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Angels of Death Animated Series - Blood Angel Perspectives


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Unless you are living under a rock  or have been inducted into the Death Company and can only process the words "enemy" and "that way," you are aware that GW official animated series Angels of Death is on its way (exact release date/platform unknown). 


This thread is to discuss all the Blood Angel-related elements of the show since our boys having the starring role (for once?) in it. 


Queue up your "that's not 5th company insignia!" and "too much Khorne Red, not enough Mephiston Red" et al commentary. If at least one of us does not critique a comment made in the show about a historical event involving the BA or something that's been retconned....we're not doing "fandom" right. Channel your inner Comic Book Guy.

This should be fun. 


Trailer 1

Trailer 2 


And then just for hype/get in the mood for watching 40k film, here's the link to the immortal fan-made/unofficial Astartes short film. 

First up: 


The soundtrack snippets released by GW so far on Warhamer Community


My thoughts/first impressions:


-The preview in the Black Library audio app gives off a definite Blade Runner vibe. Quite atmospheric. I really dig it. My first thoughts are of a slow camera crawl through the architecture and statuary of a Space Marine void craft: everything is unsettling, even the "good guys" of the setting. Perfectly 40, eh? From a personal taste perspective, I like that GW seems to be introducing more synth elements into its 40k products, as it adds a certain something and harkens back to its founding in the glory days of the 80's. Especially when you...


-....compare/contrast to the "Angels of Death" track from the Dawn of War II soundtrack which many many folks ("community consensus?") claim is the theme to 40k in general, but especially anything to do with Space Marines. I have to agree with that statement overall. It has a typical orchestral flair to it with martial drums and horns with that signature 40k element of "gothic choir." 


-the "Black Rage" track previewed in the Warcom article seems to mate A + B above. Should be quite interesting to see how it pans out over the course of the series as a whole. Personally, I do not think "Black Rage" when I hear this, but that's ok: I am open to having my mind changed and is that not what art is all about? Opening yourself to new perspectives and interpretations? I think far too many of us automatically associate "Black Rage" with some metal tracks which makes perfect sense, but I'm ready to have some fresh perspectives. 



Get our your popcorn and blood wine, brothers!

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Soooooo, "that's not 5th Company insignia"! :biggrin.:

This is what I saw:

1. 3rd Company insignia on the kneeling Sergeant. Later we see a 1st squad insignia on his knee-pad. So I assume the strike cruiser is carrying at least 2 squads (2 drop pods) of the Ironhelms.

2. Captain "Ophiel" (could also be strangely pronounced 'Aphael'? However he's not of the 3rd) mentioned. Might be related to one of the ship captains though

3. Chaplain Rafael. No records

4. Terminator sergeant/captain (power sword and partial cloak) will loose an arm (if not life)

5. A techmarine fighting - yay! (and stricken?)

6. A strange marine helmet with black markings (stripe?) and red (meh!) eye-lenses. Possibly belongs to the sergeant.

7. I wonder who owns the power axe?


Unrelated to BA - in the fleet (first Trailer only) I saw many cruisers of a Crusade era classes.

Edited by Majkhel
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So what are we seeing?


BA cleansing a world of GSC insurrection when Tyranids arrive?


Ineresting the whole things seems in B&W bar the BA red armour. Hopefully it's as atmospheric as Helsreach.

I think that was an artistic choice to make the marines stand out more. Sort of like Sin City etc...



Yea it's interesting. I kinda dig it so far. I imagine blood will be quite graphic as well given which chapter is featured. 


Maybe psychic effects stand out a certain color as well and/or key characters have certain auras? 


Just spitballing, but I'll hold off final judgement until we see more. 

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I can't wait to see what the story boarding team came up with, with regard to the plot and narrative development of the series.  I honestly think they missed the mark, when it comes to the animation.  The voice acting sounds great. If I remember correctly, ADB is attached to this script, so I'm super stoked for that.  It's not that the animation is bad.  It's not.  It's good; but compared side by side with a fan project like Astartes, and I can't call it great.  Like I said, the story will more than make up for it, I'm sure.  I'm absolutely going to watch it.  I just don't feel as hyped as I wanted to for this.  

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I wish people would stop criticizing the animation style and comparing it to Astartes. This is animated by the guy who did the Helsreach videos. Everyone saw that and wanted GW to something that great with animation. So they hired him to animate this. Then Astartes comes out and everyone starts crapping on this animation. I fell really bad for the guy. 

I get that the animation may not be to everyone's taste. It's a unique style. Though I think it suits the universe of 40K very well. And GW probably could have had someone do this in a style more like Astartes. But they picked a guy who was part of the community and had already produced something really good and really well received by most 40K fans who had seen it. The fact that another fan made something that is also really great and looks "better" and more traditional shouldn't take away from the animation of Angels of Death. 



