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Dark Angels Viability for Melee?


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So, during a game today (first one I've done since the initial Covid19 lockdown. Was a win against Space Wolves) this discussion came up:

Dark Angels, despite being more keyed to being a gunline army, could be a pretty viable melee force. Grim Resolve works in melee for pistol weapons, and several characters give some nasty melee buffs (Ezekiel and Asmodai especially).


Now, Indomitus is basically the lead into the "melee wave" of Primaris. So with the new stuff, along with the standard Dark Angels stuff, anyone else think melee Dark Angels might see more play?


Because between Asmodai, Ezekiel, the Chaplain Dreadnought, we already have some characters who make us surprisingly punchy. The new guys? Oh yeah.


My current idea is this:



HQ1: Master in Cataphractii Armour (Relic Blade, Combi-Bolter [Foe Smiter]) [mainly because I want an excuse to use the beautiful Forge World Dark Angels Praetor in Cataphractii Armour :lol:]

HQ2: Ezekiel

HQ3: Asmodai


Troop 1: Assault Intercessors

Troop 2: Assault Intercessors

Troop 3: Intercessors (Auto-Bolt Rifle)


Elite: Deathwing Knights

Elite: Bladeguard Veterans

Elite: Aggressors

Elite: Deathwing Champion


FA: Ravenwing Black Knights

FA: Primaris Outriders


HS: Hellblaster Squad

HS: Leviathan Dreadnought (Melee Loadout, because yes)

Edited by Gederas
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I like the idea of a more melee DA. That is the way the HH DA are, we're known for heavy use of swords and many of our special units are melee.


Regardless of whether it's the most viable, it's something I'm going to do.

That's what gave me the idea.


I'd swap out the DW Champion with the DW Ancient bearing the Pennant of Remembrance. That's +1 attack and FNP for the DWKs, the Bladeguard, Ezekial, Asmodai, and the Cataphractii Master.

That could also work, yes.


I've also come up with a version 2 of that list. It's bigger, but even more melee killy:





HQ1: Master in Cataphractii Armour (Power Sword [Heavenfall Blade/Blade of Burden], Combi-Bolter) - Warlord - Inexorable

HQ2: Ezekiel (Smite, Aversion, Mind Wipe, Righteous Repugnance)

HQ3: Asmodai (Litany of Hate, Stoic Prosecution, Catechism of Fire)

HQ4: Chaplain Venerable Dreadnought (Litany of Hate, Canticle of Hate) [Assuming Chaplain Dread will have Prayers in 9th edition for all Chapters, not just Codex: Space Marines]


Troop 1: Assault Intercessors x5

Troop 2: Assault Intercessors x5

Troop 3: Assault Intercessors x5

Troop 4: Intercessors (Auto-Bolt Rifle) x5

Troop 5: Intercessors (Auto-Bolt Rifle) x5

Troop 6: Intercessors (Auto-Bolt Rifle) x5


Elite: Deathwing Knights x10

Elite: Bladeguard Veterans x3

Elite: Aggressors (Boltstorm+Fragstorm) x3

Elite: Deathwing Ancient (Pennant of Remembrance)


FA: Ravenwing Black Knights x3

FA: Primaris Outriders x3

FA: Inceptor Squad (Assault Bolters) x3


HS: Hellblaster Squad x5

HS: Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought (Cyclone Missile Launcher, dual Kheres Assault Cannon)

HS: Leviathan Dreadnought (Siege Claw+Siege Drill)

Edited by Gederas
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Have you thought about azrael in the mix to help keep the block alive? 4++ on all those bodies ain't nothing to sneeze at. What are ya looking to get out of the hellblasters that the black knights cant do? Lemme know how the three dreads do, I bet that army looks cool on the table.

I could add Azrael, yeah.


