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Just a little explanation why I started this conversation.


After all this years there are still a lot of BT players out there although GW didnt give them the love they deserve. All first founding chapters (which GW prefered after success from Horus Heresy) got a new Primaris model. But Crimson fists ( Kantor always seemed to me more beloved then Lysander), Flesh Tearers and Black Templars dont get any attention from GW although they are very well known. 


The new Primaris release for 9th edtion looks like a Black Templar release if you watch them closely. And now there is a big disussion in another thread what next SM-release should be (from the SM-fanbase view).


And in addition There was a rumor about GW stuff wondered about how much costumers wanted more love for this faction in the last survey.


So here my question:


Which chapters were played in your area, gaming-group. How would you rank the different chapters in terms of how beloved they are in our community

Honestly, a lot of my local area are also tournament oriented for all the different game systems (a lot of them compete yearly at nova open, Lvo, etc. and do quite well). So, as you might expect more than a few "chase the meta" so Iron Hands, Imperial Fists were prominent with talk of some shifting to Grey Knights post psychic awakening... and then the global unpleasantness occurred so who knows what theyre working on now. Edited by The_Chaplain

A bunch of us have Scythes of the Emperor from a group project, most of us have a couple of heresy/pre heresy armies that cross over plus Dark and Blood Angels for 40k. If you go back further theres more but i doubt the owners would bring them to the table. I mean in Thoery ive got Space Wolves, Blazing Suns, Deathwatch and a Charchadons kill team but they are in various states. Ive also sold Blood Angels, White Scars and Fire Hawks armies to pay rent but thats the glory of being in the hobby for near 30 years :D 

My local meta has 3 Raven guard players, 4 ultramarines, 2 Blood Angels,1 salamanders, 1 Imperial Fists, 1 dark angels, and one black primed meta chaser who uses a new chapter every other week.

A decent-ish mix, but definitely Ultramarine and Raven Guard heavy. Most of them picked their army for the lore but one of the raven guard players and 3 of the ultramarine players are pretty obnoxious powergamers.

it varies based on edition and who is currently playing in our area. we have several military bases nearby so every few years it changes. 


The most common SM chapters i see


.imperial fists

.iron hands


.crimson fists

.blood angels

and occasionally dark angels and black templar


for chaos



.thousand son

.noise marines

.iron warriors



the more exotic chapters rarely see any play. i have seen a total of 1 blood ravens player  and on very rare occasions some ravenguard, white scars or raptors

What a great question, what interesting answers. For us, it's:


Ultramarines - most of my current meta started in 8th, Ultramarines are like the default choice


Iron Hands - so they got nerfed, but their Chapter Tactic is so plug & play straightforward they're still a go-to


Raven Guard - one top painter and player uses them well, so others started following his example


Samurai-themed custom Successors - we got some insanely good converters here, including one who works for a Disney subsidiary, so high bar of Imagineering. But every single time they choose a samurai theme. I guess it's an animé influence


From most prevalent to still strangely common.

Our store owner is a Black Templar player when he gets to play.


There is a Dark Angel, and Grey Knight player


There aren't a lot of Space Marine players in my area. Most are Chaos, or a Xenos army. Those of us who are are mostly DIY Successor Chapters.


I'm DIY Raven Guard Successor


There's an Iron Hands successor tourney player


Two Ultramarine Successors 


Blood Angel player that shows up every other Blue Moon


and a Red Scorpion player who uses Imperial Fist rules.



Most Beloved? We foster hobbying and encourage people to paint whatever they find exciting. It's less common for anyone to be caught up in playing an army because of the Lore.

For my group,


We have a couple of Space Wolf and Black Templar players (me being one and the most avid).


We also have Dark Angels (mostly Deathwing), Deathwatch, Ravenguard and Ultramarines. All of these armies were built before the supplements.


Unfortunately, especially with the PA, one player has also become a bit of a chaser, buying Mephiston for BA, then switching the Fists, if I kept in touch the newer releases might have had him changeup again.

I'm the only SM player in my tiny gaming group of 3 people.


Edit: didn't answer the question. Since I'm the only one that plays, my unpainted boys usually go as Dark Angels, Blood Angels, or Ultramarines.

Edited by ShibeKing

We have Space Wolves, Deathwatch*, Blood Angels*, Dark Angels*, Red Skorpions**, and Acacia Marines***.


* Secondary or Tertiary armies for those players.

** A fluff-bunny using the Build-a-Chapter rules without a suppliment since their parent is unknown per GW.

*** Almost always a straight Inheritor of the Primarch White Scar successor, but occasional forays into "how stupid can I make [insert chapter here] if I start stacking rules?"

  On 6/7/2020 at 4:39 PM, ShibeKing said:

I'm the only SM player in my tiny gaming group of 3 people.


Edit: didn't answer the question. Since I'm the only one that plays, my unpainted boys usually go as Dark Angels, Blood Angels, or Ultramarines.

and painted as?

In terms of how they are painted?


Most players don't even put on the decals so its hard to tell which Chapter they really are.   But of top of my head they are Crimson Fists, Black Templars, Ultramarines and one or two Imperial Fist / White Scars / Salamanders. 


Though most play them as IRON HANDS in 8th Edition after SM Codex 2.0.

  On 6/10/2020 at 5:26 AM, Schurge said:

In my area it is mostly Xenos players. Dark Angels and Salamanders are what I encounter most often from loyalist marine players.

painted as?



In my gaming club we have about 15 Space Marine players and the majority plays them as they want. There are just 4 players who play their Marines in their colors while 2 players have a own colored chapter.


But there is just one of those players who really does not care about that. All other players switching the chapters because of competitive gaming. So do I. Over 8th edition I tried my Black Templars 2 times on tournaments and realized with that a stronger army I had chances to reach 1st place but not with my original chapter color.


So a tournament statistic say nothing about which chapters have a large fanbase because most of IH lists are not black^^

  On 6/9/2020 at 10:30 AM, Medjugorje said:


  On 6/7/2020 at 4:39 PM, ShibeKing said:

I'm the only SM player in my tiny gaming group of 3 people.

Edit: didn't answer the question. Since I'm the only one that plays, my unpainted boys usually go as Dark Angels, Blood Angels, or Ultramarines.


and painted as?

Unfortunately unpainted. I'm terrible at it and don't put in the effort to get better.

I get it, but between spray cans or contrast paint something is better than nothing, for your playing partner. I have real medical issues and being 56 doesn't help, very frustrating trying to do any detail work but when I'm playing against a grey army its almost impossible to see what half the models are suppose to be sometimes. Its weird what a difference a colored primer and a few swipes of a second color can do to make an army start to look good. Encouraging everyone to try.

  • 2 weeks later...

We have a large number of players in my area, ages range from High School teen agers to a 55 year old retired military veteran. I typically see the following Chapters:



-Dark Angels

-Blood Angels

-Grey Knights


Occasionally I see



-Space Wolves


I used to see a lot of Raven Guard until that very active player moved to Texas.


When I play my Marines they are Red Templars (Imperial Fist successors)

Edited by Montford

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