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Bladeguard in Black Templars


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For the ones in the Indomitus box you gotta cut a lot, yeah. Though for the separate kit of which the image was leaked, there it'll be easy and the terminator pads are just plug & play.

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Most of the arms are separate, but you'd need to either dremmel down the pads, which will be a pain in the but, or cut them off entirely and find new upper arms which will also be a pain. Honestly, they are really nice knightly looking pads, I'm just using some shapeways icons to put on there. 

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I wonder why they went that way. I guess it's part of the uparmoring to justify the 3rd wound despite the armor not being strictly gravis.


Still, I reckon for the Templar Bladeguard specifically I'll just try to get my hands on some crosses rather than replace the entire pad, since most of 'em are going to be these Indomitus guys.

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I've built all my characters and Bladeguard today. I managed to swap the Lt's shield for a FW one, but I haven't done it for the Bladeguard, the problem is in the forearms, the FW shields attach at the wrist with a moulded in hand. The Bladeguard have moulded in forearms, and I wasn't feeling brave enough to try and cut the arm out.

Otherwise I managed to swap out one pad on nearly every model. (Chaplain is easy btw)


I also managed to bash the lower half of a FW dread banner onto the ancient. It looks pretty cool.

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I'll upload the ancient. The others are all on the undercoating stick in a fair few sub assemblies. Mainly heads, backpacks and shield arms.


By the way, someone was saying the other day that the Bladeguard swords are too anaemic for Templars, well they're almost exactly the same size and shape as the power sword in the upgrade kit.

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