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So, I murdered my warband... Now what?


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Ok, so I reread the entire thread and here is quick summary of my options:


'Rebuilding' - Warband starts anew after being destroyed.


'You died at Drol Kheir' - Their end was just a rumor circulating among chaos forces.


'Demise postponed' - they die later, during the Indomitus Crusade.


'Simulacra' - Someone else wears their skin/panoply, or vice versa.


'Dead men walking' - They live on borrowed time.


'Worse than death' - Their rebirth is in fact a terrible curse.


'Nobody knows' - Even the warband itself is not sure what happened


'Time paradox' - They died, yet they live. Perhaps they died in the alternate timeline, or the unmaking of the reality at the birth of Cicatrix Maledictum somehow pulled them from their graves.


'Consign them to history' - keep them dead.


I wanna thank you all for the absolute treasure trove of suggestions, they made this thread an excellent read. I chose two rough outlines, with the sprinkle of others.


1. Rebuilding/Consign them to history. (Maybe with Demise postponed for the new warband?) This is very tempting option for several reasons. I have sizeable force made of 'old marines', an unpainted Betrayal at Calth force and unassembled CSM apocalypse and christmas boxes. So there certaily is an option to have cross section of panel force from Heresy-era, pre-Maledictum, and post-Maledictum. Also - Crusade. That is beyond tempting. There is a drawback here. At the current stage of my life, my combo of laziness + kiss will mean it will probably take forever to get running.


2. Dead men walking/Worse than death, perhaps sprinkled with bits of You died at Droll Kheir/Nobody knows/Time paradox/Simulacra. I don't know why but I find this concept fascinating. It takes the tropes I don't really like and twists them into something very appealing. Also I could start with this right now. Also, I could freely mix and match models without too much hassle and I surely like kitbashing. Also, there is an tempting opportunity to make matters even worse for the warband, whereas the things would have to improve for them for a while in the first scenario. However, there is a lot of vagueness here. If I decide to go to see the first route, I see clear outline of the story (rebuilding the warband, reclaiming resources of former warband). If I take this route, I only know it appeals to me, but when I try to see the story, I see only the roughest outlines, nothing really specific.


Overall I am torn. My head is telling me to go with first one, but my hearth is telling me to take the second. Sooo… Help me, please?

Edited by RapatoR
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Maybe 2 with a sprinkling of 1? 


I mean: 


'You died at Drol Kheir' - Other warbands believed they were dead and have been fighting over their leftover territory and/or resources, which leaves nothing for them and they have to rebuild from scratch...again...


'Time paradox' - Maybe their past greatness is still in a future yet to come? Maybe this is where it starts for them...


'Dead men walking' - Maybe they live on borrowed time à la Dark Eldar, they NEED to get things done if their souls aren't gonna start to fade away into nothingness. Time is running out and new time is expensive, time to start building a proper warband to raid for resources. 


'Worse than death' - maybe they're slowly losing themselves over time, and like the Crimson Slaughter they are haunted by ghosts, but in reality the ghosts are their true selves and the marines are the shadows. Lost and confused they turn to battle to soothe their troubled minds. 


'Simulacra' - they wear someone elses skin, someone without their previous reputation or standing in the Eye. They have to start from scratch...again...

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