Edit: Malphas, I don't mean that as an attack on you. I just have seen many people complain about the animation. It can feel like fans asked for cake, GW gave us the cake we wanted, and now fans are whining about the cake. 

Edited by BluejayJunior
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I wish people would stop criticizing the animation style and comparing it to Astartes. This is animated by the guy who did the Helsreach videos. Everyone saw that and wanted GW to something that great with animation. So they hired him to animate this. Then Astartes comes out and everyone starts crapping on this animation. I fell really bad for the guy. 

I get that the animation may not be to everyone's taste. It's a unique style. Though I think it suits the universe of 40K very well. And GW probably could have had someone do this in a style more like Astartes. But they picked a guy who was part of the community and had already produced something really good and really well received by most 40K fans who had seen it. The fact that another fan made something that is also really great and looks "better" and more traditional shouldn't take away from the animation of Angels of Death. 



Edit: Malphas, I don't mean that as an attack on you. I just have seen many people complain about the animation. It can feel like fans asked for cake, GW gave us the cake we wanted, and now fans are whining about the cake. 


I appreciate the disclaimer :sweat:.  I hadn't read any other responses and just took the thread at face value.  I can see what you're saying, and I'm happy for the guy.  He certainly deserves a spot on GW's animation team.  He was one guy, though.  He wasn't a multinational, multibillion dollar company enjoying a historical bull run on its stock valuation.  GW is stepping into the media ring with Disney with this entry to the franchise.  I want to see them bring their 'A' Game.  We all know they can afford it (we spend enough on the models :biggrin.: ).  Especially when fan-made projects are simply far and away more polished in terms of their animation, I see this and I think of the Ultramarines movie.  Great cast, decent premise, bit of a let down visually.  I'm not trying to be a party pooper.  I was just giving my two cents.

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I don't like the animation. Hellesreach in its "handdrawn" parts had an unique style and a clear artistic convention. This is too close to all the other generic computer animations not to scream to me LOWBUDGETPLEASEBEGENTLE! Especially the tyranid ships. Is there any improvement over Battlefleet Gothic? And i see this as a wider problem - the trailer for the 9th ed was not up to the today's higher end's standards. I would prefer 15 minutes of top notch quality than okayish series. I don't mind the black-white-red style, but it's not my thing at all. I might watch it for the story and my devotion to BA but i really struggle to get hyped.

As for the music: not terrible, but not Chaos Gate.

And just to nitpick:

Since when the Deathwatch wear red armour? And chaplains? Or are all BA red here?

Since when mortals command BA ships? Or is my memory fooling me at this point?

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I wish people would stop criticizing the animation style and comparing it to Astartes. This is animated by the guy who did the Helsreach videos. Everyone saw that and wanted GW to something that great with animation. So they hired him to animate this. Then Astartes comes out and everyone starts crapping on this animation. I fell really bad for the guy. 

I get that the animation may not be to everyone's taste. It's a unique style. Though I think it suits the universe of 40K very well. And GW probably could have had someone do this in a style more like Astartes. But they picked a guy who was part of the community and had already produced something really good and really well received by most 40K fans who had seen it. The fact that another fan made something that is also really great and looks "better" and more traditional shouldn't take away from the animation of Angels of Death. 



Edit: Malphas, I don't mean that as an attack on you. I just have seen many people complain about the animation. It can feel like fans asked for cake, GW gave us the cake we wanted, and now fans are whining about the cake. 


I appreciate the disclaimer :sweat:.  I hadn't read any other responses and just took the thread at face value.  I can see what you're saying, and I'm happy for the guy.  He certainly deserves a spot on GW's animation team.  He was one guy, though.  He wasn't a multinational, multibillion dollar company enjoying a historical bull run on its stock valuation.  GW is stepping into the media ring with Disney with this entry to the franchise.  I want to see them bring their 'A' Game.  We all know they can afford it (we spend enough on the models :biggrin.: ).  Especially when fan-made projects are simply far and away more polished in terms of their animation, I see this and I think of the Ultramarines movie.  Great cast, decent premise, bit of a let down visually.  I'm not trying to be a party pooper.  I was just giving my two cents.


That's fair. We all want them to do this really well. I probably should have taken your post more at face value. I actually really like the animation of it and I'm super happy that they got the Hellsreach guy to do it. I have just seen a lot of people criticize it in a way that I think is somewhat unfair and finally snapped about it. Not so much about the animation itself but feeling like the fandom moved the goal posts on the guy after being quite very pleased with his initial work. 

