If in doubt, send Grotsmasha a PM and/or ask on the official threads
  • ETL VIII has been postponed, not cancelled. Which means it may appear later this year so don't go nuts for this event. It is a casual event that requires one model of your choice. It's all about LPC Faction participants/pledges
  • If you are also doing the 12 Month Challenge, tier gold completions will give bonus Command Points for moving around the map if also pledged there. This may require some balancing as they need to be completed by the 15th June...
  • Paint whatever you want and have fun :smile.:
  • Have fun :smile.:
  • ... and have fun :smile.:
Edited by Jolemai
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I'm currently undecided. It will either be one model (character/Scout Sergeant) or five Terminators (if I get them magentised in time).

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I will be painting Death Company Tycho but I will try to give it a different paint scheme..




Of course, the regular DC stuff like red stripes etc, and the head will not be a helmet but this is the best I can do with the site's painter..


Good idea?  Bad idea?  You tell me.  The model is primed black.

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I will be pledging the dead-Terminator-on-the-throne marker from Space Hulk. Planning to paint it in the Angels Sanguine colour scheme.

@appiah - not canon definitely but I like the idea. Perhaps he was thrashing too much and it was not possible to paint his armour completely black before sending him off against hive Tempestora.

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I will be pledging the dead-Terminator-on-the-throne marker from Space Hulk. Planning to paint it in the Angels Sanguine colour scheme.

@appiah - not canon definitely but I like the idea. Perhaps he was thrashing too much and it was not possible to paint his armour completely black before sending him off against hive Tempestora.

It's actually because my counts as Tycho is painted in a similar manner:


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I will be painting Death Company Tycho but I will try to give it a different paint scheme..




Of course, the regular DC stuff like red stripes etc, and the head will not be a helmet but this is the best I can do with the site's painter..


Good idea? Bad idea? You tell me. The model is primed black.

Go for it :tu:


Fwiw my Smash Captain is black on the front and gold on the back as I tried to show 1) the transition between the two (I have gold Captians) and 2) that there's often not enough time for a Marine to paint his armour black (older fluff).

I will be pledging the dead-Terminator-on-the-throne marker from Space Hulk. Planning to paint it in the Angels Sanguine colour scheme.

Nice idea to paint it different from your BA force

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I plan on doing primaris Mephiston for this. 


I may try to fit other stuff in as well, but he will be the primary and making sure he gets done. 


This is a great idea! 

I will be pledging the dead-Terminator-on-the-throne marker from Space Hulk. Planning to paint it in the Angels Sanguine colour scheme.


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Since the festival summer is dead this year and I won't be having any exams or similar anymore, I think I'll join with a Primaris Librarian as well. Still got the one from Conquest packaged and there are a few things I wanted to try out with that model.

Perhaps a DC Intercessor and/or an Aggressor too if I get it done in time (for once it's nice to suck at finishing whole units, gives me some options :D )

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It will be a primaris librarian for me.

That's a lovely model. Will you be altering him in any way?

Only some colour alterations, not body. The outer robe will have a dark red tone like merchrite red. The inner robe will have a beige like tone. Armour is blue.

In the past all my librarians had yellow loincloths but I think now with primaris it's time for beige-ochre.


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It will be a primaris librarian for me.

That's a lovely model. Will you be altering him in any way?

Only some colour alterations, not body. The outer robe will have a dark red tone like merchrite red. The inner robe will have a beige like tone. Armour is blue.

In the past all my librarians had yellow loincloths but I think now with primaris it's time for beige-ochre.


Nice collection! I used to go with yellow loincloth/robes as well for Librarians. :)

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A few are jumping the gun in the NR&A, but the event doesn't kick off until Grotsmasha creates the main thread over in the WIP Forum :)

It will be a primaris librarian for me.

Looking forward to it, especially as he'll fit in with your current batch :)

Since the festival summer is dead this year and I won't be having any exams or similar anymore, I think I'll join with a Primaris Librarian as well. Still got the one from Conquest packaged and there are a few things I wanted to try out with that model.

Perhaps a DC Intercessor and/or an Aggressor too if I get it done in time (for once it's nice to suck at finishing whole units, gives me some options :D )

Are you thinking of tweaking the model or your scheme?

Count me in, I need to get my Primaris Mephiston done (he's only sprayed at the moment) and this looks like the perfect opportunity to get myself in gear!

I think you're absolutely right; it's the perfect opportunity for a lone character completion :)

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Since the festival summer is dead this year and I won't be having any exams or similar anymore, I think I'll join with a Primaris Librarian as well. Still got the one from Conquest packaged and there are a few things I wanted to try out with that model.

Perhaps a DC Intercessor and/or an Aggressor too if I get it done in time (for once it's nice to suck at finishing whole units, gives me some options :biggrin.: )

Are you thinking of tweaking the model or your scheme?



Some few other bitz like a headswap etc and hopefully the cloak a bit more fancy than usual but nothing too out there. My chapter follows the regular heraldry for Librarians so he won't look very special in that regard I fear. ^^

Edited by Panzer
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It will be a primaris librarian for me.

That's a lovely model. Will you be altering him in any way?

Only some colour alterations, not body. The outer robe will have a dark red tone like merchrite red. The inner robe will have a beige like tone. Armour is blue.

In the past all my librarians had yellow loincloths but I think now with primaris it's time for beige-ochre.


The oldhammer is strong with this one..

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