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Raptor Scouts; “Air cover 30 mins out!”

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Some more progress last night with the squad.




Auspex scout:


Detail shot:


Still touching up the freehand chapter symbols:


Sgt. :


First attempt at urban camo on cloak:

(Need to thin these paints more!)


Another angle:


Group shot; with just two more to go at this stage of sorting and painting and details;


Pretty pleased so far as a lot of firsts for me with this project. Next step will be painting the bases and looking into using the technical GW which simulated rust for all the concrete pick marks and rebar. Think it’ll add a nice contrast point to the grey ruins. Always look forward to comments and feedback!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Raptor Scouts update:

Working on finishing up their bases, some washes of Nuln and Agrax to go and paint details like spent shell cases and rebar / barb wire, but late last night had some time to take some WIP shots in black and white for fun. Better pics to follow once time allows. I think the black and white adds a cinematic feel to them all together!





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Took some quick photos on the way out the door to work this morning; as I finished the bases last night. If wanted, I can take some more detailed shots with better lighting tonight.

Some details like the ‘hidden’ teleport homer, and rusted razor wire can’t be seen too well in these shots.

Pretty happy to see them come all together with the bases finished. Working on a Tac Sq next and also Chapter Master Issodon.








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KBA: Appreciate the kind words! I’m thinking of making scout sniper squads next in the same style to keep with the theme of urban rubble and cover. And thanks again for the encouragement in achieving the Raptors’ feel and look. Some detail pics to come tonight.
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Raptors Scout Squad:

Excited to see this first project complete. I’m now thinking of building some scout snipers in the same vein. Wanted to give you some more detailed shots with better lighting of both in front of and Behind cover. Enjoy!

Scout Sq. Marksman with teleport homer:



Scout in cover, Commo Specialist:



Scout Sgt.:



Scout with Sgt’s melta bomb and Auspex:






Oldest Mbr of the squad and 2nd in command:


Heavy weapons specialist:



Scout SAW:



Scout in cover:



So as I said pretty happy with results. Didn’t want to create just another bolter scout squad. A lot of firsts here. First time using this much base detail and cover, first camo cloak attempt on Sgt., first use of typhus corrosion and Ryza rust too. Bolter spent shells way too big for firearms they’re using, but happy with execution. Will look good on a Dred’s base for that caliber size munition. Learned a lot and now onto a true scout sniper hide next. Also wanted to thank the Night Hunters for the inspiration of marines actually using cover in a firefight!

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Damn, respect for actually tinkering with metal models! I remember what a pain it was to chop them back when I collected WHF Orcs.

You took the tacticool aspect of Raptors and turned it to eleven. You can never go wrong with camo green and black :d. The bases and whole cohesion of the squad are simply stellar! Keep it up!

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Thanks Acrowsperch and Umbra!


I’ve gotten pretty good with a vice and a hacksaw. More of these to come with scout snipers next and also in keeping with the First Born Raptors theme; scouts who are close to moving to the next stage or whose squads have been decimated will be assigned as armorers and squires to some of my tactical sgt’s and other marines; model wise they’ll carry their weapons or extra ammo, etc.

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