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Rise of the Spider? Fabius for Anyone?


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I'm just really curious about this.


I of course preordered Fabius the second I could. He will definitely be added to my Black Legion immediately. 


However, the question is: Will Fabius be placed in a foam tray beside Haarkon (to never see the light of day)? Or will Fabius be placed next to Abaddon (my must use tray)?


I know Chaos takes a lot of grief, and GW seems to swing and miss at a phenomenally high ratio with Chaos Space Marines, but could this be a hit?


I intend to run him with my Black Legion Possessed. And when I don't feel like sinking in a ton of resources into escorting Possesed, I plan to run him with Berzerkers.


I never played Alpha Legion or Word Bearers this edition so he actually is a big value add for me there. I don't know about the other Legions.


What do you guys think of him? Why is there so little conversation about him? We are days away from receiving Fabius, and I'd like to know if anyone plans on using him. :)


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I think his rules look decent, but I'm largely on freeze until I see what the full consequences of 9th will be. If he came out much earlier he would have definitely been great, but theres not much time until a big rules overhaul. Personally, I like my characters faster or with deepstrike ability atleast, but I would probably break that tradition for him.
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I'm not sure yet, I'd like to get him but I'm still thinking about my original idea to convert him up but as Doom says it's not a good time. With 9th on the horizon it seems like waiting is best? I'm not fully up on his rules yet but they seem decent from what I know, I think an issue is he's yet another buff character and it seems you can't walk round a corner without bumping into at least three these days... :tongue.:


At least he does it a bit differently but I don't want to feel like I need to have him bouncing around like a pinball to get the most out of? So a bit hard to get that excited, I think a lot of people are waiting for 9th to launch before we properly jump in to anything :confused:


I did have a double take on "Will Fabius", I thought you surely meant Fabulous William (Bill to his friends)? :laugh.:

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I plan on getting him if only for the fact that my IW will need a medic and I've always liked that model to begin with.


Did he get a Narthecium ? If he didn't I don't see how he would be healing anyone rules wise. Unless I missed a leak or something, I would be surprised if he as any healing ability apart from himself at all. 

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Well his rules barely changed apart from having a 5+++ and having a reliable way of giving a unit +1T now, however it's my favourite 40k character and you are forced to take him if you want to use his subfaction so he'll definitely see the table on my part.

I'm just disappointed that the book that's supposedly so much about him has only such a tiny rules section for his subfaction, so he'll probably only make a guest appearance every now and then for my Slaanesh warband.

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I think he was more of the glue to bring the DG/custodes/SoS into conflict for the sake of PA, and gave them an excuse to give him a new model to sell along with the novels he is in. They added a tiny <legion> as well. But no matter how not great or great it was, chaos space marines already had their PA book. Would be silly if his faction was as big as the others in this book.


Model looks cool.

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Many sorta lame things about the rules IMO (buffed unit wholly within 6", for example), but also some interesting new options, which I like. I think I'll use him from time to time. If I do, I'll convert my own model, as I don't like the way he looks. 

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Many sorta lame things about the rules IMO (buffed unit wholly within 6", for example), but also some interesting new options, which I like. I think I'll use him from time to time. If I do, I'll convert my own model, as I don't like the way he looks.

What rule are you referencing with the "wholly within 6""? I can't find anything about Bile that says that.

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The new text for the enhanced creations warriors rule, based on the translations, requires the buffed unit to be wholly within 6" as opposed to 1" away, which was the existing 8th edition text.



Thanks iranoutofnamesnow for the translation :-)

If bile is the warlord, you can replace the legion keyword with "creations of bile" Units with the "creations of bile" keyword get the following rules:

In the spiders web - if your army is battleforged, your troops get objective secured

Legiontrait - characters, infantry (no cultists), biker and helbrutes get +1 to their movement and stregth.

his rules:

Another set of hands - can add or subtract 1 to his enhance rules if his surgeon acolyte is part of his unit. the acolyte also gets ignored for morale.

The injektor-chirugon - 5+FNP and regains d3 wounds at the start of your turn

Enhanced warriors - now only works at the end of YOUR movement phase. Enhances a unit that is wholly within 6 inches to bile. First Roll a d6 on a one slay 1 model. Roll a d3 and get buffs acordingly. 1->+1s; 2-> +1T; 3-> +1atk

Points for bile are 85 Surgeon acolyte 5

Biles Relics

Living Carapace - A model with this relic regains 1 lost wound at the start of your turn. Furthermore it adds 1 to its armour save (not the invulns)

All-seeing helmet - As long as a model with this relic is on the battlefield, you get to roll a d6 for each commandpoint you spent. on a 5+ you get a refund.

Rapid growth projectiles - A model with this relic can choose a boltpistol, bolter or combiweapon it is equipped with can choose to fire a single rapid growth projectile, instead of making its normal attack. The projectile always wounds non vehicles on a 2+ and deals 4 dmg


venoumous claws

use this stratagem in the combat phase, when a non cultist unit of biles creations is chosen to fight with. Until end of phase, unmodified hit rolls of 6+ with the units MELEE WEAPON (the one from the core rulebook that every model has) always hit and wound.

