Doghouse Posted July 22, 2020 Share Posted July 22, 2020 (edited) Well my Indomitus set arrived and I want to make a small 25 power force but as I am working on a predominantly silver force I fancied making something that is not metals and maybe a little obscure. The Red Wolves are one of those chapters that pop up in Chapter colours posters from time to time but there is very little to go on beyond they lost their homewolrd to a Tyranid splinter fleet so for the most part it's pretty much a clean slate. I'm going to be using the two traits, who's names escape me, which allow you to rerolls ones on bolt weapons and ignore the -1 to shoot penalty when making an assault move. First thing off the bat is the technically two Intercessor squads that I want to field but I will be painting them as two combat squads of the same unit with a veteran leading the second for 5 power points each. For these I am spraying them with the mechanite red spray and then going over them with the pot version of the same name before going over this with the Blood Angels contrast to get a nice deep red. I am then going over this again with the Mechanite red leaving the contrast in the recesses and shadowed areas. While the unit will be lead by the new Bladeguard Lieutenant I am going to use the Captain model as the base. This is a quick play around with the kit to see how this guy would look as a regular Captain with what I think may become a popular loadout barring any last minute inclusion of a thunder hammer option. On the whole the bare heads are a little large for me, they're pretty much the same size as the Intercessor heads. That may sound like a moot point but I find there is a fair variation in size in primaris bare heads that can be a bit off putting for me. Another interesting aspect is the titling plate/roundel/heraldry shield is roughly the same size as the regular sergeant Intercessor versions. Now a couple of of bits for those that may be thinking along the lines of the Black Templars or Intercessors with Crusade helms. One important thing to note that a lot of previews I've studied didn't mention is the slight knicks in the chin of two of the Bladeguard So with the army so far it comes to 14 power level points, I am currently putting together two Impulsors and an Apothecary to take the army to 25. Edited August 24, 2020 by Doghouse Marshal Rohr, Focslain, TrawlingCleaner and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doghouse Posted July 22, 2020 Author Share Posted July 22, 2020 Templar players are going to love these models. I've been playing around with the kits in terms of seeing what is customisable and to be honest alot of the kit can be swapped around with simple arms changes and head swaps. On the Bladeguard the arms are pretty easy to cleanly remove and swap bits in. This is just a dry fit to show how they could be used as squad sergeants. The urge to cleanse and purify is storng. For the Lt I've used the arms from one of the Bladeguard (see above) who I also have plans for but this gives him a more guarded pose. I am tempted to remove the sword for the vulkite pistol but I'll see how it goes. I've also used the Chaplain pack for all the purity seals. FinalCookie, Dosjetka, KBA and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
apologist Posted July 22, 2020 Share Posted July 22, 2020 Cool stuff, Doghouse – reassuring to know the cuts are simple; thanks. What are your plans for the assault Intercessors? TrawlingCleaner 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doghouse Posted July 22, 2020 Author Share Posted July 22, 2020 Thanks mate :) I've been sat building them and just getting a feel for the kits. What I am leaning towards at the moment is the Red Wolves patrol but using the rest for a small Templars force. But yeah so far really easy to cut and paste parts, the LT below is made using the Chaplains front torso and the LT legs and body. It took very little cutting to remove the front plate on the Lt then all I had to do remove the bolt pistol arm and put it on the Lt legs. What I've been finding is that you can do clean cuts for the majority of conversions meaning that you're not ruining parts, all the bits I remove I can use on other models. I'm not a huge fan of the relic bladeguard for example but I can stick the relic banner on a regular Bladeguard and use the banner guy body as the basis of a Chaplain or something. I'm having a lot of fun cutting and chopping so far. The only downside so far is on some you get that thing where there is no gap between shoulder and arm like the original easy to build stuff, just not as often. The other thing with the Assault Intercessors is that the top half of the chest is seperate, so you can build it with the shield on the chest or without and have him be one of the regular Astartes. So for the Lt I'm going to go with the Auto-Bolter because I want that to be the theme in my little patrol. I am tempted to make all the Assault and Blade Guard elements Silver Templars but to be honest the call of the Black Templars is hard to resist. I think the Eradicators though will be assigned to the Wolves with their assault weapons. One thing I will say is that the spacing of the legs on this guy here does make him look a little shorter in person and I'm not sure if I will use this head or one of the Dark Angels Master bare heads I have. Eberious and TrawlingCleaner 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doghouse Posted July 22, 2020 Author Share Posted July 22, 2020 Here's a quick example of what I mean. Just by changing the head (robed would look better but this is a mock up), replacing the arms I carefully removed earlier I have a much more medieval style Chaplain. I think if you added the robed skull you could make a convincing Dark Angels Confessor Chaplain. If someone where not confident with GS they could easliy just trim the cowl to fit nicely to the right arm and slap the shield over the hole on the left. Mithrilforge 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shovellovin Posted July 22, 2020 Share Posted July 22, 2020 Well done. I like the changes that you've made. Good to find out that the kits are easy to swap with one another. