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I, Arkhanist, vow to complete a Plague Marine for the Glory of the Blood Angels on or by the 15th of August 2020, or bare the Badge of Shame until year's end.


(I consider them target practise for my Angels!)




So this is my 3rd attempt at a scheme for my nascent Death Guard, but while my previous one looks decent under very bright light, it's kinda dull and flat under normal lighting and I really lost motivation. I haven't touched a paintbrush for months due to the obvious, but this video really fired up me wanting to try and base a new scheme off it, and you've gotta go where your mojo takes you! I'll be back to my Blood Angels soon enough.


Took a bit longer than expected, but my vow is now complete.  Sgt. Southpaw is now ready to knock back the hordes of invading traitors and xenos, Rocky-style.


Intercessor Sergeant Front Complete

Intercessor Sergeant Side Complete

Intercessors Complete

Edited by CausticCossack

It has taken some time, and the conversion proved more problematic than anticipated but I am glad to say that I have finished my vow. One Canoness ready to lead the faithful.


LPC Vow Complete:

I finished these guys off on Friday night, I'm super pleased with them, and am happy to say my Lockdown Painting Challenge vow is completed, and I now have another 2 HQ choices.

Codicier Esteban Valdez, The Mind Eater

Unnamed Vanguard Lieutenant, Flesh Tearers

Original Vow

Is it too late to enter?

I, Xenith, vow to complete One Phobos Lbrarian and One Phobos Lieutenant for the Glory of the Blood Angels SubForum on or by the 15th of August 2020, or bare the Badge of Shame until year's end.

Starting pic.

Edited by Xenith

Out of competition technically but hey-ho, still working on it...

Still a bit of work to do on the business end of the assault cannon with more heat bloom (you really cant see the first layer of wash i have already put on it), and the fist wreath needs to be greened, but he's almost there. Then its just decide if i want to paint Ultramarines or Imperial Fists for the last bit of LPC 20 or maybe just some bases now (is it sacrilege to chop off the tab from old space crusade guys to mount them on necromunda tech bases? I just feel a bit odd about permanent damage to such venerable models)...




I, toaae, vow to complete Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka, da Prophet of da Great WAAAGH!, for the Glory of da Orks on or by the 15th of August 2020, or bare the Badge of Shame until year's end.

Got my hobby space set up, and I'm feeling I need a break from Sororitas. I had hoped to pledge Ghaz's points for ETL, but I'll settle for this. Gotta rep the Ork subforum whenever I can!

He is done!







I, Valkia the Bloody, pledge to finish a Night Lords Dreadnought till the 15th of August or face the badge of shame.


My Forgeworld delivery arrived today! So I can get stuck in. :D






Progress can be seen in my Night Lords Warband thread.


Long time for me with no word...I have been slowly working on my Octoblade but have not yet posted any updates. Finally got around to it.

I present the WIP of the venerable Octoblade "Malleus Tempus". It's only the second superheavy I've ever worked on.





Edited by sairence

Slowly coming there! (Just waiting for the perfect timing to strike from the shadows, presumably :D!)

W.I.P. from the Raven Guard Chapter Champion




Edited by Jaipii

I, Arkhanist, vow to complete a Plague Marine for the Glory of the Blood Angels on or by the 15th of August 2020, or bare the Badge of Shame until year's end.


(I consider them target practise for my Angels!)





So this is my 3rd attempt at a scheme for my nascent Death Guard, but while my previous one looks decent under very bright light, it's kinda dull and flat under normal lighting and I really lost motivation. I haven't touched a paintbrush for months due to the obvious, but this video really fired up me wanting to try and base a new scheme off it, and you've gotta go where your mojo takes you! I'll be back to my Blood Angels soon enough.




Pledge complete!


The bases were something entirely different to my normal approach, and I think they worked really well for a 1st attempt! Next version will probably have bubbles.




The final Plague Marines. These were really pretty quick, compared to my normal speed. All done with Contrast; bar metallics, edge highlights and weathering. Mixing Contrast to get new shades is not something I'd considered before, but it works really well I think.


Got my own spin on the scheme compared to the original inspiration, and I think this is the one I'm going to stick with.







I love it. I'm going to borrow some of those ideas for basing my Plaguebearers. Are you using a specialty product for the goo or is it a paint added to a medium?

It's fairly straightforward. For the goo, I airbrushed a base layer of caliban green, then moot green (leaving the caliban at the edges), then moot green mixed with about 25% flash gitz yellow. as a final highlight in the middle. This could have been hand painted. The clever bit is I then put on a thin layer of greenstuffworld 'toxic effect' UV resin. This gives the liquid effect up the side of the stone (which really sells it, I think), the glossiness, and smoothes out the underlying paint. The "toxic effect" is basically just their clear UV resin with some lime green fluor paint in it. It's pretty translucent, thus the moot green layer underneath to give it something to tint.


Next time, I'm going to add some greenstuff hemispheres as bubbles before priming.


The big advantage of the UV resin in that you can set it in 120 seconds with a UV light - I picked up the UV torch from greenstuff world too. I didn't need to tape up the edges, as it's fairly gooey, but settles level easily. Given it's only a thin layer, you could easily get a similar effect with any water-effect resin and a bit of lime-green ink, I think. The fluorescent ink does make it have a tiny bit of a glow under bright light, as you can see in the final pic. Looks properly radioactive IMO!


The stone is just 1.5mm cork sheet cut roughly to shape (two layers), primed grey, covered with astrogranite, light wash of nuln oil, then drybrushed with dawnstone and grey seer. I did this before the goo, so the airbrush naturally oversprayed a bit onto the stone (you can see the green tinge on the closeup), and I evened it out with a final drybrush of moot green round the goo-facing edges, and matt varnish to protect (before goo).


edit: Not easy to take a pic of how it looks under UV light, but



Edited by Arkhanist

Better late than never.




This was a test of the Pauper Princes scheme which I doubt I'll commit to in the future. This one was admittedly a bit of a nightmare. I realised how much easier I would have made my life if I hadn't assembled him and also that using Skeleton Horde on the rubber would have produced a far better result in half the time. Then he fell on the floor and shattered into multiple pieces, then the layering buggered up, then somehow flicking a bit of sand away peeled a good chunk of the dry(!) rim paint, but hey, he's not too bad.

Edited by Lord Marshal

I finished the intercessors. Now to the next paint job.

I, Mechanicus_Adept , vow to complete 5 renegage marines for the Glory of the Chaos space marines on or by the 15th of August 2020, or bare the Badge of Shame until year's end


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