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Fortress of Redemption


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Dear brothers,


in the light of the newest developments with fortification networks (no cp cost if its the same faction as your warlord) I took a look at our Fortress of Shame Redemption. 


I want to state at the beginning that I really like this model and was very close to buy one on multible occations, but I find it really lackluster ruleswise.


So lets see what we get for our heavy points investment:


- a twin Icarus lascannon (anti air)

- a Missile silo with frag and krak missiles

- 0-4 Heavy Bolters


- "transport" capacity for 30 models/2squads


I think thats not that bad, but it suffers heavily becaus of its subpar BS 5+/6+/7+(!) is nothing to write home about. Have I missed some kind of rule that fortifications can use the BS of embarked units or is that old edition thinking?


I would really like to bring such a thing to the battlefield, so my qestion for you:

What do you think this fortification needs to be good?


A little lower point cost could bring it into usable territorry, some of the new terrain keywords could also be useful for it to make it more interesting.

Some possibility tu circumvent the underwelming BS would also be positive.


I hope I didn't include to much rules information in that post to be unproblematic.

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