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With LOS changed in 9th, base size has become a lot more important and model size doesn't really matter on based models anymore.

Would this make proxying units easier than before?


i.e. now that using a smaller model (like, say, an old Marine) to represent a larger one (like, say, a Primaris Marine) doesn't rob your opponent of a chance to FIRE EVERYTHING into a unit because that Primaris' helmet plume was visible over a wall, would that proxy be all that iffy?


And I know, it's my own damn fault I used to buy Space Marines and didn't hold off 'til Primaris were announced and that's why I should field my crappy last-decade units as such while they're still legal to atone for my sins and probably throw them out as soon as they go to Legends to clear space for the good, morally superior new models that will finally fill the void in my heart and make the Orphans stop crying by bringing Sparky the Wonder Dog back to life :rolleyes:


And I know, in all seriousness, that WYSIWYG would still be difficult to pull of.


But nonetheless, wouldn't proxying be less of a stretch with the new LOS rules than it used to be, especially once the old models go to Legends?


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  On 7/16/2020 at 4:43 PM, HighMarshalAmp said:



With LOS changed in 9th, base size has become a lot more important and model size doesn't really matter on based models anymore.

Would this make proxying units easier than before?


i.e. now that using a smaller model (like, say, an old Marine) to represent a larger one (like, say, a Primaris Marine) doesn't rob your opponent of a chance to FIRE EVERYTHING into a unit because that Primaris' helmet plume was visible over a wall, would that proxy be all that iffy?


And I know, it's my own damn fault I used to buy Space Marines and didn't hold off 'til Primaris were announced and that's why I should field my crappy last-decade units as such while they're still legal to atone for my sins and probably throw them out as soon as they go to Legends to clear space for the good, morally superior new models that will finally fill the void in my heart and make the Orphans stop crying by bringing Sparky the Wonder Dog back to life :rolleyes:


And I know, in all seriousness, that WYSIWYG would still be difficult to pull of.


But nonetheless, wouldn't proxying be less of a stretch with the new LOS rules than it used to be, especially once the old models go to Legends?

You could prox they, sure. You could, and hear me out, buy or build thicker bases to give them the height of a primaris for game play, just use magnets for when they're normal Space Marines again. Probably the easiest and most practical option for a proxy I can come up with.  


Can't tell how much of you post is humor or preparation for an angry outburst.  So I would follow up with just talk it out with who ever your playing, don't ask for permission, just explain what your playing. 

Puts me in an odd possession because I prefer my own armies to be wusiwyg, but in fairness when my friend plays TAU and tries to tell me what each unit does I tell him not to bother because I wont remember, they cheaty fish people after all. 


So go for it! 


The acceptability of proxies depends almost entirely on your local group.


Around here the rule tends to be "if it the right chassis and you're not doing anything confusing, go for it."


Por exampleur; my Captain on a Bike can be armed with whatever the heck I want to put on him, since there isn't anything else he could possibly be, but if I put three TAC squads modeled with different weapons on the table either they need to be wysiwyg or they need to be identical.

The only part of the LOS rules that depends on the base specifically is Obscuring terrain.


You've always been able to proxy models as other models if your opponent lets you. If a few millimeters of height was the deciding factor, you simply play with generous LOS to your opponent. I don't think 9e will make much difference here.

  On 7/16/2020 at 5:36 PM, Warhead01 said:


  On 7/16/2020 at 4:43 PM, HighMarshalAmp said:

Can't tell how much of you post is humor or preparation for an angry outburst.


Humour, mostly. A little sarcasm due to bitterness about my models becoming obsolete in there as well.



  On 7/16/2020 at 7:26 PM, Black Blow Fly said:

Great way to wreck the immersion.

Humour doesn't help to prevent anything from outburst to civil disagreement since there's always somebody who disagrees because the world is the world.


Fine, I'd play them as Oldmarines against you even when they get Legended, but don't you complain if they get stuck with 10pts Plasma Rifles while all the non-Legends Plasma Rifles cost 50 :wink:


The non legend plasma costing 5x more would be worth the points in comparison to languishing legends rules that will no longer be supported at all after hitting legends. On the slim chance legends is busted OP, it will get shunned by the community at large. Legends is already basically shunned now anyway.

True line of sight will still mater. Being in a building with obscure doesn’t automatically allow you to shoot out, you still have to be able to see your target. If the windows are too high, then you can’t see out of them.


Not sure how that should effect your mode choice, so you need to put them on an extra base to make them the right height? Idk.

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