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Dumb to combine orders now?

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I‘m torn between painting and playing my SoB as Bloody Rose and Our Martyred Lady.

I can see uses for either one and although I ain‘t big on Repentia Squads, I won‘t go for a gunline either.


So if I was to split my models between the orders, do you think I‘d be left with two smaller separate armies when the next codex drops?

After all, there might be some rule akin to the C:SM mono-chapter bonus in there and SoB can use any buff they can get imo.


Of would you reckon these rules will stay contained within the Astartes?


Since it might be some time yet ‚til SoB see a new dex, I‘d prefer not to table the Sisters ‚til then...

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I‘m torn between painting and playing my SoB as Bloody Rose and Our Martyred Lady.

I can see uses for either one and although I ain‘t big on Repentia Squads, I won‘t go for a gunline either.


So if I was to split my models between the orders, do you think I‘d be left with two smaller separate armies when the next codex drops?

After all, there might be some rule akin to the C:SM mono-chapter bonus in there and SoB can use any buff they can get imo.


Of would you reckon these rules will stay contained within the Astartes?


Since it might be some time yet ‚til SoB see a new dex, I‘d prefer not to table the Sisters ‚til then...

Seems like you are a bit ambievalent.


I'm the same. But personally, I think it's more satisfying to atleast have the larger part of the army as one order (or faction, chapter, etc)


You can always grab a pack of 10 sister and paint 5 of them Martyred Lady and 5 Bloody Rose :) then decide.

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I’d vote for painting them one consistent scheme that you enjoy painting instead of painting to maximize the order benefits/rules.


40k is in such a state of flux right now with 9th ed dropping and the codex FAQ to bring all the 8th ed books in line, who even knows what state the various order rules will be in two months from now.


If, when all the rules drop and you decide to run some of your red painted ladies as Our Martyred Lady, and some as Bloody Rose or some as Valourous Heart to try out the various order rules, then either paint the base rims a different colour for your opponent to tell them apart, or (if your budget allows) you can think about buying more models to paint in that specific colour scheme.


There is no wrong colour to paint them, the important thing is to get those ladies painted and ready to play some games.

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You can still play two Orders at 1k, 2k and 3k points, but if you do, you have to pay CP for the second detachment. You'll also want the detachment that contains your Warlord to be a Patrol, Battalion or a Brigade- that way you get the CP spent on that detachment back, effectively making it a free detachment.


We don't know the CP cost for any detachment other than Battalion, which costs 3CP. 


So the only question is, how many CP is it worth to you to split your army into two Orders. If 3 CP is an acceptable cost, and your second detachment fits in a battalion, you can go ahead and paint both orders, knowing you'll be able to do what you want at an acceptable cost.


If you feel that ANY CP cost is too much, you're stuck painting the army as mono order, but knowing that, you can proceed.


Where it gets tricky is if you'd be willing to pay 1 or 2CP but not 3. Or if your extra detachment can't be made to fit into a battalion. Because if that's the case, you do have to wait to see the costs for other detachments before you can decide.

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