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Dark Angel Techmarines in the Deathwatch


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The Deathwatch RPG from FFG didn't include any limitations that prevented Techmarines being from the Dark Angels Chapter.


The advantage that Dark Angels Techmarines have is that they are not inducted into the Deathwing so they pose less of a risk (i.e., they can't reveal a secret to which they are not privy).


One of the original members of the Deathwatch (when the Deathwatch was first created back during the War of the Beast in M32) was Techmarine Abathar of the Dark Angels. If the Dark Angels of M32 were willing to send a Techmarine to the Deathwatch, I doubt anything has happened to unwilling to continue sending Techmarines in the modern era.

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Thanks for all you responses. 


With regards to actually implementing that idea, how would you go about having a techmarine on the Tabletop wearing all three colors of the mechanicus, deathwatch and dark angels?


I presume armor red, one pauldron green, and the other with the deathwatch symbol?

Edited by Skywrath
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Not quite what I was after, brother.


I'm after a techmarine that would still be legal enough to use on the table-top as belonging to the Dark Angel faction, but with the iconography of the Deathwatch to denote his time in the watch. Pretty sure that if I painted that model as how you suggested, they would ask me to remove it, as it's not a "valid conversion". My GW store is pretty :censored: when it comes to these kinds of things sadly..

Edited by Skywrath
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Not quite what I was after, brother.


I'm after a techmarine that would still be legal enough to use on the table-top as belonging to the Dark Angel faction, but with the iconography of the Deathwatch to denote his time in the watch. Pretty sure that if I painted that model as how you suggested, they would ask me to remove it, as it's not a "valid conversion". My GW store is pretty :censored: when it comes to these kinds of things sadly..

See, this is why First Legion colours are better :lol:


Realistically, for a brother that returns from the Watch, they'd have the Deathwatch shoulder pad still in the silver, and would return to their original Chapter's colours. So in this case, it'd be red armour with the silver DW shoulder pad

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My GW store is pretty :censored: when it comes to these kinds of things sadly..

Pretty much any method you can devise to represent your Dark Angels Techmarine's prior service in the Deathwatch would work. If your local GW store has restrictions, though, you really should be asking them what they will allow.


Personally, I don't see how any method even matters. There's no rule effect for being a veteran of the Deathwatch. The only things you really need to worry about are that it's clearly a TECHMARINE with WYSIWYG equipment, and it's a member of the DARK ANGELS. Beyond that, it shouldn't matter where/how the model has its prior service with the Deathwatch indicated.

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My GW store is pretty :censored: when it comes to these kinds of things sadly..

Pretty much any method you can devise to represent your Dark Angels Techmarine's prior service in the Deathwatch would work. If your local GW store has restrictions, though, you really should be asking them what they will allow.


Personally, I don't see how any method even matters. There's no rule effect for being a veteran of the Deathwatch. The only things you really need to worry about are that it's clearly a TECHMARINE with WYSIWYG equipment, and it's a member of the DARK ANGELS. Beyond that, it shouldn't matter where/how the model has its prior service with the Deathwatch indicated.


The second reason is my mentality, however the first reason is exactly why they won't do it. By that mean, if your decision doesn't align with them somehow making a profit from it, then they are against it. Either way, I'm not here to discuss them - they are beyond redemption. Thanks for the response, I'll do what the others suggested on this thread.

Edited by Skywrath
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Thanks for all you responses.


With regards to actually implementing that idea, how would you go about having a techmarine on the Tabletop wearing all three colors of the mechanicus, deathwatch and dark angels?


I presume armor red, one pauldron green, and the other with the deathwatch symbol?

Totally right

A former DW DA techmarine would probably have red armour with left green shoulder with DA badge and silver right shouldef with DW badge (sometimes all the right arm will be silver)

And the techmarine badge will Be probably on one leg instead of the right shoulder


@Brother Tyler totally agreed. In the past (3rd and 4th edition if i recall right) there were rules to promote models to former DW marines with better stats but now it's just rule of cool so nobody should complain that your DA techmarine also has a DW shoulder pad to show he served in DW before returning to DA. It's just a modelling and lore thing to make your models look cooler and tell a story

Edited by Master Sheol
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Ah, the old "do I have to paint this in <scheme> for it to be legal in my store/group?" debate


If you wanted to go full OFFICIAL gw lore, then I agree that colors should be


Red armor

Green on one pauldron for the chapter colors

Silver on the other pauldron, for their time in the deathwatch


and if they hve issue with it they can... well, I won't go into explicits.

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