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Battle Conclave and Slotless Units Rock Combat Patrol!

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At the Combat Patrol level (500 points), you can only take a single detachment. You'll want it to be a core detachment (Patrol, Battalion, Brigade) so that the points you get for it are refunded. At 500 points, there's no way to fill the mandatory spots in a Brigade; you could fill those slots in a Battalion, but that doesn't leave you many points left over to fill the extra slots you get for choosing the Battalion instead of the Patrol.


So most folks, at 500 points, are going to go Patrol. It has few mandatory choices, so less "Tax," but it also has fewer specialist slots.


However, battle conclave units are don't take up slots if you include a Preacher or a Missionary, nor do repentia superiors if the unit includes a repentia squad.


So if you took a Canoness as HQ, you get an order trait for the sororitas units. Then take your MSU BSS to satisfy the mandatory requirements. If you take a Preacher and a Repentia Squad, you get to take an MSU of Arcos, DCA's and Crusaders, as well as a Repentia Superior! 


So with no upgrades and all MSU, if I've done the math right, at current points levels, you can take all of this in a patrol:










Repentia Superior

Sisters Repentia


And STILL have 85 points left over! That's enough for another MSU BSS and some upgrades. Or a mortifier. My personal Fave is the Zephyrim, because with all the close combat, I'm definitely going Bloody Rose on this, and sky striking faith charges can really assist the other units.


At higher sizes, where you can take multiple detachments, assuming patrols are cheap, you could really load this out, because you'd have the points to fill your heavy spots with two mortifier squadrons. That patrol would be a fist of freakin' rage!


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