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Black Templars' "realistic strengths"

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Still talking about BT's Strenght:


Markman's honour + Wktchseeker bolts :wink: have you noticed should they stack?


Yeah, my problem is that his gun is only S4, so I feel like there are other better WLT for him to take. 

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"Master of the Vanguard" and "Shoot and Fade" are both pretty great for mobility if you're running some Incursors. I agree that +1 damage on one shot at S4 isn't exciting enough to be worth a warlord trait.

in small games with about 500 points and an enemy psyker I think it can be gamebreaking.

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Just wondering : have you ever tried a similar Impulsor - rush tactic? Last night i tried for first time two impulsors with shield dome, filled with 5 intercessors. Its a very nasty piece. Very tough. It absorbed a lot of fire, and carry intercessors to destination, where they tagged enemy Plague marines.


Now im seriously interested playing 3 of them!

Edited by _luca_93
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Just wondering : have you ever tried a similar Impulsor - rush tactic? Last night i tried for first time two impulsors with shield dome, filled with 5 intercessors. Its a very nasty piece. Very tough. It absorbed a lot of fire, and carry intercessors to destination, where they tagged enemy Plague marines.


Now im seriously interested playing 3 of them!


I am curious as to whether this mobility from Impulsors is worth it.


If you run them with Auto Bolt Rifles, you can shoot on the advance - granted less effective than normal, but still more effective than not shooting at all (inside a transport). So some maths:


With a turn 2 disembark, the footsloggers have moved 19" on average, and the Impulsor has moved 28" - and then the disembarked squad can move 6" and potentially advance. So the footsloggers have lost 15" (+potential advance) on the mechanised, but they were able to shoot Turn 1, and you've saved 100pts. You could double the squad size for that cost, or put the points toward something else. And once the Impulsor has dropped them off, it is lacking in dakka pretty severely and just becomes a distraction. 


With a Turn 3 disembark, the footsloggers can expect to have moved (on average, advancing) 29", whilst the Impulsor has moved 42" - but again the disembarked squad can move 6" + advance. So again you are only 15" + advance behind the mechanised unit, AND you've been shooting for the last two Turns, and again you've saved 100pts. 


If you really want to get across the board fast, there have got to be better options? Forward deployment to me seems more sensible than paying for something that becomes useless after three turns. Yes the 4+ invul is nice, but to what end for such meagre speed gains on footsloggers? Most boards you will be pretty neck-deep in enemy with 29" movement out your deployment zone anyway. Or am I just getting the wrong end of the stick here?

Edited by Brother Kraskor
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The Impulsor also ignores terrain, and is tougher than a second squad of Intercessors. After delivery, it continues to be fast and durable, so you can use it to soak overwatch and tag enemy guns. I've also had one kill a Hemlock Wraithfighter in melee once, although that was a fluke, haha.


I'm guessing that Impulsors full of Bladeguard will be very much worth it. But if you're already running 1-3 of those, I don't know if more Impulsors full of Intercessors will be.

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The Impulsor also ignores terrain, and is tougher than a second squad of Intercessors. After delivery, it continues to be fast and durable, so you can use it to soak overwatch and tag enemy guns. I've also had one kill a Hemlock Wraithfighter in melee once, although that was a fluke, haha.


I'm guessing that Impulsors full of Bladeguard will be very much worth it. But if you're already running 1-3 of those, I don't know if more Impulsors full of Intercessors will be.


Ok, so delivering more CC-oriented units that your opponent would shoot if footslogging is different. You're not missing out on their shooting by transporting them, and untransported they may never reach the opponent. 

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The impulsor can fly, so pass over many scenics, when inside troops disembarked, it can tag another enemy unit, and most importantly it have a 4++,in last night matched it soaked up a lot of fire.

With his 4++ can also grant to the troop to reach his target...



By being pessimistic :


Impulsor give a sure 28"treat range.

Move 14, advance 1, disembark 3, move 6, advance 1, and Devout push 3. Imho is very good by deploying at the front, means yoir enemy to avoid your charge/pushes should deploy very backward.



The Impulsor also ignores terrain, and is tougher than a second squad of Intercessors. After delivery, it continues to be fast and durable, so you can use it to soak overwatch and tag enemy guns. I've also had one kill a Hemlock Wraithfighter in melee once, although that was a fluke, haha.


I'm guessing that Impulsors full of Bladeguard will be very much worth it. But if you're already running 1-3 of those, I don't know if more Impulsors full of Intercessors will be.

Ok, so delivering more CC-oriented units that your opponent would shoot if footslogging is different. You're not missing out on their shooting by transporting them, and untransported they may never reach the opponent.

Exactly man, intercessors, without some kind of support, will never see a fight phase.

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Just wondering : have you ever tried a similar Impulsor - rush tactic? Last night i tried for first time two impulsors with shield dome, filled with 5 intercessors. Its a very nasty piece. Very tough. It absorbed a lot of fire, and carry intercessors to destination, where they tagged enemy Plague marines.


Now im seriously interested playing 3 of them!

I am curious as to whether this mobility from Impulsors is worth it.


If you run them with Auto Bolt Rifles, you can shoot on the advance - granted less effective than normal, but still more effective than not shooting at all (inside a transport). So some maths:


With a turn 2 disembark, the footsloggers have moved 19" on average, and the Impulsor has moved 28" - and then the disembarked squad can move 6" and potentially advance. So the footsloggers have lost 15" (+potential advance) on the mechanised, but they were able to shoot Turn 1, and you've saved 100pts. You could double the squad size for that cost, or put the points toward something else. And once the Impulsor has dropped them off, it is lacking in dakka pretty severely and just becomes a distraction.


With a Turn 3 disembark, the footsloggers can expect to have moved (on average, advancing) 29", whilst the Impulsor has moved 42" - but again the disembarked squad can move 6" + advance. So again you are only 15" + advance behind the mechanised unit, AND you've been shooting for the last two Turns, and again you've saved 100pts.


If you really want to get across the board fast, there have got to be better options? Forward deployment to me seems more sensible than paying for something that becomes useless after three turns. Yes the 4+ invul is nice, but to what end for such meagre speed gains on footsloggers? Most boards you will be pretty neck-deep in enemy with 29" movement out your deployment zone anyway. Or am I just getting the wrong end of the stick here?

About last point, paragraph. I have a different point of view : you're not carrying a killing unit. You're carrying a unit who could tag a dangerous enemy unit :and you can devout push the enemy with your guys, engaging 1 or more units

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I used that stratagem so often and the most times you take objectives from the enemy very very easy.

I tested my new tournament list against very tough Iron Hands and Imperial Fists lists ( the imperial fist did won our last tournament -30 players) and I had won even because I used that stratagem very often successful.

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