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Now that is good stuff. I'm glad they're leaning into the style they used for the Sororitas Codex. It really feels like an evolution of the style used in the 3rd Edition rulebook.

somehow i expected some black and white drawings, stuff like that from 2nd or 3rd edition rulebooks. bummer.


well, looks nice but im not getting warmer with that digital art. it fails to get under my skin. or, maybe, i somehow became effected by a biotransference and in truth my body is now made of living metal.

THAT would raise questions in overabundance but it would explain why nothing can get under my skin!

That multi-xenos image is nice, brings back memories of the 3rd Ed book a bit.

Yeah in the veine of "What the hell are those"' cause even those that would look familiar are so different from the visuals we know of them ( the GS cultist with the "Gunhead"..., and what looks like a CSm with a "Hammer/Bucket head")


And what the hell are those things with the round "helmet" and noodly looking arms?

Boy, can't wait to lay my hands on this book. 

Abbadon is not my favourite, 'cause the neck seems to be in a strange angle but the rest.... I just love grand angle of how much this universe is big and how small it makes you feel. 


These visuals... no other IP is like that, IMHO.

We got a close up of the standard bearer in art form too in the blood Angels picture


Also a tech marine in the background- interesting as everything else is a primaris marine.

Edited by Blindhamster

I honestly don't care about the book cover. Another picture of Gulliman and/or Abaddon, boring. Couldn't really care less about more pictures of Marines either, even if there is some of the new stuff in there. I've seen hundreds of pieces of artwork like that and it just isn't interesting anymore.


Some of the other stuff though is much more exciting. I'm always interested in seeing 40k architecture and glimpses into Imperial life beyond standard 40k bolter porn, so the picture with the pilgrims and the statue is pretty cool. But the real gem is the "perils in space" piece. Plenty of fruity stuff in there to make the galaxy feel larger than the usual suspects.



Yeah in the veine of "What the hell are those"' cause even those that would look familiar are so different from the visuals we know of them ( the GS cultist with the "Gunhead"..., and what looks like a CSm with a "Hammer/Bucket head")



And what the hell are those things with the round "helmet" and noodly looking arms?


I think they're an updated version of Enslavers. The old artwork for them makes them look like Nurgle daemon-flies of some kind (which didn't exist when the old artwork was done). This quite firmly differentiates them from Chaos.


I also don't think that's a Genestealer Cultist or a Chaos Marine.


I want to say updated Loxatl or Tarellian for the "Cultist" and pirate for the "Chaos Marine". The "Chaos Marine" also really reminds me of a Thunder Warrior for some reason. So maybe a somehow surviving Thunder Warrior who's a pirate captain or corsair lord. Though how one would survive quite this long when they have such short lifespans is anyone's guess. I don't seriously think that's actually what it is, just random speculation. That said, everything in that picture could be something completely new. I hope some of it is explained (or hinted at) in the book's lore section.


I must admit, this does feel like a nod to Astartes. 



You aren't the only one who thought that.

Edited by Toxichobbit

We got a close up of the standard bearer in art form too in the blood Angels picture


Also a tech marine in the background- interesting as everything else is a primaris marine.

Standard bearer and the new chaplain....


Have to admit I can't really tell what the Techmarine is.

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