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Tanith 1st and Only

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So I've finally collected enough minis to run a Brigade of Tanith 1st and Only. Now I'm trying to figure out how to run them. So far I'm thinking a custom Regiment with Woodland Survivors and Disciplined Shooters to represent their camo cloaks and rifle prowess. That or Tallarn to get some cool sneaky vibes coming in on the flanks.

Anyone ran anything similar or have any thoughts? I'm not super competitive, I just want the army to feel right.

Edited by WarriorFish
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I think either of those work well

Especially the custom regiment if you want to keep it light infantry and limited vehicle support


What models will you be using for these? :biggrin.:

I'm running a bunch of Sentinels and Salamanders along side them for armored support, they will be using the Tallarn doctrines, so definitely sticking with the light infantry.


I'm using the Tanith models GW put out in a limited run several years ago. I'll have about 100 of them so far after the last couple squads arrive this week.


Edited by SteveAntilles
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