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Scions, weapons and regiments


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New edition; new army - or a return to an old one.
I completely missed the new Stormtrooper regiments in PA: Greater Good and I`m torn. What on Terra am I going to do?! (Thousand points probably)

+ Crack Shot Iotan Dragons (+6" RF) for useful hotshotlas deepstriking 10man teams, forgoing special weapons for mass fire?
+ Lambdan Lions Prized Weaponry (bonus 1ap) for spamming GatRoxes with invulnerable saves and rerolls?
+Thetoid Eagles Predatory Strike (unmod6hit 2 hits, half range) Hotshot Volleygun spam in deepstrike? 


Point Blank Efficiency (+1strength to hotshots) stratagem seems incredible with Thetoid Eagles taking them to strength 5! 16 volleygun shots + S4 regular hotshots would scythe down marines like nobodys business

Point Blank Efficiency also works wonders for Iotan Dragons, having twice the number of regular hotshots "on the drop", AND you save points on Volleyguns!

I know I`ve missed the train on this one, I hope I haven`t also missed the boat. Do you completely skip the 3 other regiments as filler trash like I did?

Is "just max plasma lol" still the best advice? With plasma overheat failing on unmod1s they are death traps.


For 1k points I`m thinking

2x commander
2x command squad, 4 melta each
1x ogryn bodyguard

1x valkyrie (put 1 commander, bodyguard, 2 command squad)

3x10 Scions w/hotshot

2x Taurox w/battlecannon and autocannons

Put Tauroxes in backfield for range support, send valkyrie in with a deathsquad
Deepstrike the rest in Iotan Dragons rapidfire range and pray to the Emperor
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I have been using the Lions for small Plasma drop teams. That build mostly ignored their extra AP and instead focuses on their WL-trait, which is a 6" bubble of reroll 1s to hit. I consider that a huge buff, as it frees up the order for refilling wounds, as you don't have to use it as anti-plasma insurance any more.


I think going forward we'll be seeing more diverse special weapons. Hotshot Volleys are quite a bit cheaper now, while Plasma and Melta cost the same.

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No you haven't missed the boat, I for once haven't had the time to test the different doctrines much. So far I've only tried Ioatan Dragons in two games and it has been in a support battalion to net me more CP and give me a deep strike force for the rest of my regular Imperial guard army.

In both of those games they have killed off my opponents psykers, 2 warlocks from Craftworlds both games and even a Farseer in the first game. After that they've been screened or killed by backfield. Small price to pay for stopping a whole psychic phase (first game at least).

I've run 2x10 squads of pure lasgun and 1x10 with as much plasma as possible, accompanied by two Primes.


I think my opponent learnt his lesson now.

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I was telling some mates about a 70 point unit w/1 guaranteed order, coming out of free deep strike and unleashing 36x S3 -2 D1 shots at BS3 with the option of throwing on +1S for 1CP, amongst other orders and combinations. Cheese. That they`re T3 and generally paper didn`t matter, since deep strike is "defence enough".


Been talking myself into 30" plasma as well. With point leaks i cant see room for volley guns, not on Iotan Dragons anyhow.

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I think Lions best. -1ap is good on everything  -warlord trait is brilliant

Special weapon points drops are what I'd build around.


For building a scion army as opposed to support detachment in another army its the ranged options I can't settle on. 

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