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What made you choose Dark Angels?


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Title. For me it was the fact that they are the embodiment of the ends justify the means (a phrase that I subscribe to) and their future-orientation (at least pre-current 40k).


Other things, but not limited to: The fact that they fight for the Emperor, rather than for the current Imperium, and their secrets they keep. There were a quartet of novels that highlight that difference. 


How about you, what made you choose them as your faction of choice?

Edited by Skywrath
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Codex: Angels of Death (2nd Ed.), it was a Dark Angels and Blood Angels double Codex, and the only Codex my FLGS had in stock. Once I started reading though, I preferred both the Dark Angels lore and aesthetic, and although I've tried collecting just about every Faction, I always end up back with the DA.

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Dark Vengeance. My buddy was a space wolf player, and I was very interested in the hobby. I like building things. He told me all about space marines, and the horus heresy. All real cool stuff! I was so interested, and was definitely going to be getting into the hobby. Then suddenly another friend out of nowhere said he bought dark vengeance and asked if I wanted the 2nd half for 30 bucks. Of course I do! I bought my minis,we played some games that weekend, and I fell in love. Went to the local store that sunday and bought a codex and a rhino. In a sense, the faction was chosen for me, but now I wouldn't ever change them for anything. While my nids were getting majority of play time before covid, when people asked "what army do you play?", id say "I'm a dark angels player, but I also play nids."


I havent found much motivation to paint lately and I feel real guilty about it. I have both time and opportunity to do it. Im struggling to even get a squad out. I need top get my juices flowing.

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The Deathwing short story and accompanying artwork. Immediately got my eye with the captain resting his head on a gauntleted hand

The William King story... The ending when the hallowed suits are given back...


And the Lion and Luther story from the 2nd Ed codex. Locked it in.


Even though the knightly stuff has crept more since I actually like the way the story has been weaved in... Almost as if we are only shown what we are ready to see

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Way back at the dawn of 3rd edition, GW had a little flyer about 40k (started with fantasy for years) and it had a page full of different marines coloured by chapter, the dark green of the Dark Angel's simply caught my attention more then anything else on the page. 20+ years later they are still a staple in my collection that gets expanded.

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All of the above! They've been well represented over the years as a chapter with a difference and a dark past,the first beakie I painted was a DA and while I've dabbled with others since they've been 'the Rock' I consistently return to. The 2nd ed captain/master with sword and winged helmet really hooked me early on and my tattered copy of the AoD codex still gets thumbed through for both nostalgia and inspiration.
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 A friend insisted we go half and half on a Dark Vengeance Box, and get into the hobby. I reluctantly agreed, on the condition that I got the "marines", and not the "chaos marines", cause I did not really want to play the bad guys of the box.


I knew next to N O T H I N G of WH40k, but as I read on the lore of the army, I realized that, had I been given a chance to choose an army, I would have gone for the Dark Angels.


I was a fantasy player who played bretonnia. I had been studying medieval history and fencing for years at that point, due to a lifelong passion with knights and chivalry. The dark angels are the closest thing out there to it. With their knightly aesthetics, background and conduct.


To top it all of, their dark, grim, brooding nature, and their secrets and mystery, it all sealed the deal.

best chapter out there.


.... which makes it weird that I do not play DA, but rather, successors that have absolutely nothing to do with the fallen, but hey... whatyougonnado?

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I’m actually brand new to Dark Angels. I’ve always liked the Dark Angels, but I’ve been a Templars player since wayyy back in 4th edition. I’ve wanted to start DA multiple times, but never have simply because they are very similar aesthetically to the Templars and I always wanted something different. However, with the arrival of primaris marines, my Templars have been seeing the table less and less. They just don’t feel as badass as they used to. I will always love my Templars, but I just can’t keep holding on to old marines, and I can’t bring myself to make primaris Templars. I’ve always wanted to do a home brew chapter, and what better gene-sire than The Lion? I figured this was a perfect chance to join the ranks of The Unforgiven. Looking forward to my first game!
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I had a DIY version of DA in RT, basically DA symbology on what started dark grey but quickly became metallic green and blue to look like stealth suit tech. I didn't want to paint black back then (and I loved the Predator movie and worked in an industry where stealth is important).
The fluff was wild and loose and I was happy to be flexible.

Once Codex: Angels of Death appeared there was no doubt my boys would be green.
The Warrior Monk-like minis of Zeke, Asmodai, Bethor and Azzy sealed the deal on the aesthetic.
I still have all the metal robed minis including the 'vets',some with their original paint jobs.

