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So with 9th dropping in a few weeks and me still off work I decided to get an army done for the new crusade game mode.


I realized my Deathguard were still basically unpainted asides from a kill team and set my self a reasonable goal of painting 50 pl in time for 9th.One weel later and I think I undersold the speed of my paintintg.


The new goal is 50pl a week until 9th drops and then at least one new unit a week until the army is finished. Without further rambling heres what I've done in the last 4 days



Edited by Mr Farson
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So with 9th dropping in a few weeks and me still off work I decided to get an army done for the new crusade game mode.


I realized my Deathguard were still basically unpainted asides from a kill team and set my self a reasonable goal of painting 50 pl in time for 9th.One weel later and I think I undersold the speed of my paintintg.


The new goal is 50pl a week until 9th drops and then at least one new unit a week until the army is finished. Without further rambling heres what I've done in the last 4 days




These are really cool man, I love black Death guard schemes. Really cool head swaps too! I'd like to see more when you get round to it :thumbsup:

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So with 9th dropping in a few weeks and me still off work I decided to get an army done for the new crusade game mode.

I realized my Deathguard were still basically unpainted asides from a kill team and set my self a reasonable goal of painting 50 pl in time for 9th.One weel later and I think I undersold the speed of my paintintg.

The new goal is 50pl a week until 9th drops and then at least one new unit a week until the army is finished. Without further rambling heres what I've done in the last 4 dayshttps://imgur.com/a/CHOAI9G



These are really cool man, I love black Death guard schemes. Really cool head swaps too! I'd like to see more when you get round to it :tu:

The plan going forward is to post what I've finished every day. Thanks for the compliments! I've got a kitbashed chaos marine / Plague marine unit on the build pile atm which I'm hopefully going to paint up wednesday

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After my weekend break I've once again picked up a brush and got another squad of plague marines done


I think im going to bulk base at the end of the week and take a group shot rather than base every day.




Tomorrow will hopefully be the finishing of a plaguecaster and yet another unit of plague marines.

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Today's work is a bit less complete, I finished my plague caster and got to about 70% on the plague marine squad.


The blight bringer I've blocked in and got the initial wash down on in between waiting for the other models to dry.


Tomorrow's work is either going to be bloat drones or terminators and the finishing of todays incomplete peices



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So today was a wrap up of the week with me basing everything I painted. I fell a little shy of my 50pl aim but im hoping to make it back up next week. I ended up not painting as such on Monday so was playing catch up all week.


Anyhoo onto the piccys


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This week was even more of a let down painting wise than the last due to realworld business. Irregardless I got something thing done and thats what counts.




On the positive side I have about 10 terminators and 14 plague marines left do until every infantry model is painted asides fron characters. Hoping to get all the squads done by week end

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Got my plague marine squad done and got everything that needed basing done while watching my rabbit charge around the garden.


Im going into tomorrow with my last squad already started so fingers crossed im going to make my goal.



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Probably should actually post some progress after months of nothing




Im having one last big push this month to get the whole army painted up starting friday. Tune in to see me fail

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