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4th Company unit colour questions


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I’m painting a Primaris 4th Company force and wanted to check if I’ve got the unit colours and markings right.


Would Chaplains, Librarians, Techmarines and Apothecaries have green trim on a blue shoulder pad?


Is it right that all Librarians should be painted in a darker blue? What GW colour is it?


Would an Apothecary have red robes? Or green?


Normal Sgts have a red helmet. What colours are company veterans helmets? White? And a veteran Sgt? Red with white stripe?


Would tanks or walkers have any 4th Company colours on them? How about bikes?


Sorry if these have be asked a million times before. I checked the resources thread but the link to the unit marking page is broken.


Thanks for any help!

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I run the 3rd, so pretty much had the same questions long long ago. I'd use the green trim for all shoulder pads that everyone uses. 

I did use a darker blue for my librarian, but can't remember which it was (and it probably doesn't exist anymore). Cloaks are pretty much up to you; red, green, and purple all look great with our colors.

You are correct with the helmets. Red for a sgt, white for vets, and red with a white stripe for a vet sgt. Though the vet sgt could use other designations, such a s a plume or a laurel. For vets I also trimmed the shoulder pads with white to denote their status.

Technically dreads and vehicles come from other companies or the armory, but I like to use the company trim for them as it makes the units look more cohesive and I figure they do it out of respect for the company they are serving with.

You can ask any questions, this is a pretty good group that have always been helpful.

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Thanks for the advice, much appreciated.


Surprised about the vets white trim. Would it be a total no-no to have them green though? (I know it’s my army but I want to keep it reasonably codex matching).


What areas did you do in company colours on your vehicles?

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Chaplains are attached to a company, so they can have shoulder trims in the company colour. Apothecaries and Company Veterans are part of a company, so they have shoulder trims in the company colour. Techmarines and Librarians are never part of a company, so they keep their shoulder trims the same colour as the rest of their armour (red or blue). Sternguard & Vanguard Veterans are always 1st company, so they always have white shoulder pad trims. Painting them in the colour of another company is effectivly demoting them.


Dreadnoughts, Rhinos & Razorbacks are part of specific companies, so can have company colours. This is usually shown as a solid circle of the company colour with the company number in Roman numerals inside it (green circle with white number for 4th). Land Raiders can be attached to a company and have the company marking in the same way as Dreadnoughts, Rhinos and Razorbacks.


Each company also has access to Bikes & Land Speeders, which can be piloted by the companies Assault Marines. These would have the company colour on their shoulder trim. Alternatively, Bikes can be from the 6th company and Land Speeders from the 7th, as although those companies are made up of just Tactical Squads, they are trained to deploy as Bike & Land Speeder crew in support of other companies.


Any other vehicle comes from the Chapter reserves and is deployed for specific missions, rather than attached on a semi-permenant basis. These vehicles don't tend to have company colours, but if they're deployed together for a long campaign it's perfectly reasonable to have them painted on temporarily.


Don't worry too much about following GW's painted examples. They don't stick to their own background when painting the models, so there's markings where there shouldn't be and no markings where there should be. If you can find a copy, Insignium Astartes is the book you want to give you an in-depth understanding of Ultramarine heraldry, with the Space Marine Codex/Ultramaine Supplement being the best source for Primaris heraldry.

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