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9th Ed. Chaos Space Marines FAQ and Errata

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9th Edition Chaos FAQ and Errata seem to be online here.


Haven't read it all but big disappointment to see that Heretic Astartes vehicles still don't get our Legion Traits. I'd be ok with just Vehicle units without the Daemon keyword, but no such luck.

Edited by Llagos_Tyrant
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Loyalist FAQ also doesn’t include Astartes chainswords, and none of the marine FAQs include the new units so I expect that change will come in the new codexes or another update to these FAQs on the 25th


I keep saying it, but my belief is this is an intentional omission to out date the first born.


This is why I keep saying we need a mechanism like 'marks' back on CSM. It's one of the ways we could improve our (great) boxset models, while making sure GW sells Primaris over first born astartes.

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I've gone through most of the documents for my armies and given all that has changed it feels very little has been added, such that we're not seeing the full picture? PotMS going poof into thin air is a poor magic trick, but other things seem to be simply missing. It is a bit confusing, I was thinking that with all that 9th has changed we'd be seeing more and this very much feels less than that.


I am expecting some "corrections" or something, because if this is the grand unveiling of all the codices being updated for 9th then this is very underwhelming :confused:

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Loyalist FAQ also doesn’t include Astartes chainswords, and none of the marine FAQs include the new units so I expect that change will come in the new codexes or another update to these FAQs on the 25th

I keep saying it, but my belief is this is an intentional omission to out date the first born.


This is why I keep saying we need a mechanism like 'marks' back on CSM. It's one of the ways we could improve our (great) boxset models, while making sure GW sells Primaris over first born astartes.

I’m not exactly optimistic for chaos, but they said over and over again that all Astartes get the Astartes chainsword. Firstborn will get it eventually.

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Haven't read it all but big disappointment to see that Heretic Astartes vehicles still don't get our Legion Traits. I'd be ok with just Vehicle units without the Daemon keyword, but no such luck.

Games Workshop just has to be trolling us, or someone in the rulesteam really hates CSM. There's just no other reasonable explanation for it in my eyes :confused:.

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Haven't read it all but big disappointment to see that Heretic Astartes vehicles still don't get our Legion Traits. I'd be ok with just Vehicle units without the Daemon keyword, but no such luck.

Games Workshop just has to be trolling us, or someone in the rulesteam really hates CSM. There's just no other reasonable explanation for it in my eyes :confused:.

Well, as far as I know we are the only Codex to get the ToC botched, so you might be on to something.


This is plain unbearable if this is the sum of the new edition erata. Either that or they actually believe that 9th is only a minor change and don't think they have much work catching things up. If Heldrakes don't get an erata, by RAW they can not charge aircraft. Abbadon is not a supreme commander, even strats haven't been updated.

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There is also a major lack of clarity on how Red Corsairs will work with the new rules.

Most detatchments in 9th has the following text:

Command benefits : +x command points if your warlord is part of this detatchment.


Raiders from the maelstrom increases command benefits by 0/1/3 CP, depending on the number of units with the Legion trait and if 3 of them are csm units.


I think it is quite clear the way detatchments are worded in 9th. You get the increased CP from raiders from the maelstrom if and only if your warlord comes from the detatchment.

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Very curious as to how long CSM will be waiting for a 9th ed codex


Aren't we usually one of the first historically speaking? Then the design philosophy shifts and becomes less conservative/ restrained leaving us weaker to later codexes seems to be the pattern as far as I can tell from past editions. 

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We didn't even have one for 7th and 5th, so historically speaking we've sat the last 2 odd number editions out with regards to a new Codex. Then, we have the only 8.5 Codex that's not Imperial Space Marines. Combined with the way they've been trying to sell this as a minor edition change and the way the FAQ does almost nothing, I think they figure we've had our new stuff and are back at bottom priority (for major factions).
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They didn't try to sell it as "minor edition change". They said it won't be as huge a change as from 7th to 8th which is true since that change completely reworked how the game goes and how you build armies which invalidated every single Codex while this uses the 8th core and adds and adjust so everyone can still use the Codex they have.

No new edition would ever be just a "minor change", especially not since GW adapted a model with annual releases and re-balancing. There would be no need for a new edition if it were just minor changes.

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We must have been seeing different things then. I've never seen them call it a major edition change, let alone as big as 7th to 8th. I will say it's possible the minor changes line was something I had read that GW said through secondary sources. Still, the lack of changes in the FAQ/erata leads me to think that they figure there won't be need to update things. I could be wrong though and maybe it should be read as the new Codex is coming soon. Time will tell, but I've learned to keep my hopes low. Edited by Doom Herald
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They also never called it a major change, neither did I say they did.


The FAQs we got so far are only to update some wordings. Nothing more. I've read somewhere there will be another round of FAQs shortly after the release but that remains to be seen. However it definitely doesn't indicate a new Codex coming soon. Everyone got the same kind of FAQ.

Edited by Panzer
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I misread, apologies. I thought you said that they said it would (not won't) be as big of a rules change.


I hope a second batch is in the works in that case. If the second batch of erata comes quickly and is thorough enough, things should be fine. I'm really not expecting a new Codex any time soon though, since we were the only non SM army to get an 8.5 dex.

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