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9th Ed. trailer: A hint at a future Cadian redesign?

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Honestly the Guard would really fly off the shelves if they got rid of the 60MM bases mandatory for heavy weapons. Those should drop in size down to 50MM or just two model next to each other in the case of things like missile launchers. I think that would fix AM and drastically improve sales.:wink: 

I'm just making a joke if you couldn't tell.  ( also wishing.) 



I found myself liking those big bases for HWT while assembling my latest dudes. The room is enough to make a kind of mini-diorama or just create a more interesting battle scene than just a finger-pointer and biggun-shooter (and i'm not makin a joke)

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I actually love the Cadian kit and think the minis are some of the best GW has made. They’ve definitely stood the test of time. In fact all of the metal kits are great as well.


Now, I think catachan are just bad, and need the update. My tiny IG army aside, I love seeing well painted giant guard armies. My frequent gaming buddy has a wonderful army and they’re a joy to fight.

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!. The helmets look awful. 

2. It was hinted at sometime in the past 2-3 years that new guard kits were being done, and would include female models. I can't find the article, but I remember reading it. 


3. I'm about to finish phase 1 of my guard army that I have worked on for many years. GW always changes the model ranges to invalidate my army. 


Therefore....new Guard models are on the way.

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Would I like new guard infantry? Yes! Do I think that it's coming soon? No. Why? Production scheduling. What's that? Getting time to run the tool (mould) in the injection moulding machine. That's the big stopping point I'm guessing. Thinking back to around the time when games workshop became 'new and community friendly'games workshop they said that their priorities were true scale marines, boxed games like blood bowl or adeptus titanicus and plastic sisters. They've largely delivered on those. I suspect that they've almost finished the range of primaris just by comparing it to the old marine range. Lack of xenos support has also been a bugbear for gw hence why necrons are going to get the love. I've been thinking about the when of it all and my knowledge of other factions isn't really good enough, though I do note that 40k adeptus mechanicus line has had its range fleashed out with recent releases. Are there other factions which have purely old models like the Necrons or need more codex options? Plus you've got to wonder how badly coronavirus has affect the schedule. I think if they release the 9th box set by the end of June then it hasn't really been effected. I suspect it'll be pushed back to July because of the pandemic. Any later and I'll be scratching my head about why they've had the release information so early. I hope I'm not too off topic with my musings. Edited by Santaclauswitz
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Would I like new guard infantry? Yes! Do I think that it's coming soon? No. Why? Production scheduling. What's that? Getting time to run the tool (mould) in the injection moulding machine. That's the big stopping point I'm guessing. Thinking back to around the time when games workshop became 'new and community friendly'games workshop they said that their priorities were true scale marines, boxed games like blood bowl or adeptus titanicus and plastic sisters. They've largely delivered on those. I suspect that they've almost finished the range of primaris just by comparing it to the old marine range. Lack of xenos support has also been a bugbear for gw hence why necrons are going to get the love. I've been thinking about the when of it all and my knowledge of other factions isn't really good enough, though I do note that 40k adeptus mechanicus line has had its range fleashed out with recent releases. Are there other factions which have purely old models like the Necrons or need more codex options? Plus you've got to wonder how badly coronavirus has affect the schedule. I think if they release the 9th box set by the end of June then it hasn't really been effected. I suspect it'll be pushed back to July because of the pandemic. Any later and I'll be scratching my head about why they've had the release information so early. I hope I'm not too off topic with my musings.


Because of computers, it is a lot faster nowadays to design a miniature and then have the steel molds made. 

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Because of computers, it is a lot faster nowadays to design a miniature and then have the steel molds made.

I don't disagree with your statement but I doubt if speed of development is a big of an issue as production capacity. The number of machines to put the tools (moulds) into, how long those machines are run a day and how many tools (moulds) have to go into the machines are much larger factors into determining production capacity. I just wanted to broaden understanding away from development time alone.

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New kits might be disliked by the players and not sell, despite heavy investment to get them designed, molded and produced.

The New Militarum tempestus kits were very unpopular for a while because they didn't mesh with any of the other guard regiment aesthetics. Maybe vostroyans, but not really. Standalone the MT kits are cool especially if you want a more baroque feel (like inquisitors, or going along with space marines) but it just doesn't fit with cadians or catachans.

The problem is the Inquisitorial Stormtroopers looked 80s-90s SF-ish and the Kasrkin just looked absolutely badass. Both great (in my opinion) aesthetics.


I personally don't enjoy the new Scions but it's only an opinion.


I would literally start a force if GW dropped plastic Kasrkin and I've little interest in 40k.