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I agree with Blindhamster about the unnecessary comparisons with the Astartes. These represent two different approaches to the Space Marines. Personally I don't mind this type of animation by Boylan as long as a proper 40k feel is there. It sure was in Helsreach, so I think it will be here too. 


Where is the Deathwach in the trailers?

As for the Chaplain - so far it seems he has a proper black armour with one shoulder pad red as per the Codex and additionally - a red Aquila on his breastplate. Totally fine in my book.
Noticed Techmarine has Chapter badge on the right shoulder pad, when I think it should be on the left.

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I wish people would stop criticizing the animation style and comparing it to Astartes. This is animated by the guy who did the Helsreach videos. Everyone saw that and wanted GW to something that great with animation. So they hired him to animate this. Then Astartes comes out and everyone starts crapping on this animation. I fell really bad for the guy. 

I get that the animation may not be to everyone's taste. It's a unique style. Though I think it suits the universe of 40K very well. And GW probably could have had someone do this in a style more like Astartes. But they picked a guy who was part of the community and had already produced something really good and really well received by most 40K fans who had seen it. The fact that another fan made something that is also really great and looks "better" and more traditional shouldn't take away from the animation of Angels of Death. 


Yes it's from the Hellsreach guy, but it doesn't look like Hellsreach at all so you can't blame people for criticising it even if they wanted more of something like Hellsreach. It's black&white and that's where the similarity to (early) Hellsreach stops.

The handdrawn style isn't present, the destroyed ships look like lego and what irks me the most is the rapid and unnatural head movement in the two instances of someone speaking in the trailer which just looks wrong and bad.

It doesn't even have anything to do with Astartes looking as awesome as it does. The trailer have issues and no amount of "but it's the Hellsreach guy!!!11" is changing that. He did a good job with Hellsreach. Now he's doing something different and so far it doesn't look as good.

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Guessing it's an ex deathwatch vet. Lore is they retain their deathwatch honour when returning to the chapter

Oh, my bad.


I agree with Blindhamster about the unnecessary comparisons with the Astartes. These represent two different approaches to the Space Marines. Personally I don't mind this type of animation by Boylan as long as a proper 40k feel is there. It sure was in Helsreach, so I think it will be here too. 


Where is the Deathwach in the trailers?

As for the Chaplain - so far it seems he has a proper black armour with one shoulder pad red as per the Codex and additionally - a red Aquila on his breastplate. Totally fine in my book.

Noticed Techmarine has Chapter badge on the right shoulder pad, when I think it should be on the left.

His whole breast plate looks red-ish to me, but maybe it because the details on its right side are lacking.

The marine from the soundtrack has DW shoulder pad.

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I wish people would stop criticizing the animation style and comparing it to Astartes. This is animated by the guy who did the Helsreach videos. Everyone saw that and wanted GW to something that great with animation. So they hired him to animate this. Then Astartes comes out and everyone starts crapping on this animation. I fell really bad for the guy. 

I get that the animation may not be to everyone's taste. It's a unique style. Though I think it suits the universe of 40K very well. And GW probably could have had someone do this in a style more like Astartes. But they picked a guy who was part of the community and had already produced something really good and really well received by most 40K fans who had seen it. The fact that another fan made something that is also really great and looks "better" and more traditional shouldn't take away from the animation of Angels of Death. 



Edit: Malphas, I don't mean that as an attack on you. I just have seen many people complain about the animation. It can feel like fans asked for cake, GW gave us the cake we wanted, and now fans are whining about the cake. 




We're all entitled to our opinions, and I for one love the Astartes fan film. That being said, Astartes is a passion project of someone. It's like comparing a custom sculpted green stuff figure to an officially produced one. The passion project will almost always win out b/c the creator does not have the same constraints as a paid team that has both more resources and stakeholders to work with. There's nothing wrong with any of that, it's the nature of the world. Just because one may potentially turn out better than the other does not make the other one bad by any means. If we get a great one and a good one....that's a net win in my book. 


I'm withholding judgement overall. Honestly, my biggest worry about the series is that it's going to be Ultramarines with red paint: generic Space Marines that happen to have a (literal) splash of color and some funny terms. 2nd worst (in my opinion) would be it's Red Marines who end every episode going Black Rage to solve the problem of the day ala Megazoid from Power Rangers. I also have pulled away from most of the Primaris stuff because there's no "BA" factor to any of them other than a coat of paint. As noted elsewhere, I am firmly in the "Blood Angels should be different from Codex: Space Marines" camp, so take that as you will. 


Maybe I'm getting old, but I'm just excited to pull out the popcorn and watch it. Will it be great? Who knows. Will be it terrible? Who knows. Will it be perfectly mediocre? Possibly. I have 0 expectations and that is why I am excited for this. 

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