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Rise of the Spider? Fabius for Anyone?


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Based on prior responses, are we thinking Plague Marines will end up being the best target for the toughness buff? Being a World Eaters player, I never really looked at their profile. Are they REALLY just 1 wound? Lulz...


That is our biggest issue as a faction, beyond possessed we have 1 wound infantry. 


Though I think Biles buff would work great on Berserkers as well. Gives them base Str 5, t5, move 7 in his detachment. 


Not to shabby.... 


I am not sure that T6 on plauges will make a big difference practically speaking. Str 4 (the most common str) does not care about the difference between t5 and t6. 



There's an ever increasing amount of S5 shooting around in case you didn't notice. All these Primaris gatlings and Heavy Bolters. And then there are the T'au with their basic infantry wielding S5 guns, their Burst Cannons and Smart Missile Systems too. T4->T5 is a big jump but T5->T6 is still quite noticeable too.



I did not notice actually, my local Salamanders opponent doesn't have a ton of str 5 shooting. 


And there are no local Tau players. 


So perhaps thats why on my end lol

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Biles Boys shouldnt get VotlW. They are not of the Legions.

Is that written somewhere? Doesn't he experiment on any subject? I would imagine that this includes legionnaires as well.

Edited by Kythnos
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Biles Boys shouldnt get VotlW. They are not of the Legions.

Is that written somewhere? Doesn't he experiment on any subject? I would imagine that this includes legionnaires as well.

That’s why I was curious. The creation of bills boyz is more recent, but in the novels his main guys are all from the legions... made me wonder how the crunch would go.

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Biles Boys shouldnt get VotlW. They are not of the Legions.

Is that written somewhere? Doesn't he experiment on any subject? I would imagine that this includes legionnaires as well.



Yes, you can argue that, and yes, read as written you are right. Biles Creations are not "Renegade Chapter", but I wouldnt be suprised if that will be FAQed. (Or the stupid VotlW restriction is removed) Bile experiments on anyone, so the veterans are diluted by new bloods. From a pure lore perspective, they shouldnt be veterans.

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Just don't go there. There will always be a difference between fluff and crunch. If you want to play Brazen Drakes with all their old toys just use the loyalist Codex.

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Just don't go there. There will always be a difference between fluff and crunch. If you want to play Brazen Drakes with all their old toys just use the loyalist Codex.


I don't blame him for being a bit salty, or mocking Chaos at this point, considering the state of Chaos. lol

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I'm just having a bit of fun I don't mean to sound salty. 

Don't think too much of it. Some of us oldtimers get a bit twitchy still when people remind us of things that are practically meme-status by now. But it's a well known issue that has de-railed very many threads in the past so it's better to stay away from that can of worms. :)

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So I decided to take Fabius for a stroll in my next game (tonight?) with my Possessed (Black Legion/Flawless Host) army.


The one thing I'm wondering is, can I enhance the same squad more than once?

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So I decided to take Fabius for a stroll in my next game (tonight?) with my Possessed (Black Legion/Flawless Host) army.


The one thing I'm wondering is, can I enhance the same squad more than once?


The german leak says a unit can be targeted only once per battle by that ability.

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I plan on getting him if only for the fact that my IW will need a medic and I've always liked that model to begin with.


Did he get a Narthecium ? If he didn't I don't see how he would be healing anyone rules wise. Unless I missed a leak or something, I would be surprised if he as any healing ability apart from himself at all. 


He would look good converted to look like a medic in a sense. What he actually would count as? Well that remains to be seen. While he may not be 'healing' marines, pumping them full of whatever he had brewed up is equally thematic for the battlefield.

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With the legion trait in mind, I was thinking about how a build would work around three big squads of Chosen, with Chainwords, combi-bolters and maybe a hammer on the champion. A ten man squad with 5x combis and a hammer on the champion comes to 146pts. The reasoning is the S5 and chainswords for all makes them hit almost as hard as a Bezerkers first swing, and the dakka is similar to auto bolt intercessors when stationary or Rapid Firing. That would be a solid versatile core. Obviously not obsec but with 9th focusing on fewer detachments I'm not sure we'll see as many troops as we are used to now
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A little more towards topic....


I got notification my book and Fabius should be here Monday (tomorrow). But that said I confess the wisdom of the internet (For better or worse) has started to make me think this is a really, really bad idea. lol


But still I intend on bringing ol' Fabulous in with my Abaddon lead Possessed. It certainly won't be the strongest army in 40K, but it makes me wonder if I'll ever use him in 9th since HQ's will be more difficult to get in multiples after you fill your first detachment. So I figure I better play the ol' codger before the end of the month. :)

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Good article.


And from it:




One useful thing to note is that the rule around Fabius Bile and legion traits still applies, so if you want to use Fabius without all the other rules from his faction to just boost a unit of World Eaters Berserkers or Alpha Legion Possessed, that’s an option too.
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 I still didn't get my delivery today! lol


So just looking for ideas. And yea that article quote is exactly how I plan to use him. The real problem I'm having is fitting him in the list. He typically won't do anything... just like my Dark Apostle.... I hate having dead space in the list, and in the back of my mind I'm wondering how in heck I include all these HQ's for 9th.

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 I still didn't get my delivery today! lol


So just looking for ideas. And yea that article quote is exactly how I plan to use him. The real problem I'm having is fitting him in the list. He typically won't do anything... just like my Dark Apostle.... I hate having dead space in the list, and in the back of my mind I'm wondering how in heck I include all these HQ's for 9th.


I think we will have to make hard choices for CSM, do we want buffers or beat sticks characters, because we definitely won't be able to do both well with the points resets. 

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I still didn't get my delivery today! lol


So just looking for ideas. And yea that article quote is exactly how I plan to use him. The real problem I'm having is fitting him in the list. He typically won't do anything... just like my Dark Apostle.... I hate having dead space in the list, and in the back of my mind I'm wondering how in heck I include all these HQ's for 9th.

I think we will have to make hard choices for CSM, do we want buffers or beat sticks characters, because we definitely won't be able to do both well with the points resets.

I'm in the boat of go all in and tie dynamite to that stick.

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I don't think running an extra Supreme Command Detachment or two in order to squeeze in Bile will put us at a huge disadvantage. As it stands now there is huge variability in CP with some starting a game with 24 fighting someone else with 8. My question is whether or note Bile is worth his points as a plug and play character. Is +1 toughness on a squad of 8 single-wound berserkers in a rhino much of an improvement?
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