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Sword of Judgement

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Well met brothers,


Seeking your counsel on the Sword of Judgement. When/how do you use it? Why not use Burning Blade?


I can see it being useful against seriously multi-wound, T4 opponents, who don't have much armour. But how many of these exist?


Grateful for any insight.

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sword of judgement is str 5, meaning it has good performance vs t5 too. each wound is a dead aggressor. also, it wounds on 5+ against T8 targets, plus superdoctrine wound abaility, and you may not have the points for a thunderhammer on a character.

Edited by MarshalMittermeier
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sword of judgement is str 5, meaning it has good performance vs t5 too. each wound is a dead aggressor. also, it wounds on 5+ against T8 targets, plus superdoctrine wound abaility, and you may not have the points for a thunderhammer on a character.



Ok, all sensible points. But does this make it worth taking over say the Burning Blade? Sacrifices a little versus the Sword of Judgement against Aggressors and the like, but gains the capability to go up against a lot more, and strips their armour save too.


Or is it a case of using the Crusade Relics stratagem to put the Sword of Judgement on say an Intercessor Sergeant, who suddenly creates a dilemma for enemy Aggressor-types who'd otherwise charge without reservation?

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Exactly as you've said. Despite character rules and such, a sergeant is often much harder to take out than a character.


The Sword of Judgement is also flat 3 rather than d3 which is a substantial buff.


The burning blade's extra AP is frankly useless, because it's rare to find a target worth killing that both has an armour save of 2+ and then also doesn't have an invulnerable save. Maybe Centurions? That's about all I can think of. But this extra AP is entirely negated then by the D3 Damage.


D3 is especially bad against multi wound targets as the order you roll the damage in can potentially triple the inefficiency of your weapon.



In short sword of judgement > burning blade


9 times out of 10.

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The burning blade most times is not that good as the sword of judgement I think. It depends on which character / model. 


I learned that the sword is very good in the hand of a company veteran seargent because you dont get the penlty to hit and in the most important fights you can reroll wound rolls.

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Sword of Judgement on a sergeant can be pretty nice, yeah. I've put one on a scout sergeant to good effect with Oaths Of Honour. I'm not sure it's worth a CP instead of just paying another 12 points for a thunder hammer though.


I think of the Burning Blade as more of an anti-tank weapon, while the Sword of Judgement is for killing characters and heavy infantry (unless you can reroll wounds, then it's strong against anything).


I don't love either of the relic swords though, honestly. I'd rather take Teeth of Terra for a beatstick character, or save the CP and go for a relic blade or thunder hammer.

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I use the Sword of Judgement on a sarge in place of a thunderhammer.

I tried this often but most times 2-3 Impulsor squads but most times you need a hammer for his higher strength you just have the sword on your guy and against normal infantry you have to use the hammer and cant hit anything because of -1

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I use the Sword of Judgement on a sarge in place of a thunderhammer.

I tried this often but most times 2-3 Impulsor squads but most times you need a hammer for his higher strength you just have the sword on your guy and against normal infantry you have to use the hammer and cant hit anything because of -1


Part of it is to save points, part of it is to use this model I made out of my bits box.


Edit: He will be painted soon.



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