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Death Korps of Krieg Points Values 2020

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Not bad at all, to be honest!


The fact that they are all staying roughly the same is odd to me, as we're expecting a new book for these guys any week now, right? So are these for the current entries, and the new book will have others, with new points, or is the new book just the same as the old one...?





Edited by plaguedroneofblight
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One thing that sticks out to me, and it's the same thing from 2019, is that DKoK Infantry are still over costed.  For an army that fields waves of mass infantry and has no conscript units I have never understood why they didn't cost 1 or 2 points less. Probably 4 point a models and now 5 would have been more in the fluff. (To me anyway.)
How much did all the important artillery change in points? 

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That is absolutely true! It is silly that they get an increase in WS (doesn't help anywhere, really), and krak grenades for all, when that just increases their cost when they are written as the most woodchippery faction of all... at least it explains the cost increase, but it's still dumb.


Apparently the artillery is fiiiinally back inline with the tank arty! Just need the Master of Ordnance to be FAQd to apply to them as well and off we go...

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That is absolutely true! It is silly that they get an increase in WS (doesn't help anywhere, really), and krak grenades for all, when that just increases their cost when they are written as the most woodchippery faction of all... at least it explains the cost increase, but it's still dumb.


Apparently the artillery is fiiiinally back inline with the tank arty! Just need the Master of Ordnance to be FAQd to apply to them as well and off we go...

Agreed! Kinda wish they'd have done something like they did with ordering conscript squads, if nothing better. Order your artillery and it needs a 4+ to work because it's too noisy for the crew to really hear the instructions  - at worst. Give the crews a vox to get orders and buffs - better. Neither seems op to me. 

Was looking at a salamander to work with artillery but not overly useful unless your helping the one with two Earthshakers. 

Heck how about some stratagems for that matter. 

I'm sure I could go on.:biggrin.:

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Yes! Maybe mirror the drawbacks of fanaticism somehow - double our attacks but also our morale losses or something.


Wishlist for the already-finished new book, when it releases:


  • Normal Price Infantry
  • Return of Engineer Laser Destroyer Arrays
  • Warlord Traits that doesnt suck (Vraks ones.. ew: QmdwjXc.jpg



  • Hades fix, obviously.
  • Heck, let's get our own units of everything back! I want "Krieg Medium Artillery", not "AM Medium Artillery with Krieg Keyword".
  • Ideally, get us a full, proper Imperial Armour that contains everything you could ever use under Krieg, that way we can (later on) live forever in Legends and not have to combine whatever the latest AM Codex is with our piecemeal rules in the Index as we do now.
  • Proper Orders that aren't moronic (like Duty Unto Death. When would you issue it? If you're NOT in combat, issue Move! Move! Move! to get away, or a shooting order, and if you ARE in combat, then issue fix bayonets or without mercy... I dont get it).
  • A relic or two! We're obsessed with ossuaries and bone relics, it'd be the easiest thing in the world, and fun to model!
  • Proper Banners! Haven't seen a Guard banner all of 8th!
  • Quartermaster rules boost. He just went up by 17 pts.
  • Mounted Quartermaster rules would be hecking amazing.
  • Special rules for Infantry/Cavalry/Tank regiments... :wub:
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