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++ The Lockdown Painting Challenge 2020 ++

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I, Quixus of the Tempest Dragons, vow to complete one BA Librarian with Jump Pack and Storm Bolter  for the Glory of the the Emperor, the IX Legion and the chapter on or by the 15th of August 2020, or bear the Badge of Shame until year's end by baring it on my signature.


Starting bits:


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I, MajorNese, vow to complete one Acastus knight Asterius for the Glory of the Adeptus Mechanicus forum on or by the 15th of August 2020, or bear the Badge of Shame until year's end.

Vow completed.



Praised be the coffee machine, avatar of the motive force...

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I, MajorNese, vow to complete one Acastus knight Asterius for the Glory of the Adeptus Mechanicus forum on or by the 15th of August 2020, or bear the Badge of Shame until year's end.

Vow completed.



Praised be the coffee machine, avatar of the motive force...


So that a custom base or does that thing need a dual knight base?

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So that a custom base or does that thing need a dual knight base?

There is no base in the kit, and sticking it onto a regular knight base is not exactly stable (it might barely cover both feet). So I joined two knight bases, that gives enough space, weight (in milliput) and area for it to be playable without risking it to fall over.

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I, MajorNese, vow to complete one Acastus knight Asterius for the Glory of the Adeptus Mechanicus forum on or by the 15th of August 2020, or bear the Badge of Shame until year's end.

Vow completed.



Praised be the coffee machine, avatar of the motive force...

It looks great! The skull mask and the green lighting effects on its weapons, though...


Did the Knight Scion order his warsuit modified with archeotech from a... questionable source?

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So that a custom base or does that thing need a dual knight base?

There is no base in the kit, and sticking it onto a regular knight base is not exactly stable (it might barely cover both feet). So I joined two knight bases, that gives enough space, weight (in milliput) and area for it to be playable without risking it to fall over.



Will remember that when I get mine.

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So that a custom base or does that thing need a dual knight base?

There is no base in the kit, and sticking it onto a regular knight base is not exactly stable (it might barely cover both feet). So I joined two knight bases, that gives enough space, weight (in milliput) and area for it to be playable without risking it to fall over.



Will remember that when I get mine.

And consider removing the second arm joint. It's easy (the joint bit connected to the weapon needs to be rounded at the top to fit into the shoulder joint), and converts the gorilla arms into the usual knight proportions.


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I, gilt_imp, vow to complete 1 Thunderbolt fighter for the Glory of the Aeronautica Imperialis on or by the 15th of August 2020, or bare the Badge of Shame until year’s end. My mission this weekend is to get as much done on this vow as possible. Probably be painting the pair up pretty much together but the vow will still only be for 1 plane

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So that a custom base or does that thing need a dual knight base?

There is no base in the kit, and sticking it onto a regular knight base is not exactly stable (it might barely cover both feet). So I joined two knight bases, that gives enough space, weight (in milliput) and area for it to be playable without risking it to fall over.



Will remember that when I get mine.

And consider removing the second arm joint. It's easy (the joint bit connected to the weapon needs to be rounded at the top to fit into the shoulder joint), and converts the gorilla arms into the usual knight proportions.


I was trying to figure out why this Acastus looked so much better, but I thought it was just that gorgeous paintjob. Thanks for the advice with the joints, going to follow it if and when I pick up one of these.

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I can add my completed vow to the fine work above :thumbsup: Here is the "Daemonette for scale" shot:


More pictures are available in my Daemons WIP topic as normal if anyone is interested :thumbsup: Was great to take part, I didn't expect to finish so soon but with lots of good work on show and a deadline to aim for what better motivation is there? :wink: Helps I'd already put many hours into the model too :P

She'll be in every list I can find room, though even with the claws magnetised it's a big model... I'll need to source an appropriately sized box and reserve it as a "dedicated transport" for gaming :lol: Keep up the good work everyone and be sure to keep the update pictures coming!

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"I, Isual, vow to complete one relic Leviathan Dreadnought for the Glory of the Dark Angels on or by the 15th of August 2020, or bare the Badge of Shame until year's end"

I declare my vow completed.


Edited by Isual
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