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Lambdan Lions best Taurox loadout?

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So I have a few scion-heavy lists and am thinking about the best loadout for my lone taurox prime. The netlists I have seen all seem to advocate the use of the gatling gun but in all my lists I pretty much have light troop removal in heaps so it's down to the other options. Now while for other regiments the battlecannon and autocannon sposons might not be so attractive, the lambdan trait makes this loadout much stronger. Ap-2 autocannons and the battlecannon can put a lot of hurt on primaris and light vechicles. The missile launcher I'm unsure of.


So what do you guys think is the best Lambdan Lion Taurox Prime loadout?

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I'm still working on my Stormies (Taurox kits after last current Stormies...), but as Cap says I think it's better to specialise them. I agree that Stormies are generally in need of AT more but as the only vehicle and not a particularly tough one I'm not sure about when it becomes too many eggs in one basket. In your case I think that the battlecannon and autocannons are probably best, the missile launcher might be a bit too pricey?

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