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  • 2 weeks later...

So I've finally got around to finishing the tactical lance. I think my "white" is better on these, as are a couple of the other colours where I've been trying to water down my layers. I also tried some freehand with some scroll work which I had mixed results on, mostly positive but could be better. I've also been working more on the background so that's made the painting progress easier as I've got a better idea of what to be putting where.


Next up this this squad's razorback (thus far just a baseplate and one side). I've also got another tactical squad to do, a devastator squad, a command squad and a bunch of characters so I need to get going on them too. Need to finalise my company structure as I want a couple of more unique elite-level squads in there which is where some of my character models will go.

  • 2 months later...

Been a few months since I posted anything - way too busy at work!

Anyway, question for anyone reading this: are there any good alternative terminator helms out there?

My company captain is going to be in terminator armour (with ridiculous shoulder pads - the pics below) but I'm not sure about his helm. He's definitely going to be wearing a helmet BTW, all my marines are. In the pictures below I've tried a couple of more "fancy" power armour helms but I'm really not sure. I'd need to shave off some plastic from the backs of them too so that they fit within the armoured cowl - or at least don't stick out as much.

So, option 1 (at the moment anyway). I think this helm is one from the venerable dreadnought set.


Option 2 is a helm from the command set (I think).


This last picture doesn't really show the helm but does show the other shoulder pad:


Space Marine power armour helmets and terminator helmets are different. Even if you did shave them it wouldn't look right I think. You are better off saving those cool helmets for power armoured helmets. If you definitely dont want a bare head maybe a grey knight head? I did find a lion shaped head on a terminator in google images but can't find where the guy got it- maybe he made it himself.

Hi Grailkeeper.


Yeah, that’s where my thinking has been going to; keep the power armour helms for other models.

There's a weird lack of options for alternative terminator helms, tried various Google searches and trawling through alternative bits sites etc but not finding much. I do quite like the grey Knight terminator helms or the custodes ones but the latter are very hard to find.

This is a power armour helmet but doesnt look like one. Do you think if you rounded down the ears and made a mane out of greenstuff you could make it look like a lions head? 






Edit: Found something better https://puppetswar.eu/lion-helmets-1164.html



Edited by grailkeeper


Nice colour sceme. Very brave. I have trouble with whites as well. But found that basing with i believe ceramite white and then overpainting with true white really helps.

Idd thin layers.

That said your freehand on the scrolls is way out of my league yet.


Fluffwise is mordia their recruiting world? As mordians also strive to be always parade ready

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