Hideous Visages

At the beginning of any phase you can use this stratagem to make a units of biles creations -1 to hit, if the unit targeting it is within 6 inches.

Very flexible tendons 1cp

Use the stratagem at the beginning of your movement phase. a non cultist infantery unit can make a charge move even if they advanced this turn. add 1 to their advance and charge rolls until the end of your turn.

Under the masters watch 1cp

use this stratagem at the beginning of your shooting or melee phase. non cultist infantery bile creation unit that is within of 12 inches of your warlord and has line of sight to him gets to reroll hit rolls.

Chitin Skin 1cp

Use this stratagem during an oponents shooting phase if he declares a non cultist creations of bile infantery unit the target of his attack. the chosen unit gets +1T until the end of the phase.

Cought alive 1cp

use this stratagem when a creations of bile infantery unit (including cultists for a change) destroys an enemy model with a melee attack. For the rest of the battle all lost models of that unit from this turns melee count as two losses for the purpose of morale checks. Each enemy unit can only be affected once by this stratagem.

Superior Creation 1cp

Use this stratagem before the game start. You can only use it once.

Choose a Creations of Bile Character model that isnt bile. It gains one of the following rules:

-Splendid Testsubject +1 to strength and toughness

-Masters Bloodhound +1 to advance and chargerolls. +1 attack when it performed a charge or heroic intervention

-Voracious Biology 6+FNP and regains D3 lost wounds if at least 1 enemy model died within 1inch during melee phase

Fabius rules (in Deutsch): https://imgur.com/a/z47lvRO

EDIT: Worth noting that now you roll only ONE die per unit before enhancement but it is a slain model on fail instead of mortal wound.

Edited by Juggernut
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Aye I can confirm that. The rule now says the unit has to be wholly within 6". I'm not too bothered by that though. At least only one model dies if you roll poorly instead of potentially every model suffering a mortal wound.

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Everyone please note: "Superior Creation" is *CHARACTER MODEL* not unit. 

On the point of bile, I own both Night Lords and Iron Warriors. He will find places slotted into both lists at times for his 90 points (very nice price point for what he is). 

However..... Creations of Bile feels like a dream for conversions. It also feels like a side faction that is meant to have some very unique on the table presence. In this case its turning some units into really tough nuts to crack on a whim. 


I very much like what they showed, Bile himself is still "plug and play" and whenever someone wishes to run a "melee oriented" Chaos marine list we have access to, what feels on paper at least, to be a very solid design for a melee-oriented list with a useful trait and a handful of good strats. 

Edited by Sonoftherubric21
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Ah crap. Well I guess Daemon Prince it is then.


Edit: Daemon Prince with the upgrade stratagem and the living armour relic. 7 S9 AP-2 D2 attacks, T7 Sv2+ and regenerates 1 wound every turn. I like the sound of that. :tu:

Edited by Panzer
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Based on prior responses, are we thinking Plague Marines will end up being the best target for the toughness buff? Being a World Eaters player, I never really looked at their profile. Are they REALLY just 1 wound? Lulz...

Edited by Juggernut
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Based on prior responses, are we thinking Plague Marines will end up being the best target for the toughness buff? Being a World Eaters player, I never really looked at their profile. Are they REALLY just 1 wound? Lulz...


That is our biggest issue as a faction, beyond possessed we have 1 wound infantry. 


Though I think Biles buff would work great on Berserkers as well. Gives them base Str 5, t5, move 7 in his detachment. 


Not to shabby.... 


I am not sure that T6 on plauges will make a big difference practically speaking. Str 4 (the most common str) does not care about the difference between t5 and t6. 

Edited by Sonoftherubric21
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This...is actually kind of tempting. The modelling opportunities alone are just awesome.


But what really tipped me over the edge was the Superior Creation strat. A Daemon Prince modelled as a huge, genetically-enhanced monster is just cool...but it also looks like this strat works on the Lord Discordant...

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Based on prior responses, are we thinking Plague Marines will end up being the best target for the toughness buff? Being a World Eaters player, I never really looked at their profile. Are they REALLY just 1 wound? Lulz...


That is our biggest issue as a faction, beyond possessed we have 1 wound infantry. 


Though I think Biles buff would work great on Berserkers as well. Gives them base Str 5, t5, move 7 in his detachment. 


Not to shabby.... 


I am not sure that T6 on plauges will make a big difference practically speaking. Str 4 (the most common str) does not care about the difference between t5 and t6. 



There's an ever increasing amount of S5 shooting around in case you didn't notice. All these Primaris gatlings and Heavy Bolters. And then there are the T'au with their basic infantry wielding S5 guns, their Burst Cannons and Smart Missile Systems too. T4->T5 is a big jump but T5->T6 is still quite noticeable too.

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