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Help! Storm Shield unit counts-as?

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Hi, my name is HighMarshalAmp and I'm a Heretic.


While quite in love with the new CSM kit, I've always had a soft spot for Heresy Era style as well.

And with Oldmarines on their way out on the Loyalist side, what else is there but to turn my back on those who have shunned me and my beloved models and defect to Chaos?


So yeah, basically I'm trying to find a way to Wcounts-as some 30k style Loyalist models in a proper, if not fiercely competitive C:CSM army that can also support my existing and growing 1k Sons (The primer on 10 Scarab Terminators is curing as I type).


My problem are some Squads I've modeled with Swords and Breacher Shields.

Since there are no Shields of any kind in the Codex, I'd either have to give up that look or abandon WYSIWYG and have a Shield count as a Boltgun on a unit of Chosen. Would you accept that?


Also, Cataphractii could reasonably be used to proxy otherwise WYSIWYG Chaos Terminators, right?


In the end, it comes own to 'Ask your TO', I know, but I'd still like some input beforehand.

Thanks for any advice :happy.:

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Hmm... how about possessed? The shields would represent their invulnerable save and the “sword & shield” fighting style would be their mutated cc attacks..? Not perfect, but you’d avoid having to explain the lack of firearms plus the shields would actually improve their save/give them an invul.
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