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New kits might be disliked by the players and not sell, despite heavy investment to get them designed, molded and produced.

The New Militarum tempestus kits were very unpopular for a while because they didn't mesh with any of the other guard regiment aesthetics. Maybe vostroyans, but not really. Standalone the MT kits are cool especially if you want a more baroque feel (like inquisitors, or going along with space marines) but it just doesn't fit with cadians or catachans.

The problem is the Inquisitorial Stormtroopers looked 80s-90s SF-ish and the Kasrkin just looked absolutely badass. Both great (in my opinion) aesthetics.


I personally don't enjoy the new Scions but it's only an opinion.


I would literally start a force if GW dropped plastic Kasrkin and I've little interest in 40k.


Yeah, the new Scions definitely seems to be an update of the old Inquisitorial Stormtrooper models as their guns and helmets are relatively similar. However, they added a bunch of ornaments to their armour which I'm also not a fan of. I understand why they made this aesthetic choice, as it's easier to make them stand out on the tabletop and you can get great results by just blocking in the armor and giving the trims a metallic colour. However, I do think a lot of people who collect Imperial Guard like the more barebones-but-functional sci-fi design of the majority of the Guard range more, which is why you still find a lot of people looking for those old Stormtrooper or Kasrkin models.

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on the 1 hand, a guard update feels unlikely. but on the other-hand other than craftworld eldar there isn't really a faction with core troops as old as the guard, especially since steel legion are still being sold (if currently temporarily out of stock). and only 1 or 2 of the chaos marine legions is likely to get any large update (black legion and death guard in 8th, so 1 or 2 in 9th?)


combined with the fairly recent catachan models and a guard update sometime during 9th doesn't seem to be impossible.


there is defiantly more of a risk to changeing the guard, thus a cadian and catachan update would be a minor change (like the cadians in the video). but as the sisters of battle and the eldar stuff we got recently GW is perfectly willing to keep older designs, with minor if any changes. especially if its called for alot. and there has been a call for new models for old guardsmen for a long time. with new catachans, plastic steel legion and plastic great coat/trench coat all being asked for.


artistic licence is a possibility but why add such obvious differences to the existing kit (the arm and leg armour), my guess would be to reduce the detail to model.


all-in-all I think its not unlikely to get an update in the next 3 years or so. it is unlikely to get a lager update/additsion (like admech recently got) in the next year to year and a half in my opinion though. a radical change in style from existing artwork is also unlikely in the foreseeable future.

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Honestly, if they would include a regimental upgrade sprue in infantry squad boxes, I think that people would be satisfied. Make all cadian kits come with sprues for building other regiments. It could be similar to how ogryn kits work. The base kit is a guy with fatigues, but the box would come with sprues that would allow you to put cadian, mordian, steel legion, or valhallan equipment on the model. I think that this would go a long way to satisfying a lot of fans.
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Honestly, if they would include a regimental upgrade sprue in infantry squad boxes, I think that people would be satisfied. Make all cadian kits come with sprues for building other regiments. It could be similar to how ogryn kits work. The base kit is a guy with fatigues, but the box would come with sprues that would allow you to put cadian, mordian, steel legion, or valhallan equipment on the model. I think that this would go a long way to satisfying a lot of fans.

Maybe even just make that and sell it separately like the marine upgrade sprues (maybe with transfers too?)

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Honestly, if they would include a regimental upgrade sprue in infantry squad boxes, I think that people would be satisfied. Make all cadian kits come with sprues for building other regiments. It could be similar to how ogryn kits work. The base kit is a guy with fatigues, but the box would come with sprues that would allow you to put cadian, mordian, steel legion, or valhallan equipment on the model. I think that this would go a long way to satisfying a lot of fans.

How much would be different from a cadian to a mordian?

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How much would be different from a cadian to a mordian?


Some parts are already in cadian command squad box: officer cap-head and armour-less torso. One of each per box. That's one trouble. Another problem is 'pauldrons' on cadian arms. 

Edited by Shamansky
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Honestly, I'd drop everything for updated Elysians...

I don't think they need an update. Most sci-fi looking Guard of all. Quite true scale. May be some changes in kits composition so you would not have to use a knife as much as now. 

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Perhaps they will make use of Forge World here?...With GW producing the upgraded basic troopers (Catachan and Cadian) and Forge world doing the upgrades to individual regiments.  This kind of  how they did it for Blood bowl and Necromunda.  I have bought a few Anvil and Victoria Mini parts in my time and it is quite dramatic how much a head or torso swap can change the character of the miniature.

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