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So I had a physically distant battle against my good friends tau at 1000 points last night. And the tau were slaughtered.


I had a single battalion consisting of



LIbrarian with Matrix relic

Bro Cap

3x strike squads

5 man paladin squad

7 man interceptor squad.


My buddies list consisted of,

Couple HQ choices

3x 6 man fire warrior


2 x riptides

12 shield drones


I played very cagey, with my librarian, Brocap, paladins and interceptors all out of LoS and far enough back that his weapons would have a hard time finding range. Turn 1 nothing really happened for both of us. Turn 2 onwards I was in the ToE for the extra smite damage, and holy, not having a way to deny that was brutal for him. He just died to smites, and spent a of firepower to kill my paladins.


I had an amazing vortex of doom go off. I combo’d the pyschic channeling and empiric surge stratagems and got a 13 for my roll. He had his fire warrior squads screening his riptides, but all 3 squads and a riptide were within 3 inches of each other. I killed 15 of the fire warriors and did 2 wounds to the riptide.


After that it was just advancing and smiting until the end of the game!


By the end however I had 2 strike marines left and my 3 HQ, while the tau were obliterated off the table.


I was nervous about facing 1 or more riptides, but the ToS is really powerful against tau.

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