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++ Of Wolves and Beasts ++ Alternate Heresy Space Wolves

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We were the Emperor's Wolves

Who stalked the stars in His name


But only a fool forgets


That a tamed wolf


And a loyal hound


Are not the same


Now we are Wolves no longer

Now the hounds call our name

We were never loyal dogs

But beasts all the same.


Behold, a first conversion for the Wolves of Caliban, an Alternate Heresy version of the Space Wolves, who were deeply corrupted by the Ruinous Powers, but managed to hide their corruption behind a fa

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Ooh interesting. While I personally disagree with any Wolves going traitor, I am intrigued and appreciate your "what-if" story/scenario, and would be interested in more. I will never dismiss a "what-if" scenario when accompanied by a story or reasoning...I do have a hard time with those who just do a "because a I can", but I try to not criticize because after all is said and done it is their army and if they like it, who am I to judge? Also some nice conversion/kit-bashing, some of that nice Heresy-Era Roman Legion with some of that more "modern" Space Wolf flavor.

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Thanks for your interest, everyone! I realize I perhaps should have given a bit more background about the ideas behind this Alternate Heresy project in my first post, so allow me to add a few details:


  • The idea behind these guys came from a little thought-experiment I did a while ago, after I'd binge-read all the stories of the Roboutian Heresy. It started with a simple question: what if the Primarchs' homeworlds were swapped (or if they just landed somewhere else than where they did in canon)? How would it affect them, and how would it change their Legions?
  •  The first Primarch I 'swapped' was Leman Russ, who I decided to put on Caliban, as it is broadly similar to Fenris (both Death Worlds, lots of forests and mountains, filled with all sorts of beasties), but also markedly different culture- and society-wise. I also wanted to explore the idea of a Chaos-tainted, traitorous Leman Russ, which Caliban provided ample opportunities for. 
  • This, of course, prompted several other questions, that could really only be answered by rewriting most of the Primarch's backstory, the Legion's backstory, Caliban's history, and ultimately, the entire Great Crusade, Heresy, and beyond. In short, I quickly found myself thinking up an entire Alternate Heresy setting without even meaning to. I then decided to just roll with it, and when the Liber's Iron Gauntlet Challenge began, I figured I might as well try to write an Index Astartes article on this alternate Leman Russ and his Legion. And then I decided to make a few models for the Legion/Chaos Warband too, as I definitely saw some interesting conversion potential in it all :biggrin.: 
  • So, in short, to misquote Star Trekkin':  It's the Space Wolves, Jim, but not as we know them. They're not the Wolves from the canon 40k timeline (although some elements are of course retained from the original), they're a reinterpretation, a rewrite, a remix, if you will. 

I hope that clears things up a bit, and makes the idea of traitorous Space Wolves a bit more... acceptable, for lack of a better word :tongue.:

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