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I finished up the last few unmodified cultists from DV, bringing my total number of painted cultists to 16 - slightly more than halfway to my goal! Right now, I've got another 6 based and ready for priming, so it shouldn't be too long before I hit my target of 30. 





What I find interesting about the first cultist is that the face mask and noose are both very Cawdor-esque, which helps my kitbashed models blend in with the stock cultists. Here's one taking advantage of a Cawdor head:




Meanwhile, I've started fiddling about with the Unmade Warband from Warcry - more WIP pics to come in the coming days. 

Edited by Gongsun Zan

Work on the Word Bearers continues over the weekend. 


First up is the completed Heavy Bolter Marine:




I also finished building the rest of the two 5-man tactical squads. 




First up is this simple Melta-wielding Marine. I liked the dynamism of the pose, but I felt it was a bit too ordinary so I added some parchment scrolls to the model after I took this picture. 




Another Marine with more Mark IV bits mixed in. The rounded kneepads reminded me of Mark V armor, so I added the studded shoulder pads and sarum-type helmet to try and reinforce that image. 




Last up is the second Aspiring Champion - just a head swap, but it was pretty much all I needed to make this to look like the natural evolution of a 30k Sergeant. 


Just for fun, I also took a group shot of all the cultists I've done so far. 




So in terms of progress on my initial goal, I have: 

  • 10 x Chaos Space Marines – 4 done, 6 assembled and primed. 
  • 30 x Chaos Cultists (with no duplicate models) – 16/30 done, another 6 assembled and primed.

After that, it's probably going to be Havocs and Chosen. 


Thanks for following! 

No new conversions this week, as I've just been painting what I've assembled so far. Have finished three more Word Bearers, leaving me with just the squad leaders and the melta-gunner. Hoping to have both squads finished by this weekend!







Also somewhere on the to-do list is to paint more terrain to use as backgrounds. 

Edited by Gongsun Zan

Thanks again for the kind feedback! 


As planned, I've finished the last few regular marines:




Meltagunner - the scroll is an extra addition from the WIP pic, was pleasantly surprised to find that it conformed to the leg of the mini without making any adjustments. 




The first Aspiring Champion - I based the color scheme off the Diabolist in the HH Black Book. 




The second Aspiring Champion - possibly my favorite of all the marines I've painted so far. I honestly can't remember if the black helmet is canon or something I came across in somebody else's work, but I think it makes a nice contrast from the regular rank-and-file marines. 


Bonus Group Shot:





I had a lot more fun painting these 10 guys than expected. So much so that I wouldn't mind painting more, although I feel like I have an overabundance of troops as it is. Something to think about in the future, but in the meantime, I've started putting some Havocs together - got to say that I found the kit somewhat annoying to assemble, as the arms are not entirely compatible with all of the torsos, and not all the heads seem to fit properly. Not quite in love with them at the moment, but hopefully they'll look better with some paint put on. 

Edited by Gongsun Zan

Slow progress over the last few days - I've just been assembling my Havocs (mostly out of the box, so I couldn't be bothered to take pictures), and started painting some of the cultists I primed earlier. 


In terms of the Havocs, I'm not a big fan of how the mini for the Aspiring Champion is slightly larger than his normal CSM counterpart. I guess it's to keep his base size consistent with the Havocs, but I don't understand why he has to have reinforced boots when he's not actually holding any heavy equipment. Personally, I wish they had just kept everyone to 32mm bases so that it's easier to swap models into the tactical squads without them looking too out of place. 


I'll probably end up replacing the default Aspiring Champion with one of the Shadowspear models, but in the meantime, I decided to convert the Havoc model into a Chaos Lord. Here he is, ready for some primer: 






What's your recipe for the red?


Check out my earlier post here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/364261-faith-is-the-truth-of-nothing-a-word-bearers-blog/?p=5534382




How much bigger are the Havocs than CSM? Still not Intercessor height?

They're in-between CSM and Intercessors. But they're quite bulky and huge in their armour



Yeah, I think it's probably only a millimetre or two difference between Havocs and Intercessors - it's a bit hard to tell, because the Havocs have their legs spread really widely. I can post a comparison pic once I'm done. 


Unfortunately, I didn't get as much hobby time as I would have liked over the weekend. I've gotten the base colors down on a couple of Havocs, so we should start seeing some completed models in the next few days. In the meantime, I've been quickly coloring in some of the cultists I built earlier:







I'm mid-way through painting the Havocs, so I figured it's time to start getting the next set of Marines ready for painting. Unfortunately,  just as I started assembling more Marines my plastic cement ran out, so it looks like I'll have to wait a bit longer before I can assemble more kits.


But first, another cultist makes his way off the painting table onto the display shelf:




Next, seeing as I had promoted the Havoc Aspiring Champion into a lord, I needed another guy to fill his shoes. I decided to use the auto-cannon Marine from Shadowspear as a base, as his slightly wider stance makes him look less out of place on a 40mm base. I then followed through with the MK III armor with a HH helmet and crest:




I've also started on some possessed - unfortunately, the original possessed space marine kit was a lot worse than I remembered, and I think there's only like a couple of bits I'm prepared to use. Here's my first experiment, using Blightking / Death Guard bits, with his other arm being from the regular possessed kit: 




Let me know what you think! 

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