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Most effective Templars for 9th?


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Question for you all.  What do you think the most effective way to play Templars will be in 9th?  Seems like there are a couple of options:

- Black Tide.  Maybe a bit better with improved terrain rules, but I don't think this has worked since 4th edition and I don't think it's going to work now.


- Mechanized.  I don't think Land Raiders are going to be good, but shooting into close combat is nice.  I think Impulsors are good but only six primaris marines isn't scary.  Repulsors are really expensive, but there is the 4++ relic for turn 1 to keep them alive.  


- Outflanking.  I think this is an option now with the reserves changes, unless I am mistaken with the leaks.  Costs CP.


- Deep Strike.  


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LRCs are big winners as far as I can see. Previously shy about getting stuck in, they are now probably safest in combat where they can't be shot at. Meanwhile happily unloading all their dakka into whatever foolishly tried it on.


But you can't put Bladeguard and a Judicar in them. :wink:

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Core of a list:

- Land Raider Crusader with Helbrect, Grimaldus, and other stuff (maybe 2x Crusade Squad)
- Repulsor with Blade Guard, Intercessors with Thunderhammer (rounds out troops requirement in a Battalion)
- Lieutenant with Jump Pack and 4++ relic out of sight behind the Raider


Add other stuff to taste.

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That's the problem with the new edition, your HQs are limited unless you shell out CP for a second detachment or go full Brigade, which I don't think you can effectively do with SM.  

You could as an alternative add in a patrol detachment and go:
LRC: Helbrect, Grim, EC, 2x Crusader Squads

Repulsor: 2x5 Intercessors with Thunderhammers

Lieutenant with JP, 4++ Relic


That gives you your minimum Troops and HQs.  You have room for 1 more HQ if you wanted to add a second chaplain (I'm thinking about the Primaris Chaplain on Bike, give him the 4++ relic and stick the LT in the LRC.

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Question for you all.  What do you think the most effective way to play Templars will be in 9th?  Seems like there are a couple of options:


- Black Tide.  Maybe a bit better with improved terrain rules, but I don't think this has worked since 4th edition and I don't think it's going to work now.


- Mechanized.  I don't think Land Raiders are going to be good, but shooting into close combat is nice.  I think Impulsors are good but only six primaris marines isn't scary.  Repulsors are really expensive, but there is the 4++ relic for turn 1 to keep them alive.  


- Outflanking.  I think this is an option now with the reserves changes, unless I am mistaken with the leaks.  Costs CP.


- Deep Strike.  



I think it will be a mix of all. But most competitive things will be the Outriders and a Impulsor spam I think.

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I think Impulsors with Bladeguard will be pretty great.


Outflanking is very powerful; Aggressors or Centurions would love to jump in halfway up the field, and we have the tools to make a 9" charge reliable. With the big point hike on cents, I lean more towards Aggressors for this, but even 420 points + 2CP for 6 Centurions outflanked isn't any worse than 526 points + 1CP for 5 Centurions, an LRC, and the Shroud, which is what I've been running for the last few months.

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Don't forget to actually charge your LRCs into combat now. With them being able to shoot in your next turn if your enemy doesn't fall back, you lose little, and can fire the frag assault launchers for potentially 3MWs! 

Edited by Brother Adelard
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From all the bat reps I have seen it seems like 9th will reward movement and staying/killing power so I think an outrider heavy force supported by other fast units or long range support will be where its at as that will allow you to contest objectives all over the board and our reliable assault moves will add to the speed to get where you want to be.


Mechanized might also be an option but the points being higher might make that more limiting in terms of army building, maybe storm ravens will make a return. Personally Im gonna try some dual redeemer action to see how that fares.

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I'm thinking people are getting maybe too vehicle-happy in their projections. Yeah, vehicles got boosts in a sense due to not being so helpless in combat and all that, but their survivability didn't get improved against shooting. And that was already the problem in 8th. If anything it's possibly more so now, as people bring even more anti-tank with the resurgence of vehicles.


Personally I'll keep using some vehicles, sure, like probably Impulsor filled with Bladeguard, but at least Impulsor can have that 4++, something most marine vehicles don't have.


On a different note, while I'm getting two of the Indomitus boxes in terms of marines, I'm actually not sure if the Assault Intercessors are that great. Sure I'll still run them if I play Templars (since if I play competitive which I rarely do, it's not Templars anyway) for the thematic aspect and so as not to minmax against less-well-off armies. But in terms of putting wounds onto enemies I reckon something like Auto Bolt Rifle Intercessors end up forcing more saves on enemies, especially if you're footslogging them since they can shoot even while advancing - and footslogging might be common, given the smaller tables and the higher points costs of things and thus less things in a list. Meanwhile Assault Intercessors can't advance and shoot and only get one single extra melee attack per model. Although of course all their melee attacks have an additional -1AP.

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played a small game yesterday with a Redemptor with 4++ and 5+++ litany and stratagem for -1 dmg.

WOW awesome. 


And i played 2 Ironclads which i let in strategic reserves. They were okay in this game against Imperial guard.

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played a small game yesterday with a Redemptor with 4++ and 5+++ litany and stratagem for -1 dmg.

WOW awesome. 


And i played 2 Ironclads which i let in strategic reserves. They were okay in this game against Imperial guard.


How did it get the 4++? Aurillian?

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sorry. I mean that in this game i had the first turn and I played just one Dreadknought with Aurelian shroud and FnP because of the litany. So I had a very tough unit. The problem is that (as I expect) the litanies will be changed into your own battlerounds commandphase so in the future we might loose 5+++ for the first round. 


Next step for me is to watch if I can play 2 redemptors, one as mobile tanky unit and the other one as replacement if the first one dies. But i am not sure how I can handle that because I must hide the secound one unitl the first one dies.

If the enemy could see them both the whole strategy doesnt work.


The last game worked so peferct because I had 3 Impulsors with T7 and 4++ in addition to this one Dread with T7 and 4++. So I was able to forced the enemy to shoot at the minor threads and I had the field controle.

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Ah ok, got it.


You could keep the second Dread safe by putting it in reserve? Or even in a drop pod for a real scary threat.

no and yes.  I want to hide the secound dread( maybe behind a wall / building or in strategic reserve) until the first is destroyed so that in that round the secound one popped up and can buffed with the stratagem and 5+++

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