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Preordering Indomitus


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I had an interesting experience


Box doesnt appear. I wait patiently. Suddenly it appears on my parents desktop! Preorder it let's go! Checkout! Nope. Need to log in. What's my password? I try a few and nothing is working. Screw it let's try my phone! Nope. Site will not load! This is not good! I try to log into to gmail on the computer to reset the password and it's not loading. Im starting to stress. I finally get it. Create new password! Log in! Check out! PayPal! Crap, I need to update my adress! I'm totally not gonna make this!! I get everything updated, checkout. Order complete!!! Yes! I went to see if I can buy a second, nope. Sold out! From the very second it went up to just a few it took to be sold out, I was trying to get everything set up just to order. I was too lucky. Had a couple 6s today

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Besides the Outriders, and the Bladeguard, there was really no reason for me to purchase the box. However my LGWS has a tendency to get stock quick (mainly because it's a championship store, whatever that means), so they should have plenty next time, if I feel inclined to buy it.  

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These are the first primaris that really look like dark angels to me. I wasn’t interested at all in the vanguard spec-ops looks I don’t want antenna and sniper rifles I want gothic turned up to 11. I knew I wanted robes but I didn’t know until now that what I really wanted a Skelton on my shield. Change the head to hoods and these are perfect.
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Same boat, here.


I have been uninterested in Primaris all this time, because they look like some weird sci-fi special forces, and not at all like gothic, grim dark, future warriors.


This box is a dream come true for me. And so, now, I'll finally stop my Firstborn army, and transition into Primaris.


The box also brings some real goodies. A Company Master in the most medieval armor possible, with a lieutenant to boot, personal guard, and some melee troops... All you need for a medieval style force, with each role in the company hierarchy present and representes.


I'll make this guys as my 5th Company. I think the black shoulder edges and regalia will look pretty good over the green and ivory of my successors.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just curious, has anyone received there's yet? If so did you order from GW direct or a 3rd party? I don't expect anyone has, but sometimes weird things happen :smile.:

My FLGS has all 21 boxes already.... And we can't take them until Saturday :sleep:


And he's been posting pictures of the models he's been building from the demo box. Every day since he got the shop demo box....

Edited by Gederas
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Just curious, has anyone received there's yet? If so did you order from GW direct or a 3rd party? I don't expect anyone has, but sometimes weird things happen :smile.:

My FLGS has all 21 boxes already.... And we can't take them until Saturday :sleep:


And he's been posting pictures of the models he's been building from the demo box. Every day since he got the shop demo box....

I think that's equivalent to Chinese water torture.

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Just curious, has anyone received there's yet? If so did you order from GW direct or a 3rd party? I don't expect anyone has, but sometimes weird things happen :smile.:

My FLGS has all 21 boxes already.... And we can't take them until Saturday :sleep:


And he's been posting pictures of the models he's been building from the demo box. Every day since he got the shop demo box....

I think that's equivalent to Chinese water torture.

It is.


We've (as in myself and two other players) have told him if he keeps it up, the shop is ending up on the 5 o'clock news :lol:

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Gotta sit pretty myself for a couple of months. Initially I wasn’t going to be able to get it anyway, but since it went made to order I got a friend to split the necrons with. Will give me time that to gather some bits for appropriate conversions


You may not actually have to wait very long. There will be a lot of scalpers cancelling their orders after it was released "made to order" so you may be one of the lucky ones that picks up one of those cancelled orders.

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