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the other units. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doghouse Posted July 22, 2020 Author Share Posted July 22, 2020 Thanks :) Yeah they are very flexible for the most part. I think right now they are new and shiney but once the multipart versions come out these may suffer from similar problems to the Dark Imperium models where their flaws become more visible as time goes on. Just one last quick update. The patrol with partially completed Impulsor but the other is yet to be started. Not a fan of these kits because they are a bit of pain to build. Potential Templars, I don't think they'll fit with what I have planned for the Wolves. I love the Eradicators, really nice models but I am expecting any multipart kit to look much nicer so I'm not going to buy into these guys too heavily just yet. Focslain and Khornestar 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Dallo Posted July 22, 2020 Share Posted July 22, 2020 Some cool progress here. Keep at it. Dallo Doghouse 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eberious Posted July 22, 2020 Share Posted July 22, 2020 Thanks mate but using the rest for a small Templars force. Oh rely? look forward to seeing that. :) Doghouse 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inquisitor lorr Posted July 22, 2020 Share Posted July 22, 2020 I love how confident you are to just dive in and chop them all up! I suppose that comes with your experience. Some cool poses and swaps you’ve got going. Doghouse 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doghouse Posted July 22, 2020 Author Share Posted July 22, 2020 Brother Dallo: Thanks mate! :) Erberious: Templars are one of my guilty pleasures when it comes to 40k. I played them back in 4th edition and keep fighting the urge to go back to them. To me they are the living embodiment of 40k Crusades. I'd love Templars fighting alongside Knights, Sorritas and an Ordo Hereticus Inquistior complete with flagellants, pilgrims and other hangers on. I did make a test Captain a little while ago, I'll post some pictures next time I post. Inquisitor lorr: Thanks :) Luckily the marines in the set are mostly really nice for conversions. I've not dabbled with converting the Assault Intercessors yet though because they are much more dynamic and a lot of that requires their arms and legs to be set in a certain way to capture that motion. I have started making some Necron Warriors because they are such nice models but Emperor's teeth I find them horrible to build. I got the bright idea of making all the arms and weapons first only to find out it doesn't quite work like that so they are sat in a box while I glare at them at the moment, you have to be a huge where's Waldo fan for that kit and stick to the instructions. Mithrilforge and Eberious 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mithrilforge Posted July 23, 2020 Share Posted July 23, 2020 Nice write up on early conversion work, cheers for that. I'm the waldo of the box i'm going halves in so looking fwd to getting those Crons i promise not to do what you just did with them ... look forwards to seeing your completed Red wolves!! Mithril Doghouse 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dwango Posted July 23, 2020 Share Posted July 23, 2020 Very interesting write up doghouse. Your conversions are simple yet effective. I'm looking forward to future posts! Doghouse 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doghouse Posted July 23, 2020 Author Share Posted July 23, 2020 Mithrilforge: Yeah those Necrons are really nice so you should be in for a treat. I think they could have made the warriors easier to construct but make sure you get your half of the instructions as well. Dwango: Thanks, some times the simplest conversions are the most effective and if these give people ideas then all the better. I'm not really a huge fan of the Judiciar, it's not really my thing. The hour glass feels like it would be more at home on a Stormcast Eternal to be honest and I don't like the head, although they face is wrapped because they have taken a vow of silence it feels off to me. Having said that there is a lot of potential in the kit with the bits and just in case it turns into a must have unit for 9th I've made a simple conversion for the Templars. I think I prefer it this way, it as has a very Emperor's Champion feel to it but feels like it fits in much better. I do have a small hour glass from the Empire Flagellants box somewhere I may add as well. This is the Marshall I made a while back when I was toying around with making Templars again. The body is from the Dark Angels Lieutenant and I used fine jewelry chain for the weapons, It went ok as a test. Then lastly just a quick shot of the Bladeguard and Marshall/Castellan. I know why they are doing it (to speed up the turns with movement) but I'm not a fan of the anti horde leaning that is becoming apparent with 40k. I think this will be the MSU edition which is a bit sad really and in terms of power level play I think it'll punish the likes of Aggressors and other units that can take six models because people will most likely play one model short at the beginning. So here is a unit of five bladeguard to accompany the Marshal/Castellan. I'm not sold on the shield Captain just yet from a rules point of view. While the model is fantastic and you have the obvious reroll ones i feel that the powerfist and plasma pistol option is better personally to accompany the Bladeguard. If it had a plasma pistol with the shield then I'd be all over it and I'm leaning towards making him a Castellan for the reroll wounds and Neo Volkite pistol. I've intentionally built mine with the pistol holstered despite the really nice look of the pistol. This means it works as a 'counts as' because it is holstered meaning I can use him as either. KBA, TrawlingCleaner, FinalCookie and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lhg033 Posted July 23, 2020 Share Posted July 23, 2020 Loving seeing your work with these and its really good to get a few ideas of how well they will convert. I wont be getting my copy of indomitus until late august so until then I will be living vicariously though seeing eveyone elses' work. Just slightly disappointed you aren't doing them as Cosmic Space Knights (of Doom) - particularly the Executioner. