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Updating the Templar Aesthetic


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I'd make a BT upgrade sprue with a couple knight helmets, a couple tabards that can go on Intercessor bodies, a couple chained bolt rifles and Astartes chainswords, and a couple Sword Brethren-style guardbrace shoulder pads. None of this "sculpted chapter symbol on a regular shoulder pad" business; that's what transfers are for.
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I dont think our aesthetic needs updating but I do think we will lose tabards in the eventual update to the upgrade kit, Primaris torsos are kind of too wonky to work and their legs have more poses than the old standard spread eagle squat. So maybe we'll get a power sword AND axe, some cool helmets and shoulder pads, I do hope we get the Sword Brethren shoulder pad that has like a horizontal shield stuck in it, it looks cool as hell and needs to be in more units than just the old Sword Brethren kit.

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What's wrong with the current Black Templars aesthetic? :huh.:

Nothing necessarily wrong with it. Just a thought I had considering the sculpts are so old now. They've held up well to be sure. I guess the question is how to refresh it while retaining their character?


Completely agree with using 30k dangles bits. I was eyeballing they're helmets earlier. They would look soooo good on templar bodies.

Edited by JimVandy85
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I dont think our aesthetic needs updating but I do think we will lose tabards in the eventual update to the upgrade kit, Primaris torsos are kind of too wonky to work and their legs have more poses than the old standard spread eagle squat. So maybe we'll get a power sword AND axe, some cool helmets and shoulder pads, I do hope we get the Sword Brethren shoulder pad that has like a horizontal shield stuck in it, it looks cool as hell and needs to be in more units than just the old Sword Brethren kit.

The sword brethren pads are on shapeways now. I've been tempted to buy a set to see how they turn out. Especially for veteran intercessors which I hope can be applied to the new assault variant.

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The updating of the aesthetic I want doesn't really stretch further than us getting Primaris compatible upgrade sprue. Would be golden if it was like the old one with all asortment of things, including tabards, but that's extremely unlikely. Heck I wont believe us getting one of the smaller ones, of the kind the others have gotten, before I see it.

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If we do get primaris w/ tabards in a new upgrade kit, I would hope they don't stop after the abdomen like the bladeguard do. I would like them to go straight through the chest like our normal guys' tabards. Getting chain weapon arms would be neat as well. When it comes to shoulder pads, if it doesn't have the molded cross already on it, I'm freehanding the cross. I hate transfers and I am confident enough in my abilities  to make good looking crosses. I know freehanding them isn't for everyone. 

I would also wish for backs with capes for sword brethren. If they put that in a kit, I bet more people than just those with Templar armies would buy it just for that!

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I just can't see a Tabard part, (one that covers the whole chest as well) being feasibly possible thanks to the way even just Intercessors are designed. To do tabards for just the multi-part intercessors would require a sprue of 5 entire replacement parts, which would only work on that one box. That doesn't even factor in the fact that we have so many more body types now when you add in Phobos (Reivers and Infilcursors), Gravis, omnis, multi-part, ETB...


Green stuff is our future sadly.

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Unless we have a dedicated veteran and HQ kit, I don't see our basic troops getting a sprue like the old.

We don't even have a transfer at the moment, so unless we get a primaris sprue, its 3rd party and greenstuff, or vanilla.

And even the wolves got a very basic sprue, so I do not expect anything out of the ordinary for us, IF it happens.

And from what it reached me, and I don't how the veracity of these, BA, SW and DA will not take long to hit, so I do not expect to see anything for us this year, unless it drops with the rumoured codex SM.

Edited by Sete
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It doesn't need updating per se, just integrating into the new Primaris scaling and detail level. An upgrade sprue with chained Primaris bolt pistols and chainswords, sculpted shoulder pads, MkX helmets with iconography, Bladeguard shields, Repulsor doors, Redemptor frontpiece etc would be awesome - realistically I don't expect to get anywhere that much.

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It doesn't need updating per se, just integrating into the new Primaris scaling and detail level. An upgrade sprue with chained Primaris bolt pistols and chainswords, sculpted shoulder pads, MkX helmets with iconography, Bladeguard shields, Repulsor doors, Redemptor frontpiece etc would be awesome - realistically I don't expect to get anywhere that much.

Can we expect to get any of it, really? When the supplements were first announced, I thought that it was going to be at least passable. When we got nothing, I can't say I was surprised. Hopefully we will see some cool templar goodies in the near future.

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