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Let me start by saying this might be a bit long sorry for that but this is both me asking for help as well as my place for sharing my work.
I am looking for some help on a conversion project I am working on. Mostly I just need some ideas. I am trying to put to use a lot of extra models I have. Due to a few issues I haven’t played in a little while so I am a bit out of date on the core rules, it's been since some time during 7th edition that I have played.
I am a long time player of tabletop games(started collecting warhammer around 19years ago, I have played a few different armies with my first army being tau). For 40k I have also played space marines(pretty much all chapters except chaos), imperial guard, and chaos demons. 
Currently I am working on 3 armies:
Chaos demons(slaanesh and nurgle mainly with a enough khorne to make it not seem weird to run karnac and a bunch of hounds when I feel like it) 
Adeptus Mechanicus: only have 2 squads of infantry, the dunewalker, and a techpriest dominus
adeptus militarum(imperial guard) which I like running an infantry based army
I find myself with a large number of models from different armies from when I played them. 
This includes: 
A few hundred skaven(clan rats, storm vermin, plague monks and so on) at least 200 likely closer to 300-400 what used to be 3,000-4,000 points easy in the old days of skaven
Some dark elves( basic infantry and some mounted troops was originally going to turn them into vampire counts) 
Vampire counts( vampires as well as a healthy amount of skeletons again approaching the hundred plus mark) mounted skeletons, infantry skeletons and a small amount of the grave guard,  mortis engine, vargulf, mounted and infantry vampire models
The really big nagash model they came out with…….really not sure due to size what this could be turned into
The Neferata Mortarch model, the one on the giant bone mount. 
A Manticore
An old forest dragon the metal with plastic wings one
The newer dark elf black dragon that is super tall and thin
The high elves that came in the high elf vs skaven starter set one of the fantasy editions
Models from other games including  guild ball, hordes and warmachines, some reaper minis, yea pretty much random stuff I have collected along the way. 
Some stuff is easier than others, 
Mages and similar models can become either the psykers for imperial guard or the heralds for demons. 
Clan rats will be turns into guardsmen
Storm vermin will likely end up as either skitarii rangers or vanguard
Rat ogres as orgyn?
Dark elves sisters of slaughter as daementees 
Skaven warlock engineers could be turned into techpriests 
Vargulf can be one of the smaller monsters for the demons given its size
2 more tyranid warriors will end up like the other one turned into a wolf like demon similar to the pictures I have included below
General mounted troops can be any turned into any of the mounted units from the 3 armies 
Ones that are a lot harder to figure out
The really big nagash model they came out with…….really not sure due to size what this could be turned into it would make a pretty cool model but it’s so big that it feels like that’s got to be against some rule
The Neferata Mortarch model, the one on the giant bone mount. 
A Manticore
An old forest dragon the metal with plastic wings one
The newer high elf dragon that is super tall and thin
Mounted characters I have a few of them on various animals such as horses, cold ones, wolves, some cats, you get the idea, I would hate to use these as regular troops but I don't see a way of using them as heralds or any other characters. It seems like such a waste to use them just as regular mounted troops given who they are. 
High elf on an eagle
Hell pit abomination(feels a little to big but would make a nice great unclean one except for that
Skaven warp lightning cannon the old metal ones, 3 of those
Doom wheel
Rattling guns
Warplock Jezzails  
Old metal screaming bell
Dark elves cauldron of blood
2 carnifexes 
1 tyrannofex
Box of Termagants
Now I know some of these are just not going to have an option to convert them to likely and that’s ok. Anything more than I started with on ideas is going to be amazing. 
Some of the stranger things I have to work with:
A skeleton of a snake(yes a real skeleton and no I am not sure what I am going to do with it yet I found it and picked it up)
My dogs baby teeth( they seemed perfect for making the top of hammers so I kept them) 
Things I have done so far. The normal parts swaps of course but then I got into more complicated things. I have done a decent amount of green stuff work I think. I have done simple fill ins or adding lines or other small. I have also added whole new arms and necks to models. My demon prince has 3 heads, 3 arms and 2 tails. I have added a lot of tails as well. I have built a model from scratch using just green stuff except for the head.  
I didn't like the look of the furies so I took dark eldar models and the wings from tyranid gargoyle models and mounted  the wings of the eldar to make furies. Downside? The wings are a bit fragile as all I did at the time was glue them, I need to go back and use some green stuff on them. The Tyranid  gargoyle models bodies I of course Don't know what to do with so I was messing around with spare parts and ended up with the model that kinda sorta looks like a ghost? I don't know But I have 9 more of them. To do something with.  I will add pictures here of some of this which will include my painting as well. Ended up just uploading the pictures as an album. not sure if this works best let me know on your guys thoughts on this as well as if you want any pictures of anything specific. 




I feel Nagash could be used as a Greater Daemon and Neferata as a daemon prince. I'd suggest selling or trading more stuff like the Island of Blood stuff and the Cauldron, lots of the elven stuff is really aos specific and hard to find equivalents in 40k. Though some cavalry could be the Sulphurhounds or the other cavalry unit. 

  • 2 weeks later...

Thank for the Ideas, sorry no pictures today but I will get some added once I add a few more coats of paint. Just got done with putting my first coat of the base coat for my imperial knight and my one greater demon. going to need to go back and get a lot of spots I missed now. was using I large brush since it is so big to get most of it then come back with a smaller brush to get the small details. Bright side was out of the around 40 paints I had only 5 of my oldest paints had dried out from the 2 years of me not using them. 

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