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IG troops and 9th


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What are your thoughts on troop choices for Imperial Guard and how lists will look like? Now we dont really need to bring two Battalions for CP so 60 Guardsmen are only good to screen units as they are also giving up a lot of secondary points to the opponent, so do they still have a place if you're  not taking a Brigade? Now Scions seem like a really good choice, they dont give up as many points and while they're more expensive they also bring more punch and can be specialized for their targets plus they can deep strike. 


So what will  you guys be using in your troop slots? Do you think taking less Guardsmen but more transports (Chimeras or Valkyries) is a good alternative? Does 9th open up other alternatives instead of bringing 60-90 Guardsmen?

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it might be to soon to say, but i guess Troops won't be that importan anymore at all. Yes there are some(But not much) Secondarys where you need a Infantry Unit to perform a Action. This can also be done By Charakters or Elite Slot Units.

I will try Minimum Troops for my first few Games. Maybe 3 Squads Guardsmen or 3 Units of 5 Sions as they seem to be better now as a 10Men Guardsmen Squad(Blast,Unit coherency,Moral)

I don't think Chimeras or Transport in generell are usefull as they are still to expensive pointswise for what they do.


But if i would use them, i would go the extra mile and put Veterans in them, Veterans with 3 Plasma or Meltar dirving up might be a good choice.


To me the humble Guardsmen has lost his place.

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In my six 9th Ed. games so far, I've found that Objectives are more important than ever, so troops (or whatever you have that has Ob Sec.) is more important than ever. 
I'm still gonna bring my 6 Infantry Squads. 

60 guardsmen are at most worth 6 VP if your opponent picks the SO "Thin their ranks", so I'm not to bothered about it. 

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I tend to think infantry are more crucial than ever. GW gave the guard a lot of nerfs with 9th, but mercifully the infantry squad didn't get hit as hard as I thought it might. They're absolutely crucial because most of our vehicles as still effectively turned off by melee. Big guns never tire doesn't matter when most of our guns are blast weapons.


Our infantry squads are also the fastest ground unit we have, so they can help us net the engage on all fronts points. Keeping bodies around our astropaths is useful too, because the psychic secondaries are good considering that we still have the cheapest psykers in the game. Astropaths die to a stiff breeze, so making sure that they keep the look out sir is important.


For those reasons, I think that I will stick with 9-10 infantry squads on most of my lists. I have been theory crafting with valkyries being added to my list. Ignoring heavy weapons means that they got a little better than they used to be.

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I think the key is to consider not cost, but value. Are Troops good value still?


For me the infantry squad holds up well.


Firstly they got minimal increase in points. 50pts is still cheap. 

Secondly orders unchanged, and they remain the 'killer app' of guard.

Thirdly special weapons (apart from grenade launcher) took points drop. Combined with infantry squads the synergy here is excellent. 


I am wondering if Tallarn are best suited to new terrain rules are base movement is so good, giving them most chance to exploit terrain, and getting squad special weapon into range. 


Melta Gun at 5 pts is so good I can't believe it won't be adjusted. 


3 melta special weapon teams can come in from reserves for 1 CP. 9 Melta guns - coming on at 9" range.....


Ironically blast is not to bad, as we never going to get the 'greater than 10' max blast, and morale rule change I think helps us.


So I think they remain excellent value, and worth a good look army building in 9th.

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Ive gotten some 9th ed games in and they are absolutely necessary for a few reasons;

-With the new smaller board size, turn 1 charges are absolutely a thing. You do need some infantry to protect the tanks from assault.

-Contesting objectives is still a thing for scoring purposes.


-You need them to fill out the six brigade slots if you want to take more than 3 non-troop slots in a 2000 list. Multiple detachments drain too much CP imo.

There is plenty of good news for them - they are much more survivable now  with the new terrain and morale rules (combo Take Cover with units in ruins for a +3 save is nice).

Also their cost increase was fairly minimal.


So far Ive actually been most impressed with the humble old Armored Fist > troops with a flamer in a HF Chimera. Low cost, great firepower and mobility - excellent for visiting unfriendly neighborhoods. Foot troop wise Im still enjoying the return on simple autocannon/plas squads in terrain.

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... If I can be in a situation where Objective Secured actually does something for once I will mark that as an improvement :)

With the way most mission primary objectives work, holding turf is key. Ob Sec has factored multiple times in my games lately.

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Troops are essential for Guard as much in 9th as in 8th I'm sure, as the core way Guard play hasn't changed so practically most lists won't change too much. If I can be in a situation where Objective Secured actually does something for once I will mark that as an improvement :smile.:


Plus we will be doing actions right? So we need more troops since an entire squad is going to make an action to score? 


If I only have say, 3 squads of 10, one squad is going to be inactive to take an action. 

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Indeed, having more squads will help with Actions as much as traditional objectives so in some ways having a Troop choice that doesn't do much killing is a benefit as there is less to "lose" by having a squad pressing buttons on a gizmo or whatever other justification it is for standing around doing nothing for a turn :lol:

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