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Ephrael Stern & Kyganil Rules

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Looking purely at the melee potential, two Bloody Rose Canoness with the Passion Sacred Rite and Blessed Blades will deal between 8 and 14 damage to a unit of Intercessors 68.45% of the time. This accounts for the fact that a damage roll of 3 has a wasted point of damage, but does not account for a 1W intercessor taking 2 damage from the next failed save. Median damage from these two models is 11.


For 7 more points...


Stern will deal between 2 and 6 damage to a unit of Intercessors 79.8% of the time. Median damage is 4. Because she has no order trait, she benefits only from Sacred Rites and miracle dice (which aren't included for either unit).

Kyganil, unfortunately will deal between 0-2 damage 91% of the time because of his Strength 3 with the Outcast Blades. This means the pair need to be a scalpel, hunting characters instead of charging into full units whereas the two cannoni can try to chew through MEQ units like hot knives through butter.


Where the two shine are their increased ability to survive due to Stern's FNP, T4, and -1 to be hit in both melee and from shooting attacks. The other thing to take into consideration is Stern's "smite" ability. It will deal between 1-3 mortal wounds almost 70% of the time with a median of 2. In addition, because it's not a psychic power any defenses against psychic powers, including attempts to nullify or negate, do not work. Between this and the fact you never perils, it's a far more reliable ability. It's just a shame you can't burn two Miracle Dice on it for a guaranteed 9+ because it isn't one of the rolls listed under the Miracle Dice entry.

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Auspex Tactics put out a video that shows a leaked image from what appears to be the Pariah entry:


It doesn't appear the Stern get sacred rites or acts of faith (perhaps she's been away too long). Also Kyganil appears to have a second option blade at str +1 ap 1 d3 damage which will increase his effectiveness against Intercessors aswell.


Great math hammers Taikishi, I think even with damage 3 wastage or 1 damage rolls requiring 2 dice removal the fact that median damage is 11 means at worst you're removing 4 intercessors and at best 5 1/2 or basically obliterating the squad. It'd be interesting to see the numbers with numbers with the blade of admonition or Beneficent.


I think the main benefits to consider for Stern and Friend is faction and role, and also their effect coming into 9th. I feel like Stern is a viable option for some melee punch in non-Bloody Rose orders looking to have some teeth in the fray or for counter punching (especially with 9th having an increased chance for 1st turn charges it appears).


She could also be a fun include in combat patrol where her mortal wounds and versatile profile will allow her to deal with most threats at that point level.


As a small aside, Ephreal Stern is what got me into 40k and Sisters of battle so I'm just happy she has a presence in the table top

Edited by Lord Grimskull
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I haven't watched Auspex's video yet, but does he mention her 4+ invul save?  Kyganil also has a 4+ invul.  I think it adds to their usefulness.  I think the pair of them will be a fine addition to my wee Sisters force.

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I got these two the other day, I really like them both. I've only had a sisters collection during lockdown, so i've not yet got a game in. I definitely will be trying these two, I think they'll be a nice little thorn in my opponents side. 

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