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Leman Russ Tank in 9.Ed still valid?


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So i was working on my first 9.Ed List and i am not sure about the Leman Russ Tank. Going up 28Points for the Default Tank(Battlecannon,Heavy Bolter) is really bad, if you start putting Sponsen or Pintle mounted Weapons on he clock in at over 200 Points.

Also looking at the new Terrain Rules the long Range of most of his Main Gun isn't that much of an advantage anymore, as there is way more LoS blocking Terrrain now. Also the smaller Tablesize makes the Range advantage even less good, as everything more or less will now have Range to shoot the Leman Russ.

Also the Leman Russ does not really profit from the "Big Guns never Tire" rule and the change to Heavy Weapons, as he already Ignored it on the Main Gun and almost every Gun you can put on him is Blast.

So if he is Charged you have to rely on 3-9 Heavy Bolter shoots(wich is now brutaly overcosted btw) hitting on 5+ to clear the enemy. So tagging a Leman Russ is still a valid Tactic.


so in conclusion

I am not sure if the Leman Russ will have a bright future in early 9.Ed as he seems to gain nothing and suffer from Points and Rule Changes.

LoS ignoring Tanks like Basilisk, Wyvern and Manticore seem to me to be the Future.


Whats your opinion on this?



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interesting - I also have been struggling with them.


My first thought actually the closing gap to tank commanders also makes them less attractive.


The heavy bolter change is big. Before it was default cheap base, now it racks up fast points wise. I've been thinking about just flipping to heavy flamer all around.


I think now the punisher comes out well as its NOT blast. 


Agree about artillery - I know Wyvern being getting headlines but Basilisk is proportionately cheaper now - and artillery strats are really good.


Playing around with points on spreadsheet and trying things out theory crafting - vehicle wise... Infantry squad with a melta gun in a chimera with track guards and twin heavy flamers is 160pts. Interesting....

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I've been thinking similar about the leman russ compared to artillery dilemma. The other problem I'm struggling with is it's going to be hard to decide what hq options to use, I was using 9! So far I've decided sponsons are out.... though I've been thinking that the carnodon is looking very points efficient on paper. I believe they've kept it at 60 base and reduced the dual multi lasers to 10 points. 5 multi lasers for 85 points does look interesting on paper.
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I probably won't run with Heavy Bolter-sponsons all the time, but other than that Leman Russes (especially Tank Commanders) look solid still.

And Leman Russes not being an auto-include over artillery is a big + in my book. 

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I was thinging on playing Tank Commander with the Executioner Plasma Cannon and maybe Heavy Bolter or Lascannon.

But sponson seem to be not worth it at this moment.

Sadly the exterminator Autocannon got a big hit pointwise as it could have been somewhat usefull now, beeing no Blast Weapon.

I am still not sure if Blast is a bleesing or a curse to be honest.

I don't think we will see many big blob units anymore in 9.Ed, as almost every new Rule discourages Units >10 Models

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Anyone notice that the Conqueror Battle Cannon and the Twin Battle Cannon both gained Blast, but the normal one didnt?



I would like it if the Mars-Alphas drop in stats and points with new FW book... and we saw Krieg Tank Commanders... pleaaase. Heck, maybe more Heavy Stubber options all around for us, that would be fluffy, and now that the Heavy Bolters are 3x more expensive, it would be an actual choice!

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Units seem to have gone up by around 15% on average across the board so the Russ is not an outlier in this. It can move and fire all weapons without penalty and shoot in melee if it has to. Overall it looks solid still to me.

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Anyone notice that the Conqueror Battle Cannon and the Twin Battle Cannon both gained Blast, but the normal one didnt?

The Normal Battlecannon got Blast.

The only Russ Mainguns that didn't get Blast are Punisher,Vanquisher and Exterminator Autocannon.

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