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doghouse Posted July 23, 2020 Author Share Posted July 23, 2020 Thanks mate, I hope yours arrives in a speedy fashion. Ah yes...the CSK(oD)...given all the new stuff that has come out since I did those it has been extremely hard not to revive them. I mean, can you imagine CSK(oD) getting Primaris? I may have to do a kill team at some point but for now it's 25 power level each of of Red Wolves and Templars. :D TrawlingCleaner 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doghouse Posted July 23, 2020 Author Share Posted July 23, 2020 Been basecoating Templars building Necrons but I noticed that the legs on the destroyer lord are flat ended. I assumed they were spiked and stuck in the ground so that opens up some conversion possibilities. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bryan Blaire Posted July 23, 2020 Share Posted July 23, 2020 But Doghouse, Primaris are so hard to kitbash and it takes sooooooo much effort to convert them! :devil: Looking very nice, sir, very good stuff! It’ll be interesting to see your Red Wolves and Templars! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doghouse Posted July 24, 2020 Author Share Posted July 24, 2020 Thanks mate Speaking of kit bashing Primaris... One of the biggest problems with converting them in the past has been the limitation of parts compared to the regular marine kits. Now the thing to remember here is the orignal marines had their limitations as well on release and it took time for the range to flourish with parts that could be used and I think that we are begining to see that now with the Primaris range. I'm a bit gutted I didn't know this before I started my Red Wolves because the imagery that I want for them is a fast moving force closing with the enemy making maximum use of assault weapons making full use of the Rapid Assault and Bolter Fusilade Chapter tactics. So lots of auto-bolters, Eradicators and maybe some Hellblasters advancing without the -1 to hit and rerolling 1s on bolter weapons. Having gotten the kits now the Assault Intercessor legs work really well for the most part with Bolt Rifle arms, a couple it doesn't really work for that well as they look like they are tripping over but on the whole they work well. In the second shot you can see the holster for the heavy Bolt pIstol, now these should be really simple to clip off because the motion of the model means they are slightly raised or over hanging. What I would suggest is clip them off before putting the two halves of the body together then placing a regular pistol holster over the damaged area. If you are really carefull when you remove it you should be able to do a direct swap keeping the holsters intact to turn a regular Intercessor squad into Assault Intercessors. This one will take a bit of work, I quickly threw this together so people can get an idea. What I recommend is that if you go this route using some of the one handed bolt rifle arms is that you try and make the pose of the Assault Intercessors original bolt pistol and chainsword arms as closely as possible. FinalCookie and Dwango 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bryan Blaire Posted July 24, 2020 Share Posted July 24, 2020 Very nice! I like the pose of the last guy and I’m wondering how he’d look clutching a grenade ready to throw instead of the open hand? Nice to know they will be workable for some expanded posing and I’m reaping hoping the same holds true for the multipart kits for the Assault Intercessors (hopefully those are coming). Doghouse and Dwango 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dwango Posted July 24, 2020 Share Posted July 24, 2020 Very nice! I like the pose of the last guy and I’m wondering how he’d look clutching a grenade ready to throw instead of the open hand? Nice to know they will be workable for some expanded posing and I’m reaping hoping the same holds true for the multipart kits for the Assault Intercessors (hopefully those are coming). Ha just looked through doghouse' post and thought to myself 'wouldn't that last guy look great throwing a grenade' then get to you post and saw that I'm not the only one! Doghouse 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doghouse Posted July 24, 2020 Author Share Posted July 24, 2020 Yeah I was thinking the same with grenade, that or maybe the Intercessor raised knife arm. I'm wondering if they do make a multipart kit (which would be amazing for further parts if they add thunder hammers and things) if they would be the Crusade varient armour with the modified hip plates and vambrace or if they would be like regular factory Mk X armour. I could be wrong but I'm convinced that these guys will in the starter because they are on an isolated sprue and completely seperate along with the bikes and maybe LT and Captain so might be cheaper further down the line. Ha just looked through doghouse' post and thought to myself 'wouldn't that last guy look great throwing a grenade' then get to you post and saw that I'm not the only one! I'll try and make a quick mock up so we can see :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doghouse Posted July 24, 2020 Author Share Posted July 24, 2020 *blows smoke off the barrel of his six shooter before twirling it around his finger and slotting it back into the holster* Fastest converter in the west... Dosjetka, Master Umbra and Grotsmasha 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jaxom Posted July 24, 2020 Share Posted July 24, 2020 This all just makes me want to use the more medieval/gothic looking Primaris has true scale Horus Heresy Dark Angels. No, no, away hobby distractions; must focus on already existing projects! Doghouse 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bryan Blaire Posted July 24, 2020 Share Posted July 24, 2020 I think that grenade throwing looks great! Better than the hands wrapped tight around the grenade bits. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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