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The Order of St. Sigrun

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I ordered some Eisenkern Valkir Heavy Troopers from Dreamforge Games a number of years ago. The intention was to build them (and buy more of course) as a Sisters/Fenrisian faction of soldiers chosen from the Huskaerl pdfs and the Fenrisian populace that were unable to be transformed into space wolves but we're worthy of something more than death.


So here's the first of the chosen:









The helmet still needs gold for the mouth guard and the Bolter still needs finishing. But there she is, the first sister chosen by the great Sigrun.

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She was the she-wolf of Fenris, the cunning huntress,

Clad in wolf skin, she stalked her prey across the frozen wastes,

Spear, bow, sword, axe and shield, her mastery of the murder-make was unparalleled,




Her body battered, her bones broken, yet the will to fight raged within,




The Wolf King brought her dying form to the Aett,

The Flesh-makers repaired her body and breathed into her new life,

Sigrun bled with the claws and hunted with the grey,

She marched with the fangs and stood with his guard,

Sigrun waged war beside the wolves of Fenris,

Clad in the armor of the Wolf she stalked the sea of stars,




She chose her brothers and sisters in arms from our Huskaerl ranks,

Only the bravest and mightiest of our mortal brethren-




She lead mortals to victory in the name of the Wolf,

Her spear pierced the soul of Al'Duin,

Her sword cut the thread of the troll king Gore-jak,

The smile of her axe took the head of the traitor Moreaux,

Her shield held strong against the mightiest of blows,




Until the sun set on the slopes of Mount Mærto,

Where the green tide grew to envelope the horizons,

The walls of the bastion Ozyxyzo, atop the clouds yet stood,

Many brave souls were lost on that ridge,

Huugar, Fenryk, Skjoll,

Even the mighty Torbjorn fell beneath the foul green tide,

All were shepherded by the relentless Sigrun,

Her chosen brothers and sisters guarding the fallen until only Sigrun remained,




The bastion was overrun, and she slew countless troll-kin,

Her victims blood forever staining the mountain green,

Without number the troll-kin rushed in, With eyes of fire Sigrun fought on,




-and Sigrun was brought low, her wounds many and terrible,




The Wolf King arrived with the rising sun,

The bastion yet stood, but no living being greeted his arrival

Instead he was met with a monument to death,

A macabre museum of butchered green-skins,

From the gates to the parapets, the bastion was bathed in green gore,

The Wolf King found no signs of the defenders,

The only resistance were the green-skin stragglers, trying to flee the bastion grounds,




It would be within the deepest catacombs the Wolf King would find the truth,

The bodies of the green-skins clogged this final tunnel, deep beneath Mt. Mærto,

And at the opposite end of the tunnel was a grim scene,

A mighty form looming over a much smaller one,

The green warlord his back to the Wolf King,

A speartip jutting from the warlords back, its haft, braced in the dirt behind the the smaller form,

The warlords massive arms hanging limply by his sides,

His face a permanent smear of shock, horror and surprise,

The shield between them belonged to the She-wolf, it was braced against their combined weight, supporting Sigrun in her final breaths,

Sigrun herself, helm missing, golden locks matted a deep crimson, armor rent and stained with the filth and gore of battle,

Her sword and axe braced and ready to take the next wave,

Her face forever frozen in rage and hatred, a murderous howl cast upon her lips,

Sigrun 'stood' before the massive vault door, the final bulwark against the insanity of the horde,

Within the Wolf King found the bodies of the defenders,

Hundreds stacked floor to ceiling,

Another defense, for beyond were a handful of survivors,

The children, the elders, the non-combatants, the critically wounded and dying,

A few dozen souls lived-



Edited by Wulf Vengis
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The colors are striking.

Why thank you, i didn't want to use colours that would be instantly recognizable as Sororitas, I chose the grey armor as a kind of fluff nod towards the space wolves ("Clad in the armor of the Wolf"), just as she hunted on Fenris wearing a mighty wolf skin. For the markings i sorted out the color combos missing from the space wolves (red&white and yellow&white). I chose the red&white for my battle sisters squad equivalent the Shield Maidens.

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Thank you, I've edited it slightly as i transcribed it to a personal record state. Mostly just a little cleanup and rearranging of minor details for a more clear reading. I'll EDIT it shortly.


For some reason i picture a wizened old rune priest telling it, but the voice reading it in my head is a Dreadnought, emotion and liveliness coming to its booming voice and lumbering form as it recounts the glories of the past, then suddenly it becomes jarringly still it's voice robbed of all emotion as it booms out in its robotic monotone "SEGMENT MISSING". All the onlookers reaction with a collective groan.

Like an old drive in movie where a "reel missing" card would sometimes pop-up.

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