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Lions Fists...wip

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Howdy friends... Been a minute and I'm ready to reengage with my Heresy fists.

I've taken the last few months to explore the world of scale models, revisited my FoW armies, sold my solar aux cohort and been working on my M35 guard.

Now, it's time to paint moar YELLOW



I've been sitting on these bits and finally got around to building up a chicken Walker deredero... Lovely and easy conversion thanks to the plans found on these boards

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JAH! Blessings and Praises to see your work again.


Where did the Those muzzle breaks come from on The Dred’s cannons? Is that a part of the FW kit??


Love the weathered look of the Termite and the Dred is gonna look sweet !

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Yes I, greetings bredren Yousef

The barrels and.muzzle brakes came free with a purchase from Blood n skulls many moons ago.

Many thanks for your kind words

Here's a few other WiPs


Love Apologists works... He's inspired my works in many ways


Here's the biggest Fist of them all!!


Wearing yellow cause I don't feel like D is all ostentatious and would prefer the pragmatic approach to leading troops

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nice and niiiice! I’d say more bourbon helps if anything, so never skimp on it.


Looking the marine and I am loving it because it has that gritty, been in action look with the colors. As for tanks I love em and even more so when they are sweet FW ones. Loving how your Fists are coming along.

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