The fluff became Lore; one of ancient veneration, grudge holding for millennia and religious level hatred of change and anything different is ironically awesome.
It makes sense in a 10,000 year history of anything, that kind of time scale needs ironic behavior and stagnation.
If change is allowed to creep in, the galaxy would fall; despise the heretic, abhore the mutant, torture the traitors.
Doing whatever needs to be done means being more ruthless and brutal than anyone else.
It means the annihilation of foes within and without, and not a shred of mercy for even the innocent. For the Lion and the for Emperor, all lives are expendable.
The Dark Angels are the best at that grimdarkness, bar none.

This new adaption of the Lore changing from a setting to an evolving story-line, that of being willing to adapt and change behaviors is the polar opposite of that 25 years of good honest ironic hatred.

Unfortunately despite the excellent expansion of the Horus Heresy lore I don't really identify with the DA in 40k anymore. They are practically green Ultra Marines in their tolerances now IMHO.

One can only hope for more of the rigid stubborn stoicism and insane loathing paranoid folly of our beloved warrior monks in the future.
The FW work on both minis and backstory are amazing, long may they continue to expand on the twisted heritage of the Emperor's First Legion.

TL/DR: I love the Dark Angel's Flaw.

Edited by Interrogator Stobz
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What drew me to Dark Angels?  That is easy.



This box was the third thing I purchased for Warhammer, only preceded by the 2nd edition Sisters of Battle codex and the Sister's army box "The Warriors of Redemption".

The only lore I knew at the time was from the sisters of battle codex, so I knew nothing about the Dark Angels other than that picture.

I just knew that I wanted to play an army of motorcycles.


It would be a few purchases later and after a couple of games that I was finally told that I needed to purchase the starter set to get the rule book.

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@UntariOnzo, what captain model was that?


@Malakithe, robes and wings are pretty self-explanatory ;p If we are purging fallen, I mean heretics, might as well do it in style!


@Grotsmasha, that statement I resonate with, although with my Grey Knights. For the Lion, brother!


@jbaeza94, hopefully we will see some SW vs DA write-ups soon! What helps me to overcome the painting block is the prospect of a future where the miniature is painted, 

and then uploading it on the forum. The moment is nothing compared to the end-goal.


@Gederas, may I push for further details on that?


@Sandalphon, if only that analogy still applied.. seems like the Ultrasmurfs are getting all the attention now. Wonder, when we get the overdue Lion model, will we get all the attention then..


@Grand Master Raziel, to this day, I still get a surge of pride whenever I paint the Aquila in bone, armor in green, and apply the decals with the winged blade iconography. Nothing beats that moment.


@Berzul, Intuition is a powerful tool, brother. Just like all space marines are descended from the emperor (indirectly), so does your chapter still considered as a Dark Angel. Especially when all the successor and the main chapter operate as a legion.


@High MarshalAlex, Welcome to the Rock! Obligatory comment, Report to Cell 42 for indoctrination by Brother Stobz. Bring cookies! If you need some list building ideas, then shoot a PM, would be happy to help. 


@Interrogator Stobz, I can respect that opinion. I do wonder what implications there would be for Dark Angels when the Lion returns. Will we see them return to their grimdark ways? Maybe they will go renegade? Hopefully, you will still stay as a Dark Angel, in this time, the need for chaplains to show us the path is even greater.

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Army bit ;p

Through some trades, a friend of mine started with Mechanicus, then traded the AdMech to a friend of mine for Imperial Guard, THEN he traded the Imperial Guard to the guy's brother for Dark Angels.


And then my friend decided he has neither time nor the space for a Warhammer army, so I ended up getting a roughly 6k Dark Angels army because he said it was mine when I told him I had picked it up for him :laugh.:


TL;DR: I got a Dark Angels army without trying.

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@Interrogator Stobz, I can respect that opinion. I do wonder what implications there would be for Dark Angels when the Lion returns. Will we see them return to their grimdark ways? Maybe they will go renegade? Hopefully, you will still stay as a Dark Angel, in this time, the need for chaplains to show us the path is even greater.


It's not an opinion, it's Dark Angel Lore. ;)

I hope He comes back emotionally twisted and paranoid as a result of Luthor's damage; and that He's ready to begin a brutal and merciless crusade against heretics and traitors with His legendary skill and ruthlessness.

Being Renegade or going Renegade is a point of view in the Far Future, I've loved that we are constantly considered the bad guys of the Loyalist armies, and that we constantly create doubt and fear in enemies and 'friends' alike.

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