And the Hellblasters: It's mainly because they're one of the most mobile Heavy Support options that isn't a vehicle. This army is supposed to be a mobile, close-range army and the majority of HS options are long range and static. Making their weapons the Assault Plasma Incinerators allows them to advance and fire, but the regular Plasma Incinerators are stronger.


(also it's to have more plasma in the army, because if a Dark Angels army with only one source of Plasma, you're doing something wrong :lol:)

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Hmm I like it.  I think I'm going to try similar builds, going full on in your face aggressive.  I would love to see an Impulsor or two in there for the Assault Intercessors, remember they can disembark from it after moving :smile.:

Can't charge from it, therefore, I ignore it for these purposes. It's not an Assault Transport if you can't, you know, assault from it? :lol:


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And the Hellblasters: It's mainly because they're one of the most mobile Heavy Support options that isn't a vehicle. This army is supposed to be a mobile, close-range army and the majority of HS options are long range and static. Making their weapons the Assault Plasma Incinerators allows them to advance and fire, but the regular Plasma Incinerators are stronger.


(also it's to have more plasma in the army, because if a Dark Angels army with only one source of Plasma, you're doing something wrong :lol:)

I uh... I don't understand any of your points favoring hell blasters over the black knights. Could you rephrase it for me please. Some times the thing between my ears is slow on the uptake. I want to like hell blasters as I have 20 of them painted and love the models.

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What role do you see your Bladeguard Veterans playing in that list?

I'm assuming they're going to have some kind of wound intercepting mechanic. So they're there to take wounds for the characters/


And the Hellblasters: It's mainly because they're one of the most mobile Heavy Support options that isn't a vehicle. This army is supposed to be a mobile, close-range army and the majority of HS options are long range and static. Making their weapons the Assault Plasma Incinerators allows them to advance and fire, but the regular Plasma Incinerators are stronger.


(also it's to have more plasma in the army, because if a Dark Angels army with only one source of Plasma, you're doing something wrong :laugh.:)

I uh... I don't understand any of your points favoring hell blasters over the black knights. Could you rephrase it for me please. Some times the thing between my ears is slow on the uptake. I want to like hell blasters as I have 20 of them painted and love the models.

TL;DR: I needed a Heavy Support option in order to use the Leviathan, and Hellblasters are the only thing that's not a vehicle that I could feasibly use in a "close range assault" list.

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I find Hellblasters are useful but die very early on due to my opponent wanting them dead ASAP (for some reason a plasma toting squad scares DA opponents :P).  So much so that I only take them now if I plan my force around them, adding Azrael, an Apothecary, Chaplain and sometimes a Company Standard to give maximum buffs and protection.  With the 9th edition cover rules I'm thinking they may get an outing or two without this, I'll have to make sure there's a terrain piece with a cover and hit modifier on the board though.

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Ohhhhh you're running a brigade. Now I see. Thanks. What are the benefits of running the brigade in 9th?

More HQs without losing Command Points :lol:


I bumped my initial Battalion to a Brigade because the Chaplain Dreadnought is such a force multiplier for melee it's nuts. But a Battalion only allows for 3 HQs in 9th edition.


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Do you guys think the RW Ancient might see more play in this edition?

Back in 8th, I never did use him. But, I am thinking that a squad of Outriders, with a +1A through the Ancient, might be quite good. Or, even the Black Knights might see more melee play this time around. Back in 8th edition I would constantly read that using the Black Knights in melee was not a good idea, and situational at best. This time around they might be a very good shock assault unit.


I am thinking of a list with DW Knights with an Ancient and a TDA CHaplain, as well as RW Knights with an Ancient and a Chaplain, as the core around which the main tactic is built.

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We're not bad in melee at all. 


Righteuous Repugnance is very, very powerful if it goes off. On 10 man black knight swaud (or new outriders) they'll chew through most things.

Yeah, I'm realizing this now. It's just Dark Angels were always depicted as the "Shooty" army to the Blood Angels and Space Wolves "Choppy" army.


We have some surprisingly good melee ability, yeah :yes:

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