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Power Mauls, any point?

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So I'm converting a few extra aspiring champions/exalted champions/noise champions whilst in lockdown, and I'm just wandering if there is any point in power mauls when we have the chain axe which is cheaper and against most targets the as good as a power maul, beyond looks?

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IMO you’ve got the right of it. If a S4 model is fighting, it’s most likely going to be against infantry. For the cost, it’s tough to justify any other power weapons on them. I think certain cases can be made for exalted champions, but I’d go for a power fist/thunder hammer (not sure if they can take those, the csm equipment rules are quite stupid).
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The Power Maul is S+2, AP-1.


It's what one you want to use against units that rely on toughness to shrug off hits, or lightly armoured units.


So for example: A Power Maul is FAR better if you're fighting a Terminator or Custodes, or an Guard/Eldar/Ork (the former because you're wounding it easier and forcing their invuln, the latter because you're wounding it easier [in the case of the first two, on 2s] and going right through their Armour Saves)


TL;DR: The Maul is a good go-between, the Axe is also good but in a slightly different manner. Essentially, if you DON'T know what you're fighting, the Power Axe (Chainaxe if you want to save on points) is the best, but if you know what you're fighting, the Maul or Sword is better.

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Power Mauls are better than Chain Axes against T3, T5 and T6. You gotta ask yourself how often you see those. Personally I see them all the time when playing against AdMech and Tyranids but I also play a lot against GK and SW where I only rarely (TWC) or never see them. Against myself you'd get a lot of use out of them as well since I use lots of Gravis in my BA army and with my T'au there's lots of Breacher/Kroot (T3), Crisis Suits (T5) and Ghostkeels (T6).

It's a niche weapon and what hurts it the most is the D1 stat since many of the targets with T5-T6 are multi-wound and against T3 you usually don't need a character with a power weapon anyway. It's not useless but it's easily overshadowed by other options.

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Of course you want a power maul, how else will you get the lovely siege breaker mace relic? 

Sadly the third legion cannot take them :p.

It's a shame they lost concussive, maybe a rule like on a wound roll of 6 became two damage? 

Yeah, my issue is the gaming group I'm in is quite mixed so it's hard to pin down how often I'd face T3/5 over 4 or 6+.

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