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So a new project, but one quite different to my others.


I found someone who has been creating 1:10,000 scale Battlefleet Gothic ships, and had to have one.


Started on the "small" end of the available varieties - an Imperial Firestorm weighing in at 21cm long - the BFG version being around 1 1/2inches.


The kit itself is just brilliant, snug connection sections makes it almost feel like a plug and play kit.


I think I've decided on a scheme, using the red prow with a grey/white body and gold trim. The red being a similar candy red I use on my Imperial knights.


The kit arrived today, tomorrow assembly time!




Edited by hermanista



Someone rent out the Yankees Football stadium - BFG is back on the menu lads!



Edited by Mazer Rackham

This is looking good! Do they carry any larger classes of ships?

He does yeah,


Cobras and Firestorm escorts, with the Falchion and Sword on the way.

The Dauntless Loght Cruiser


And a Space Marine Strike Cruiser...


Has to be seen to be believed, if you search the BattlefleetGothic hashtag on instagram, you'll fine it...





Why? Loads of reasons!


It's awesome for starters, it's unique, it's a new challenge to work on something in a different scale - keeping in mind a BFG scale Firestorm is about 1.5 inch long, this thing is massive in comparison.


And also, it's awesome. This is a hobby at the end of the day, there are aspects folks will enjoy that others don't.


So tonight was some fine tuning on the clean up and gluing. I left the prow seperate for painting, but tomorrow there is some gap filling to do before sticking on the final detail pieces that could get broken.


I'll also need a firmer support rod, the weight of the vessel on this brass tubing is a bit too much.




Am definitely considering more in future!

So the first of possibly two updates today - having finished all the sanding and primed it the other day, this morning I laid down the base mottling for the prow using the dried wet wipe technique.


Gonna lay a candy red over it later, with a view to matching the ships on the old box art.


Loving it so far.







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