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Are DA Bladeguard likely to be part of the 1st Company?

Iron Lord

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I'm just wondering when the Deathwing Companions from FW come out.


Might see if I can stick their heads on the Bladeguard, or use the FW Dark Angels Head upgrades. I have plenty of left over DWK Storm Shields, so I don't have to worry about those for blinging up the Bladeguard.


Now the real question:

If I'm painting them 1st Legion colours.... Bone Shoulders or do like the Companions and have different sections of the armour as bone?

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Ressurecting the Companions style could be an interesting move, but would a presumed returned Lion just re-establish old units from Primaris or perhaps look to make something new, yet familiar?


Idk, but, I suspect these guys might look pretty stylish in black with white helms...

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Ressurecting the Companions style could be an interesting move, but would a presumed returned Lion just re-establish old units from Primaris or perhaps look to make something new, yet familiar?


Idk, but, I suspect these guys might look pretty stylish in black with white helms...

I'll likely do that with mine. We'll see how that goes :yes:

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There were a lot of old RT/2nd ed Dark angels who were painted in WD 'eavy metal with portions of bone over the green armour, usually shoulder trims/ faceplates etc. I'd used it for my power armoured master's and Sgts etc to show that they were inducted as deathwing but not full blown bone/tda.


In other news those companions are tasty

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